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What is/ was your four year English plan for high school?

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Here is what my daughter did throughout her high school years.  Some of these were done at home, others at a homeschooling resource center and still others at the local community college.  As you can see, some of my daughter's years were heavier in Literature, others were heavier in writing (and one year only had 0.75 credits while another year had 1.25 credits).


World Literature from 1700 to 2000 (0.5 credits)
Literature: Fantasy (0.5 credits)
Literature: Greek Plays (0.25 credits)

College Preparatory Essay Writing (0.5 credits)
Literature: Middle English (0.25 credits)

WR 121: Comp. - Intro. to Argument (0.5 credits)
WR 122: Comp. - Style and Argument (0.5 credits)
ENG 109: Survey of World Literature (0.5 credits)

ENG 215: Latino/a Literature (0.5 credits)
ENG 250: Intro. to Folklore & Mythology (0.5 credits)
WR 123: Composition - Research (0.5 credits)




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We have the whole Excellence in Literature curriculum, so for lit we choose novels based on history study and/or interest. There are writing assignments in each EIL lesson, so that is part of the composition. We are also starting BraveWriter this year (essay class) and working through Lively Art of Writing and Elegant Essay as needed. For grammar, we are continuing to use Fix-It and she is learning a good deal of grammar in Latin class. 


Last year was her freshman year and I thought everything went well but we needed more help/support for writing. I am hoping BraveWriter and a friend/tutor we have hired will help with this.

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My plan for my oldest who is currently dual enrolled as an 11th grader. The younger two are on a similar trajectory.



BraveWriter Boomerang Bookclub

BraveWriter Expository Essay (BW KidsWrite Intermediate completed in 8th)

BraveWriter Highschool Project or Literary Analysis

Editor in Chief Level C1

Winston Grammar Advanced



BraveWriter Boomerang Book Club

CC English 90

Editor in Chief Level C2



CC English 101



CC English 102



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Hmm, a 4 year English plan.  Okay, I'll give it a shot.  We're only in 9th grade now, though.

9th grade:

Composition:  Writing with Skill 1 (although taking a break from that and doing Write with the Best to get past a wall in Descriptive passages)

Grammar:  Seton High School Grammar

Lit:  Gilgamesh, Greek Myths (plus Memoria Press guide), Trojan War (plus Memoria Press guide), Aristophanes The Birds

Vocab/Spelling:  Abeka Vocab Spelling Poetry III, plus vocab from Memoria Press lit guides on Greek Myths and Trojan War


10th grade:

Composition:  Writing with Skill 2

Grammar:  Easy Grammar 10

Lit:  Norse Myths, Beowulf (Memoria Press guide), King Arthur (MP guide), Romeo and Juliet (MP guide if it's out)

Vocab/Spelling: Abeka


11th grade:

Composition:  Writing with Skill 3

Grammar:  Easy Grammar 11

Lit:  ?? to go along with SWB History of the Ancient World.  Have to look at book lists for the time period.

Vocab/Spelling: Abeka


12th grade:

Composition:  ??

Grammar: Easy Grammar 12 (if it exists)

Lit:  American Lit of some kind

Vocab/Spelling:  Abeka

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Well, we're just starting 9th, and I don't mean my answer to sound flip, but my basic 4-year plan is just (1) read stuff; (2) write stuff.


The lit we will cover most thoroughly will be tied to history and read together, but the majority will be independent reading that will be free of additional requirements (other than light discussion so I know he actually read/understood the book).


I'm also aiming for two short stories or essays per month, read together, which we'll use for reader responses and literary analysis papers.


I am also aiming for one research paper per semester, most likely related to history.


I really don't want to overthink or overplan these areas, both out of fear of ruining the subjects for him, and embracing the notion that skills will improve over time with practice.  So, to get good at reading, he should read.  To get good at writing, he should write. 


Grammar & vocab will be sprinkled throughout as needed. 


By Jr. or Sr. year, we may choose CC composition, but that's too far away to count on at this point.


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I have no idea as far as a four year plan for my oldest. All I know is that after all this planning & such, it took answering another thread today to realize I've way overscheduled "English" for her this year.  :willy_nilly:  :ohmy:   That will not happen again.



WTMA Intro to Rhetoric

American Literature (using Excellence In Literature & America Reads textbook as sources)

Poetry (1 sem)

Speech (1 sem)



10th - 12th:  :confused1:

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Oldest is just starting 10th, but this what he has done/will do - unless I read about something better on these boards between now and then ;)


9th - Intro to Literary Analysis

Windows to the World

Excellence in Literature units on The Odyssey and Julius Caesar to go along with ancient history

Analytical Grammar reinforcement book - World Authors

Vocab from Classical Roots books B & C


10th - name of course TBD

EiL units of his choice - some go along with medieval history, some just because he liked the title

The Tempest, The Inferno, Robinson Crusoe, Don Quixote, Death Comes for the Archbishop

AG British Lit reinforcement book

VCR books D & E


11th - name of course TBD

EiL units of his choice to go along with early modern history

AG American Lit reinforcement book

also read/discuss - Uncle Tom's Cabin, A Tale of Two Cities


12th Option 1 - Speech (.25 credit) Intro to Poetry (.25 credit) 20th Century Lit (.5 credit)

Speech Boot Camp

Progeny Press Intro to Poetry guide

EiL units on Animal Farm and Til We Have Faces/Screwtape Letters

Also read/discuss - Kim, Grapes of Wrath, Up from Slavery, Night, To Kill a Mockingbird


12th Option 2 - DE at the local CC, whatever will take care of freshman rhetoric requirement


My of my kids were kind enough to have been born 4 years apart so as to accommodate the 4 year history cycle and fit in perfectly with these plans ... except my 2nd DS (currently in 8th grade), who throws it all off. LOL So his sequence will look a little different so that I can have him reading some stuff with his older brother for those 2 years they'll be in high school together, but still getting in WttW first. He also has different interests than his older brother and so Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings is a possibility for him too instead of some of the EiL units. With my youngers it's too soon to tell what will work for them for high school, but I still like looking at and tweaking this plan. :)




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