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Do you have a "Bucket List"?

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DH and I watched the movie "Bucket List" last night and we had asked eachother if we had a 'bucket list'. For those who haven't seen the movie, a 'bucket list' is a list of things you'd like to do before you kick the bucket. So....do you have a list?


I hadn't really thought about it much before. But I have a few I thought of.


1.) See my older boys get married and have kids :001_smile:

2.) Visit Paris

3.) See a day when Logan doesn't get judged for being 'different'

4.) Meet my great and great great grandchildren

5.) Write and publish a book


Those are just a few....I'll have to think of some more

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I'd really love to spend a year each living in Paris, London, Perugia, Madrid and, perhaps, Berlin. If I could, I'd take courses at l'Alliance Francaise, Open University, Universita di Perugia and the Goethe Institut. I'd go to every opera, play, concert and museum exhibition I could manage.


I'd also like to travel to as many interesting places as I could. If I could volunteer on an archeological dig, I'd go for it.


Before I get to the travel and study phase and after I finish hsing, I would love to go to law school and be a criminal lawyer. I'd really like to make a difference by making sure every defendant received competent legal counsel. I realize this is a little out there, and I'm not sure a middle aged woman would do well in that environment, but its something I feel passionately about and would like to try.


I'd love to see my dd be a mother and my dss make a place for themselves in the world. That would be a tremendous satisfaction.


My parents have managed to live out a lot of their dreams. They've been all over the world and my mom still works. I hope I'm as active as they are in my 70s.

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DH and I watched the movie "Bucket List" last night and we had asked eachother if we had a 'bucket list'. For those who haven't seen the movie, a 'bucket list' is a list of things you'd like to do before you kick the bucket. So....do you have a list?


I hadn't really thought about it much before. But I have a few I thought of.


1.) See my older boys get married and have kids :001_smile:

2.) Visit Paris

3.) See a day when Logan doesn't get judged for being 'different'

4.) Meet my great and great great grandchildren

5.) Write and publish a book


Those are just a few....I'll have to think of some more



That's funny, we watched it last night as well!


I just want to see my kids grow up and be happy.

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I liked it. But I really like Morgan Freeman. It was not a fabulous movie, but I am glad we saw it. It was a little choppy and didn't have a great timeline pace. But the story was good enough.


The best part, IMO, was the time when he crossed off the 'kiss the prettiest girl in the world' goal. I was in TEARS! lol

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The whole concept of this movie just scares me!! (Not so fond of death here! LOL) But, I really like a bunch of you who have posted! So, things I want to be able to do:


See my kids grow up and have kids of their own.


Travel with my kids some more (dh has a 3 month sabatical coming up!) - Europe and Asia.


I think that's it!!!

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Before I die, which could be any day now, I'd like to...


10. Move into a bigger house (a bit cramped now)

9. Learn koine Greek well enough to read the NT in it

8. Learn Latin well enough to read most of my Latin List (working on this one)

7. See the Great Wall of China in person

6. Travel through Germany (no particular reason why, it's just breath-takingly beautiful there)

5. Take care of my parents as long as they need my help and love

4. Love and raise and educate our three amazing daughters

3. Love and honor and serve my wonderful husband

2. Learn to love people better than I do... I struggle with this the most, I think

1. Love God better than I do

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I have a bunch of things I'd like to do before I die.


One thing that has always been on that list is that I would like to milk a cow. A friend of mine set this up with a farmer in Vermont one year, but I got pregnant with the boys right before I was supposed to go up there and was on bed rest the whole time.


I would also like to:


Spend a couple of years in Europe with my family, settling down for a long while in two different countries to experience a bit of what living there is like (Ireland and Germany or Spain).


Own a small amount of property (5-30 acres) on which I will keep chickens, sheep, a milk cow and maybe other animals. I want to learn how to do everything that entails, and I want to experience our family providing all of our own food (or as close to that as possible).


Ride a horse -- not in circles -- I want to tour the countryside (ie., the land I want to own) and I want to wear (working) cowboy boots and a cowboy hat while I'm doing it.


Write books and have them published.


Learn to play the piano.


