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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!


I didn't get on the thread all weekend, but the first co-op went well Friday!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats


To Do:



school with ds: history, science, math, LA, fix-it, spelling, literature


make dinner and put in crock pot to stay warm

tidy house

go to tea

dinner at home

play a game or watch something


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Good morning :) Today dd will begin her fall semester work, with the exception of university Arabic which starts tomorrow.



--overview of classes w dd

--usual daily and Monday things


--physical therapy 4pm

--more volunteer emails

--text trainer to set up times for new sessions

--paperwork for dd15's allergist appointment Thursday

--subscribe to The Economist (yes, this has been on my list for days...)

--check calculus billing

--prep for tomorrow's bio

--get on dh's laptop to update my WTM signature lol

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Good Morning!  :seeya:


This week marks the third week of school and we are in full swing now.  :hurray:   


Got up at 5am for quiet time and answering emails.  Did my 3.3 mile walk.  DD cooked up THM cream cheese pancakes with strawberry and blueberries on top.    Just need to shower and school starts at 9am.



school 9-12:30 


vacuum the main floor and a quick tidy

30 minute nap for Mom

dinner and reading and hit the bed early tonight.


Have a great day everyone!  :D


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Good morning

- dishes

- tidy house- round 1 done

- take $ to dmil (for dfil to bring more rock for our driveway- done

- get milk and soccer shin guards for dd1- don't need shin guards, I found her old ones and at some point they were fixed (a strap had come loose) so now I can save gas and just get milk close to where dmil works instead of driving to her work (14 miles round trip) and then driving past my house to go to Walmart (22 miles round trip)- done

- school work- did discussion post responses for math, did this week's math discussion post, did some A&P

- work on GS stuff with dd1

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- cleaned bathroom

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Good morning! Fairly regular day here. Dd1 started morning practices today, so she was out of the house by 5 am. I haven't had a good night's sleep in a while, I think it has been because of the heat. It surely can't be me getting older and stress.


To do:

School for all

Chores for all

Clean bathrooms

Update calendar (practice locations changes...for the better, for me)

Work on one kitchen cabinet

PM practice/ aikido


Have a great day!

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