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Exercise Thread: August 23rd - 29th


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Yoga class this morning.  Once again it was not as advertised.  Same yoga teacher as I have had all week was subbing.  Nice class, but not the Vinyasa Flow that was advertised.  Starting to wonder just how flaky the teachers are that this studio employs....


Working in the garden this afternoon, then out for dinner this evening.

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Welcome, and hope the air cleans up soon. Is this your first half, or one of many?

This will be my second. I ran my first earlier this month. Before that, I hadn't run any races. In fact, I hated running until I moved to an area with great dirt logging roads and trails. I could jog out in the woods for hours. We had a tiny bit of rain this morning, and the smoke/cloud is gone. I'm not sure how long it will last, but I'm hopeful!

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Walked 5K with my dh this morning.  Then open mat- only 1 1/2 hours today.  - learned some new things though.


Sunday is going to be a rest day, no matter how enticing the sunshine is because  I'm really feeling my Thursday night kettlebell workout and sometimes I can actually listen to my body like an adult.  Sometimes.


Outdoorsy- I love trail running and so wish I had some available close to home.

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I'm probably more dorkish. I was thinking tonage in my head - as in a ton of something. My decade old flip phone doesn't have music, or GPS or anything cool, and I don't run with it. It didn't occur to me that people use their phone for more than making calls.

I loved my flip phone, but our company went out of business and the cheapest alternative was a smart phone with t mobile. Our phones track our distance and pace so that we can compete against each other. We also have fitness trackers, so we compete over steps and quality of diet.

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