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This is painful! Am watching my son take a test...


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...and he's freaking out. UGH.


This is why I have him take tests--he needs the practice in not freaking out while taking tests. It's the DOMA pre-algebra test. They're asking questions that I know he knows, but he's nervous about the idea of taking a test and his brain is getting blocked. He's overthinking everything.


I do NOT hype up these tests. I've told him over and over and that only people who will see the results are him and me. I've told him the only reason we're taking them is for him to have practice taking tests and for us to look over the results together.


But he's still all upset. It's so painful to watch. He's not yelling or throwing pencils, but waves of anxiety are pouring off of him.


And this is why we take these tests. He's going into 8th grade. I had hoped to have him take the PSAT 8/9 next year. He needs practice in a safe place at home before heading out to a testing center with a bunch of strangers.


But it's painful to watch.

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


Same in this house.  Or, I should say, it used to be.  He is mostly over it now.  He is getting ready to take ACT this Saturday and is not doing too badly as he takes practice tests.   He is maintaining a good attitude.  But we did lots of test prep/practice at home for years before he took PSAT last year.  (We have always been required to test in certain school years, but I've tested every year since about 5th grade.)


I honestly get so angry when people say "Don't test your kids until you have to."  Some of us have to do practice-type tests so our kids can succeed when the tests are no longer optional. 


Take heart.  Test anxiety does not necessarily last forever.



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Most kids do overcome this with time & practice but I just wanted to throw it out there that some don't .. or rather I suspect for some, these testing situations become the first very obviously visible signs of actual clinical anxiety disorder.

So just watch & consider. Cognitive behavioral therapy (usually takes 12 sessions) is very effective.

Also l-theanine supplement.  (I'd actually consider this for everyone taking tests, whether they have excessive anxiety or not. It's soothing & non sedating & really seems to have no negative side effects and I think it helps the brain perform better.)


Also 5 htp but I'd start with L-theanine as imo it has way fewer potential negative side effects and does work. I've used it myself now for stressful situations.

Some young adults may end up needing prescription anti anxiety medicine.


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Test anxiety is a real thing. There are professionals who can help. Have you considered seeing if there is a therapist in the area who can work with him on coping mechanisms? Have you worked on breathing exercises etc. I bet there is a lot of information out there on testing anxiety you can implement on your own. Sometimes just knowing what it is, that it has a name and can be handled can make a difference.

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Thank you guys, for the recommendations!


He just got done and the results are already back (online tests are awesome for that!.) He did exactly as he should have done. The results are true to where he is in pre-alg right now. So, at least his anxiety over the test didn't skew the results. He knows everything except a few geometry bits and graphing. This is exactly what I expected since our pre-alg book was light on geometry and had nothing on graphing at all.


I will be keeping a close eye on this to see if it's a normal reaction or something deeper. In fact, we'll probably take a few more tests this year so I can see what's going on. We've only done these tests once a year, so maybe we'll do them twice a year (summer and Christmas break.) I guess he just really wants to do well and is scared he won't.


P.S. The report of his results linked us to a bunch of Khan academy lessons to view to teach him the areas where he didn't do well. (Graphing and geometry) That's an awesome feature!! We will be viewing those lessons over the summer to prepare for alg I. We took the tests at letsgolearn.com.

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I agree that if the normal pop quiz recall and yearly testing doesn't lesson his anxiety he might really benefit from some outside help or practice with a pro. Sometimes it's just a matter of cultivating the necessary took it to approach the test confidently, but sometimes it's a visceral reaction to the situation and requires slightly different handling.


I'm glad his results were correct for your assessment of his skill level, that's big!

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I suspect your son is probably a bit of a perfectionist who doesn't like to get things wrong, and that's what is making him anxious about testing. I doubt it is anything to worry about, and I think you are already doing the best thing you can do to help him overcome his test anxiety, which is have him take some tests and let him see that he can do well at them, and that the world doesn't end if he gets a few -- or even many -- answers wrong. :)

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I had my daughter take a standardized test for the first in years last year. She fell apart, even though I told her the results didn't matter, we weren't required to do it, etc. So I made her do it again this year. :) And she'll do it again next year. I'm hoping it gets easier every time. Hugs to you both. I know it's hard when your kid is anxious about something. 


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