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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

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I really want to go pick strawberries this morning. It's sprinkling here right now--not sure how it is at the starwberry farm. Plus it poured last night. Hmmmmmmm


Other than that:

--freeze strawberries should I pick

--daily and Tuesday things

--schedule an appointment

--trim out-of-control blackberry canes (thornless, thank goodness!)

--check ripening blueberries to see if I need to cover them now

--pick lettuce

--shopping w dd?

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Good morning! I am looking forward to a day mostly at home. Dh took the girls to practice and then, they are headed to dmil. Dd1 has a busy day (calls, coaches coming to practice, finals to complete). 2 boys are still asleep and ds2 is at practice. It is going to be hot today. Finally, summer!


To do:

Final with ds2

Grocery store

Chore list for summer

Clean bathrooms

Clean downstairs

School admin (transcripts and NCAA stuff will be sent on Monday)

School planning

Make dinner

Ds3 to track

Judo pickup


Have a great day!

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Morning all!! Yesterday I made a huge dent in the mess that I call my home but of course there is always more. So aside from hanging out with the kids I'll be cleaning.


- finish cleaning my room

- finish cleaning downstairs

- do workout DVD

- park with kids

- yet another load of laundry to be washed and put away

- read for an hour

- dinner on table by 5:30

- kids in bed by 8

- pet sit

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Kids didn't have to go anywhere this morning, so I allowed myself to sleep until 8:30 (though I had set the alarm for 7).


My email system is on the blink again, and it won't close so I had to close about 100 open files so I can reboot the computer.  Of course some of those files were kept open to remind me to do stuff, so here's hoping I remember them ....  I need to come up with a better system.


The boss is away for the rest of the week, so stress should be a little lower, but still high because of all the stuff that is due or overdue.  Speaking of stress, now both kids are claiming to be a little sick to their stomachs - great considering they have a 3-hour gymnastics camp this afternoon.  We'll see how that goes.


The list:

  • Give kids their list of work / personal care for the a.m.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Give kids work for morning.  [done]
  • Work until noon. [done]
  • Lunch. [done]
  • Kids to gymnastics camp; work while they play.
  • Dinner on the fly.
  • Kids to math camp.  Work while they're at camp.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work until midnight.
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Good morning

- packed dd1's lunch and wrote her a note to ride bus to middle school for Girl Scouts- done

- went back to sleep with dd2- done

- verify note with school- done

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- tidy house- round 2 done

- school work- my keyboard fried and the on screen keyboard thingy is a pain, got my kindle and it's easier to use than the laptop right now, back to laptop

- pick dd1 from GS- done

- return library books- done

- stop at store for bread- done

- fold laundry

- prepare what I can for tomorrow- ugh

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- shower for me

- more school work

- anything else I get done- nope not today

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😢 my laptop keyboard fried, I'm using my kindle right now, not liking the smaller screen but the onscreen keyboard is easier to manage. I have to wait until tomorrow to buy a new keyboard or laptop (will discuss with dh, I really don't give a rip as long as I can do my school work at home)

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Got the kids to gym camp.  Nobody wanted to eat lunch, so I packed it and we'll see if they want it later.  Or tomorrow.  I'm keeping the phone next to me in case they get sick at gym camp.  :/


I am at a library about 5 miles away.  The internet is even worse here than it was at Panera yesterday.  :/


I want a laptop computer that gets reception like a cell phone.  Surely such laptops exist.  Actually I have a sort of mini laptop that supposedly does that, but I never use it because I don't see how to efficiently keep it updated with all the work on my laptop.  And the mini thingie is not designed well enough for me to use it as my only laptop.  Oh well.

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This morning was DD's wisdom teeth extraction.  That is my day! :)  


I've sat with her from 9 am to 2 pm and am now just upstairs where I can hear the tv on.   I'm here on wtm and will now try to get a few things done. 


We've been in the "process" of fixing up our house a bit to move (split level to ranch).  I should really get back to packing boxes, purging, sorting, storing, etc.  


Other than that, dh works late tonight.  DD can't eat solid food yet so we'll have left over quiche!   On that note, I'D LOVE to get BACK to organizing meals by the week.  Now that I've lost a little bit of weight, I'd like to not be so food-focused! LOL!  Just plan my meals for the week, have all the ingredients and wa-la! 


I have TONS of books I'd like to FINISH reading.   And, my favorite book - the Bible!

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The picking was excellent! I got 14 lb of strawberries in 45 min :D


The girls fell upon the box like a pack of starved animals :lol:



My kids will eat themselves sick on strawberries. Our local ones are done and we are waiting on blueberries.

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Roast into the crock pot

Mock swim meet

Computer chores and desk work


Work on school schedule

Read books for science lessons

pick up CSA veggies (and maybe blueberries?!)


Dinner: roast pork, cheesy cauliflower, green veg


Long walk with dog






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human care done

pet care done including giving Rusty his morning salad while he lunged at me trying to get at it as fast as he could, the little piggie bunny.

medical care done

ds to work.  He should have been back hours ago but is having a great time talking to the retired engineer down the street.

Picked up some groceries for today's lunch and dinner.  

Dh's dinner and my lunch are made and eaten.

I'm working on dh's packed sandwich for work.  

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