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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Well so for I need to:

Call homeowners about lost payment- done taken care of

Transfer money- done

get dhs meds- recalled them in so that they will be ready (he forgot to pick them up)- done and picked up what was needed for tomorrow's dinner

Dishes- done

Work on A&P notes that I couldn't finish before exams and start statistics reading- did a little of both

Tidy house- round 2 done

Dinner- done

Baths- done

Bedtime routine

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Darn, I had so many hopes for the weekend and now it's over....


I plan on just taking a nap and getting up and doing some work in the wee hours.


The list:

  • Work.
  • Straighten house for maids to do monthly cleaning.
  • Kids to chiropractor.
  • Work work & kids' work.
  • Lunch.
  • Kids to gymnastics.
  • Work.
  • Kids to swim team.
  • Dinner, read-aloud.
  • Work.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Not exactly sure, but it looks like


--daily and Monday things

--drive to gym for training and cardio (humidity has returned :()

--errands: post office, groceries, library

--continue working on AP Psych syllabus (goal: to finish and submit by tomorrow night)


--garden: pick when more dry

--weeding in the front

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Take Ds to the camp bus.

clean up the house

hang out with Dh at the hospital and bring him home

make reservations for symphony field trips 11:00 am

pick up Ds at camp bus


plan the rest of the week.


I have a feeling that with Dh home I am going to get WAY less done this week than I had hoped! But I am so glad to have him home!




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July has been a busy month so I've barely been home and have had no time to actually make to do lists. I'm done winging it so here it my list for today.


- laundry wash, folded, away

- wash cloth diapers

- have new planner printed and possibly bound

- mail a few important documents

- meal plan

- grocery list

- grocery store

- read for an hour

- exercise DVD

- quick clean downstairs

- kids clean their room

- quick clean my room

- continue planning for school year

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Everyone is home now. They came in last night around 9:30, tired but mostly happy. Ds1 was especially happy as our team had its highest finish at state ever. Right now, everyone is still asleep.


To do:

Paperwork for dd2's dr appointment


Clean up from state stuff (including van)

Schedule and plan for August

Vet appointment and kennel plan

Grocery list and shopping trip

Dr. Appointment

Car shuffling with ds1/Dh

Ds2 aikido


Probably more, but can't think of everything!


Have a great day!

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Good morning, everyone!


I think I'm only making it to this thread about once a week. Summer has been busy! I worked at the convention this past weekend and picked up my nephew. He's here until tomorrow. We have just a little over 2 weeks until we move dd into the dorm. I can't believe it's almost here. I'm sad and emotional, stressed, and excited for her all at the same time.




meds for nephew

replaced ink cartridge in printer

printed off pictures for him to color

got him down for a rest


To Do:


bath, shave, and dress him (He's 21, but he can't do this stuff himself.)

play some games with him

afternoon meds

tidy house

get myself a shower and dressed while he rests again

family take him out to dinner at Applebee's (He eats gluten free.)

get him ready for bed and evening meds

spend some time with the family before bed


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:willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:


OK - Dh is at work.  I can forget about him until dinner time.   ;)

Ds is at work and I can forget about him until he comes home at some point since I told him to find his own way home.

Dd is somewhere - I think the Y but I was trying to deal with extended family drama on the phone and my daughter got away from me.  She's responsible though so I know she's fine.  I do remember a "I'll text you" from her so at some point I'll get a text . . . about something.

I am up.  I have eaten breakfast.  I took my million oral meds.  Now I need to do the nasal ones and try not to throw up.


Oh and 1 load is in the dryer and I have started to put a new load in the washer but got interrupted.  

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Rest of medical stuff is done.

Human and pet care are all done.  Except where is Rocky?  Ok - let him in.  He's good.  

The washing machine got filled and is going.

Dd texted - she is indeed at the Y and I'll go get her in a bit.


Let's see - what is next?  Need to finish cleaning the kitchen but first I'll call re. the CPap since I keep planning to do that "later" and then I forget.  

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I haven't really participated in this post (I've done it a time or two, but not sustained). I really need to get my act together... soooo if I may, I'd like to join the club!


Today I need to: 

  • finish the laundry
  • wipe, sand and prime baseboards, with the goal of painting tomorrow
  • go to Home Depot and get paint brushes (hello?)
  • clean the school room (this may be a multi-day thing)
  • write an advertisement for renting our basement apartment
  • clean the house (general pick-up)
  • sand the hand rails
  • buy curriculum for DS9

ETA: My mother called and dropped a whole lotta crazy (She's moving to Guatemala to work in an orphanage, but doesn't have a passport or know the city she will be volunteering in.  Leaving later this week.). I'm not sure what city she's in or where she is at, so I can't send for a mental health check... Mental health issues are so, so very hard. 



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