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And just like that, I'm a dance mom? How did this happen?


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So, the 5 year old has been begging to go back to dance lessons. She went for a few months in the tiny tots class when she was 3, and has asked to go back every since. Would wistfully sigh and tell people, "someday my mom will sign me back up for ballet." So yeah, I caved. How could I not?


We now have ballet shoes and tap shoes, both fitted by the owner. They went through many pairs, and found ones that fit her perfectly. We also have a leotard and tights I'd already bought. But, if I'd spent $30 bucks more at the dance center I could have gotten one of their leotards and tights and a dance bag. I didn't, and just got the shoes, because I already had the leo and tights. But....I'm finding myself wondering if I should see if they will add that on tomorrow, and still give me the package price. Cause she'll need more than one pair of tights, and another leo anyway, right? Seee! I'm already getting sucked into the madness and she hasn't even started yet!


She starts a ballet/tap/tumble class tomorrow, wish us luck! She's SO excited. 

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Awww ... I never in a million years thought I'd be a dance mom, but here I am.  I am grateful my kid doesn't do competitive dance.  Otherwise, it's pretty fun!   :)


I hear you. This studio has two different companies, a competition team and the performance team. The performance team is for kids who aren't into the competition but want to do fun stuff - they do shows at fairs, nursing homes, etc. 

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oh wow. Okay, so, the class has some tumbling. She's now determined to learn to do a forward roll before class tomorrow. But she can't seem to do it. And she has this awful personality combination of drama and stubborness,so for the last two hours she'sbeen sobbing pathetically while continually trying over and over. I'm about to lose my ever loving mind. I told her she doesn't have to know before she goes to class, and she cried more and said she wanted to impress her teacher. 


I don't even know how to handle this. I have two ikea foam mattresses on my floor, a sobbing 5 yr old, and an oblivious 2 year old who does great forward rolls, which is just making the 5 yr old feel worse. Is this what it's going to be like, lol? Am I going to need more wine?

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It's a contagious disease, and just gets worse with time. You might still have a chance at recovery if you check yourself into a treatment center immediately.


The number of dance shoes of various types and sizes in my closet suggests that I am a hopeless case myself. And to think that just a few short years ago there was nary a dance shoe in sight...

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Yes, you will need more wine.   :001_smile:   But it will also be a good idea to purchase that extra leotard and tights.  Tights tend to get runs and it's always good to have an extra on hand.  It's also just nice to have an extra leo in case one happens to be in the wash.


Enjoy this time!  It gets progressively worse as they get older and dance starts taking over their lives and basically runs your family. :001_rolleyes:

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Well, in good news, after many many many tears, she can now do a forward roll. I got a glass of wine and some cheese and ignored her while she worked on it, and about 20 minutes later she came running up and said she could do it. Yay! now she's "teaching" her little brother to do one, despite the fact he could it before she could. 

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I will say, she doesn't have the traditional body type for dance, but whatever. She's short and muscular, more a gymnastics body, but she wants dance, so dance it is :)


Don't worry about body type at her age!!  Lots of things change over time.   Even if she eventually pursues dance as a professional, there is plenty of room for different body types.  Otherwise, dance is an extremely rewarding passion to pursue, just for its own sake.  

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So, the 5 year old has been begging to go back to dance lessons. She went for a few months in the tiny tots class when she was 3, and has asked to go back every since. Would wistfully sigh and tell people, "someday my mom will sign me back up for ballet." So yeah, I caved. How could I not?


We now have ballet shoes and tap shoes, both fitted by the owner. They went through many pairs, and found ones that fit her perfectly. We also have a leotard and tights I'd already bought. But, if I'd spent $30 bucks more at the dance center I could have gotten one of their leotards and tights and a dance bag. I didn't, and just got the shoes, because I already had the leo and tights. But....I'm finding myself wondering if I should see if they will add that on tomorrow, and still give me the package price. Cause she'll need more than one pair of tights, and another leo anyway, right? Seee! I'm already getting sucked into the madness and she hasn't even started yet!


She starts a ballet/tap/tumble class tomorrow, wish us luck! She's SO excited. 


*Nods knowingly.*


You didn't hear this from me, but the clearance section at Dancewear Solutions is THE BOMB.  For many years I kept my girl supplied with a vast array of leos, dance skirts and booty shorts thanks to Dancewear Solutions.  For the $30 you didn't spend at your store, you can probably find two leotards, four pairs of tights and a cute little dance skirt you didn't know you needed as well. 

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I'm a gymnastics mom, and I'll admit that I shop for leos for my girl too often.  For dance, we kind of just get the basics.  My dd is tiny so she almost never outgrows her clothes. 


For dance, you may need more leos but we get a new pair of tights every year at the recital so we're set on tights.  Our place has the recital costumes included with the tuition amount.  And ballet/tab AND tumble sounds fun!


Warning - they are so very cute at the recital at that age!

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Run as fast away as you can. Being a dance mom for me:


1. Costs roughly $13,000 a year which includes hotel and travel to competition.

2. Requires an annual pass to DisneyWorld because of at least two competitions and nationals.

3. Requires lots of new shoes, usually around end of season because the foot always seems to grow most then.

4. Requires a room addition to handle costume storage.

5. Requires a Dream Duffel and lighted rolling makeup mirror.....just because.

6. Requires about 10 hours and $200 to hunt and find all the makeup requirements each year.

7. About 30 hours of my time to figure out how to do each new hair do.

8. More hours than I can count sitting on rough benches waiting for student to get out of class.


But then there's:


1. Spending money on kid's sports reduces their chances of smoking and drug use, plus I get to travel to cool places.

2. Requires an annual pass to Disney World.....yep, I know you are jealous. See the mouse 6 to 10 times a year.

3. Requires new shoes until one day the teen says, "I do not want new shoes, these are broken in" or "These taps sound perfect."

4. Sometimes I see the costumes stored and smile as I run my fingers through each one, remembering the choreography, the tune, or the sweet smiles coming off stage.

5. Driving up to a competition, parking, popping the lift gate, pushing the Dream Duffel to the ground, pulling the makeup train beside me, walking behind my gorgeous daughter who is beaming with excitement....yeah, happy times. You can't get that sitting on the couch at home.

6. Hunting for makeup, designing props, sewing until the fingers bleed, and stoning glue stuck in every unmentionable place. This is the parental competition. We have our own thing, and nothing is better than showing off the final product.

7. Those 30 hours figuring out each hairdo is spent standing above DD, chit chatting about life, watching her read, or spotting DH eyeballing us with a smile while shaking his head.

8. And those sitting on rough benches waiting have been with other moms and dads. I have been through parents passing, 50 births, 2436 teacher stories, 5,313 hugs, laughter more than I can count, tears when someone doesn't make a team, in-law stories, 642 furniture purchases including appliances, new homes, sad goodbyes, and 310 Facebook friends. Yep, those hard benches.


Enjoy your dance mom years. They are fleeting.

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Yep, that's how it starts!  Just yesterday my daughter was a 3 year old so excited about her ballet class.  Now she is 12, dances 15-20 hours a week, goes away for weeks each summer for ballet intensives, and goes through pointe shoes like crazy (at $100 a pop).


But my daughter gets so much joy out of dance that it is all worth it.  There are so many positive things that she is getting out of it that I happily tolerate being a dance mom.


And this year I get to be a Mom of Clara as my daughter just won the very coveted role of Clara in the Nutcracker!!   :hurray:  Can you tell I'm proud?   :lol:


It's all worth it.

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