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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning everyone, hope you all had a nice weekend.

We are finally getting some badly needed rain today.


Spent yesterday trapping 5 feral kittens whose Mom got eaten by a coyote Satuday night.  Last two this morning.  Now we need to get a hold of the local no kill shelter to get them there.


Not much on my plate today.

School with youngest

PT at 10:30 for youngest.

Go to school admin building to get work permit signed

figure out dinner


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Good morning! We are now (finally) on summer break. I have a few odds and ends of administration and a packet of stuff (debated using a different word) to send to the clearinghouse. Otherwise a pretty regular day.


To do:

Kids to AM practice

School administration

Post office

Grocery store

Finish cutting out quilt

Chores for all

PM practice

Dh takes ds2 to aikido

Ds1 has first class


Have a great day!

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My 4 month old and I have been sick since Thursday. Im feeling almost back to normal but she's still mopey and has a low grade fever. It sucks when you can't do anything for them when they're feeling so lousy. My short list for the day


- cancel dd's vaccine appointment

- wash cloth diapers

- laundry folded, washed, and away

- kids clean their room

- quick clean downstairs

- pet sit

- send grocery list to dh

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Good morning! I've missed being on the thread and hope everyone is well! 


I ended up having to go to TN to keep my nephew because ds got a cold. My sister didn't want him to be around ds, so I went there. That left dd to get packed for her 2 week college summer honors program without me. Thankfully, I was just a phone call away for her questions.  Ds got better, so they came to TN Saturday night. I was able to go with dh and dd to the check in and dorm move in. I'm so glad she gets to do this because it's a great trial run for this fall. It's the largest attended summer honors ever, 173 students. 


To Do:



go to the bank

pay bills

tidy house


plan what we'll do with ds while dd is gone


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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes- done and the sitters washed the dishes the dishes they used for lunch :D

- gather up school stuff- done

-get ready for school- done

- greet sitters- done

- drop something off to dh on way to school and get debit card- done

- school- done

- stop at ATM to get $ to pay sitters- done

- pay sitters- done

- school work- working on it

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

- anything else I happen to get done- bought a prepaid cell phone for sitters to use in an emergency and have it all set up with dh's and I's numbers, sitters organized dd1's drawers and started organizing the girls' room. I love the sitters and so do the girls :) ordered 2 new remotes for our dish network receivers, the one in dds' room has some sort of issue (can't get to reprogram to her TV) and one for our room because the buttons are wearing out.

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--exercise at gym w trainer, plus 45 min on bike or elliptical (too humid for me to walk to/from gym today)

--make gf/df strawberry-rhubarb cobbler with last of both fruits

--daily things

--Monday tasks

--gardening: weeding, cover blueberries if rain holds off this afternoon

--begin camp shopping with dd15: Kohl's, Sears for LandsEnd swimsuits

--coach dd20 through medical phone call (she needs to ask for additional tests, despite bloodwork being in the supposed "normal" range)

--continue discussion (via hospital messanging platform) w dd15's GI wrt new biopsy report

--continue reading ATK gluten free cookbook

--some Alaska planning with dh :)

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For Today:

Done Tidy main living areas

Done Sweep and vacuum main living areas

Done Emails


Done Kitchen

Done Morning Math

Done Teach cello lessons

Music practice

Done Teach violin lesson

Done Submit grades!! (Reregister w/discount)

Done Orchestra arrangements (i.e. "Me Time" :D )

Done And Laundry - how could I forget the laundry!?


Lunch - cottage cheese & fruit

Dinner - walking tacos, salad, mixed veggies

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Busy busy!  It's another tax and reporting deadline, yippee....


  • Get kids up & ready for camp - pack lunches etc.
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, some clutter.
  • Drive kids to camp (about an hour round trip).
  • Quick shopping stop.
  • Do some work on the summer camp schedule.
  • Order kids' swim team suits.
  • Some laundry.
  • Work.
  • Camp pickup 4:30.
  • Swim team 5:00.  (Walk while they swim.)
  • Dinner on the fly.
  • Library stop.
  • Tennis lesson 7:00.
  • Some kids' work (math at least).
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Well today I got the diapers done and rest of the laundry. On and pet sitting. Other than that I took care of a miserable infant while trying to figure out how to make breathing easier. My tonsils are super swollen, to the point that I'm talking like my tongue is numb. Breathing is difficult and eating is impossible because of the pai . first thing in the morning I'm taking dd and myself to urgent care if she still has a fever. I'm starting to think it's strep throat that we both have.

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Well, things didn't go exactly according to plans - sounds like a recurring theme!


There was a traffic jam coming back from camp, which caused us to miss swim team practice.  Then I was late to get my tax estimate mailed so I had to rush to the post office to do that.  Then we grabbed a drive-thru hot dog on the way to tennis lessons.  The tennis lessons were called off as it started raining just when they were supposed to start.  So we went back to the rec center, but they had closed the pool as now there was lightning.  So we walked/ran around the indoor track and then moseyed on over to the library and then home.


That hotdog did not sit well with me and I paid for it later.


I think I met all my June 15 deadlines.  If not, I don't know that I care.  I didn't sleep much last night and feel like crap right now.  I need to do some work but I need to sleep.  Decisions, decisions....

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