Become a crack shot, shooting at targets with a handgun.


Visit every state in the U.S. and never, never break out a tent.


Be a grandmother as a consequence of having happily married, well-educated children.


Learn to knit and be able to do it well using wool from the sheep I don't have yet.


Live in a house that is so pretty that I notice that about it every time I drive up.


Spend a few weeks on a (dude) ranch.


Visit a bunch of museums on my list in NYC, Washington D.C., and Italy.


Have a kitchen with a combination of marble, soapstone, and stainless steel counters, an Aga cooker, several ovens, two huge farm tables or islands, a working fireplace, and a sofa.


Own a Standard Poodle, a German Shepherd Dog, and a smaller lap dog in a breed that does not come with a mop handle attachment or fit into a purse.


There are a lot more things I'd like to do, but most of them entail my winning Powerball and having $350 million to spend, after taxes.



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But I had a list for turning 40!


I wanted to learn to scuba dive. I wanted a passport, and I wanted to travel somewhere that required a passport. (The bane of my childhood existence was twofold - that my family didn't travel and that I didn't grow up speaking two languages. I learned sign language as an adult to counter that second one.)


So my dh and I took scuba lessons. I got a passport, and we went to Jamaica for our 20th wedding anniversary --- just a few months after my 40th. Imagine my surprise, chagrin, nasty face?? when I realized they were not going to STAMP MY PASSPORT! They stamp the official visa, and slip the piece of paper in your passport. Then when you leave, they take it back! I want to know, is it a federal crime to write in your passport the name of a country, maybe decorate a little seal, etc?


Since then (in the 10 years following) -- I have been to the Bahamas, China, Greece, Italy, England. We have "lived cheap" (no big house, no swimming pool, no cell phone, used cars, Salvation Army furniture, etc) to save the money to travel like that. But it is a lifelong dream for me -- FULFILLED!

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I got to knock one off last year, it was going to Pony Penning on Chincoteague.


Next year when we go to Korea I am hoping to get to either the Potala or Angkor Wat knocked off my list. Also the forbidden city!


Number one has always been Petra, since I read a book called "The Flying Carpet" that belonged to my grandpa when I was around 8-9. Someday...

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I'd like to:


  • see my children have children
  • learn a new instrument like violin or guitar (I'm actually thinking of doing this one sooner rather than later)
  • have some kind of family business/ministry like performing at the local schools together...except we can't sing, or dance, or anything:lol:
  • become a librarian :D just because
  • if most of us weren't allergic to eggs I'd say raise some chickens!
  • become proficient at knitting

Mostly I'm just happy making it through the day without running away. :tongue_smilie:

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Besides Seeing my children grow up and have children and spending the next 50+ years with my DH, I want to (in no particular order)


1. Go on a short-term overseas mission trip

2. Learn Russian fluently

3. Swim with some dolphins

4. Go to SpaceCamp :)

5. Take a few months to travel the US with my family in a RV.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I recently decided that what I need to do is "learn to be content in whatever situation I find myself."


Everything else will be icing on the cake.

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What did you think of the movie?


You didn't ask me, but I would love to answer. I both liked and hated about the movie. I like the "Bucket List" concept, and DH and I often joke about certain experiences being "Bucket List " items (though there isn't an official list at this time).


I hated that he left his wife out of the experience, and that she had to miss spending his last few healthy weeks with him. I think that part was unfair.

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I haven't had a chance to see the movie, but I cannot think of a single thing I feel I need to have done before I die. That implies the fear that one might die with regrets of things done and undone. I try to live without regrets because I believe it affects life in a negative manner. I've had regrets in the past, but I've learned how to let those go.

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I haven't had a chance to see the movie, but I cannot think of a single thing I feel I need to have done before I die. That implies the fear that one might die with regrets of things done and undone. I try to live without regrets because I believe it affects life in a negative manner. I've had regrets in the past, but I've learned how to let those go.

For me the list would include the risky experiences that you wait to try until you have nothing more to lose. This could be things like skydiving, hang gliding, tornado chasing.


I think I would want to see the eye of a hurricane.

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