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Do you have female relatives that have had a heart attack?

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My sister had a heart attack yesterday. She is 42 and has a cholesterol level of 130. She knew something was wrong but almost didn't go to the hospital because she thought it must be her asthma or maybe indigestion or she was coming down with something. She is fine and there is no damage. They are doing more tests to determine the cause. Weird. Her symptoms were heaviness in her chest, nausea and trouble breathing.

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My female relatives were older when they had heart attacks, but they can happen at young ages. I'm glad your sister went in so soon so there wasn't major damage. My brother had one at 40 and his only symptom was back pain. He'd had the pain for a week and finally went to his doctor, only to discover it was a heart attack. He had quite a bit of damage to his heart and hasn't been the same since.

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She was sixty and that was not her first heart attack. My uncle (her brother) died of a heart attack at age 57 as did my grandfather (her father). My younger brother has already had several heart attacks. I have high blood pressure which I treat and still I worry. Let's face it genetics are not on my side. I am your sisters age.

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My sister had a heart attack yesterday. She is 42 and has a cholesterol level of 130. She knew something was wrong but almost didn't go to the hospital because she thought it must be her asthma or maybe indigestion or she was coming down with something. She is fine and there is no damage. They are doing more tests to determine the cause. Weird. Her symptoms were heaviness in her chest, nausea and trouble breathing.


I hope your sister is doing well and is comfortable. I"m glad there's no damage, she's very lucky. Sending warm healing vibes her way. Sending warm vibes to you, too, as I'm sure it was scary news about your sister!


My mom had a heart attack at 45. She had many episodes after that. She died at age 59 after a quad. bypass. Mom's family had a history of heart disease. She was diabetic, hated exercise, a type-A personality, although I don't know if that makes a difference or not. Her blood work was wonky. She was on tons of meds, and even though she had her diabetes under control, ate right and exercised after her attack, her triglycerides were over a thousnd. (Mine were 600 before I started meds.) So I get very scared for my health.


This past March, I had what I now know was a massive panic attack, but at the time I thought I was having a heart attack. My dad had just had a heart attack two days before in front of me and my son, Thomas. I had to lift his unconscious 200-pound body out of a chair and place him on the floor. My son had to help. We had started CPR when the paramdics showed up. That was extremely traumatic for me, perhpas because I witnessed mom's final attack in that very home as well 15 years earlier.


Anyway, when I had my panic attack, my sister and I decided I needed to be seen, so we went to a walk-in clinic. I rode in a wheelchair in, was shaking terribly, and had terrible pressure in my chest. They did an EKG and called an ambulance, because my EKG was not good.


My son witnessed all this! Poor kid. They put me in the ambulance, hooked me up and did another EKG, and it was completely normal. They did three EKGs on the way to the hospital, they were all normal. I still had that pressure, though. I did end up staying a night in the hospital and had all kinds of tests, and I know that even though I'm overweight and my triglycerides are still higher than they should be while on meds, my heart is healthy. Whew!


So, the point of my rambling on is this: NEVER be embarrassed about going to the hospital or a clinic to check things out. Your sister was so wise. Heart disease is the biggest silent killer of women. I was so embarrased in the ambulance when those EKGs were normal, but the paramedics kept reassuring me, that I shouldn't be. They'd rather I be safe than sorry.


Also, I now always carry a bottle of baby aspirin in my purse. The first thing they did in the ambulance was make me chew up 8 baby aspirin.


I'll be saying a prayer for your family, one of thanks that your sister has no damage, and one for comfort, because it's so scary.



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Many women and apparently many health care workers don't know the symptoms and don't associate heart attacks with women and so don't take the possibility seriously enough.


My cousin is experiencing some heart problems. I didn't know the sore teeth and should pain were symptoms until she started getting herself educated.

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