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Feeling a little sad

Night Elf

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I was at the pharmacy today and saw a mom with two little girls. The oldest didn't look older than 8. The tech asked if they weren't starting school and the mom looked at the oldest who said they were homeschooled. My heart melted. I really miss my kids being very young when school was a treat and not a chore. I homeschooled for almost 14 years and my ds finished last Feb. I know that when I read on this board that all, or most, are homeschooling and it makes me miss those days sometimes. But there was something about seeing kids in person that really affected me.

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How tied in are you to the homeschooling community? I ask because you may have discovered a niche that you could fill.


My younger kids got sort of shoved off to the side when I had a high schooler and a middle schooler. I know they didn't get as much "fun" learning stuff because ...high school.


I did do the best I could for them, but they didn't get the trips to the library, fun crafty things, and cooking projects that my older two did. I'd have loved to have a reliable empty nester that I would've paid to come listen to my youngers read aloud, cook with them and do some simple science experiments.

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I get this.  I wonder, sometimes, if I had the chance to go back in time....  Would I play more with my kids?  Would we school less formally in the elementary grades?  


My kids loved being homeschooled & sometimes talk about homeschooling their own children someday, so I think I did something right.  :)  I do miss those days.  

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How tied in are you to the homeschooling community? I ask because you may have discovered a niche that you could fill.


My younger kids got sort of shoved off to the side when I had a high schooler and a middle schooler. I know they didn't get as much "fun" learning stuff because ...high school.


I did do the best I could for them, but they didn't get the trips to the library, fun crafty things, and cooking projects that my older two did. I'd have loved to have a reliable empty nester that I would've paid to come listen to my youngers read aloud, cook with them and do some simple science experiments.


Oh, this sounds like so much fun! Unfortunately, I am no longer connected with anyone who homeschools. We stopped going to groups when the kids hit middle school. They didn't have friends and those ages didn't do park days anymore. I did let the kids take classes at a homeschool place and that was lots of fun. I got the impression they wanted you to have a college degree to teach. The director got excited when she found out I was in school for Montessori but when I told her I didn't graduate, she dropped the subject.

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I have five years more to go before closing my homeschool for good. By then I will have 20 years under my belt. I can only imagine I will miss homeschooling! 


May I ask what are you doing now? I always feel a bit worried about how I will fill my time when the youngest goes to college. Do you feel as fulfilled as you did during your homeschooling years?


Homeschooling has challenged me more than anything else I have ever done. I can't imagine anything being quite as fulfilling, I hope I'm wrong.



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