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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

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Saturday's list:

  • Kids to horse riding.  Work at horse riding.  [done]
  • Lunch out.  [done]
  • Kids have a pool party with their soccer team.  [done]
  • Go home, give the kids some school work, and do "work work."  [done]
  • Laundry, housework.
  • Dinner, read-aloud.
  • Maybe put together the kids' bookshelves that I bought forever ago.
  • Get clothes ready for Sunday church and for dance show.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work until midnight.
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Done: walked the dog, made a list


To do:

Farmers' market



take kids to my mom's for lunch

help mom with her computer



church clothes ready for tomorrow

meal prep (VBS begins tomorrow and it helps to be ahead a little on dinners.)


Go to the pool for dinner and live music!

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Good morning! I am up super early for no good reason. I am enjoying my coffee and quiet before the day begins.


To do:

AM practices/judo morning (I drive to one)

Work in garden for a while

Other Saturday chores

Girls to graduation party (Dh going as well)


Random chores and projects for our non-meet weekend.


Have a great day!

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Let's see

- school work- a&p assignments done (still have to do the things I do for my own benefit but no hurry on those)

- more school work- just chapter review and extra credit practice test left for math- DONE!!!!!!!!

- dishes

- laundry

- dinner- meat thawed- decided to just order pizza

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- dd1 staying the night at in-laws- dd2 done

- more school work if not already done-

- anything else I get done- nothing!!!!!

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Saturday! Dh took ds10 to mow the church lawn and ds had a blast. He is a kid who looooooooves tools and machines!


To Do:

Done Info gathered & email sent

Done Dishes

Done Work on Chicken Reel arrangement

Done Kitchen cleaned

Done Moved birdfeeder


Loaf around

June budget

Menu planning


Lunch - ?

Dinner - ??

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I will join you!  I have so much to tackle!


Completed --

*Blog post for Pocket Mouse Publishing

*Walk dog with dh

*Grocery shopping

*Drive oldest to yoga


*Empty pantry, wipe shelves (boys' chore)

*Reload pantry with old and new stuff

*2 loads of laundry

*Sweep kitchen

*Mop kitchen

*Lunch -- leftovers!

*Drive oldest kid to work

*Drive 2nd kid to work

*Shop for household stuff (toilet paper, dish detergent, razors)

*Dinner -- chicken, broccoli, sweet potato muffins!

*Pick up oldest kid from work (dh did!)

*Spend time w/ 10yo ds on writing

*Family nature walk with dog before dark!


To do --

*Post 2 freecycle listings

*Email vet about prescription

*Work on cleaning out boys' room (preferably when they can't see what I throw away)

*Sort yard tools in shed


I can do it all! 




Only FOUR things left...could do the first two still!

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Congratulations, Lucky and Son! What a handsome young man (and lovely mom to thank for it)! :)


It is raining off and on, so we took the kids to the pet store (dd8 is saving up for a hampster) and craft store (dd16 NEEDS more beads) and then a nearby park with a pretty stream and walking path.

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The ADD person's guide to getting some stuff done: Round Two


Personal care:

     had yogurt and Florastor


     hand washed the knives


     paid regular bills


     Load #1 in dryer


     ten minutes weeding

Pet stuff:

     nagged dd into cleaning the rabbit cage - bunny sat while she did it

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Pet stuff:

     nagged dd into cleaning the rabbit cage - bunny sat while she did it



I imagine if there had been internet & such when I was growing up, my mother would have posted something similar. :glare:


I got a lot done today.  Not everything.  But a lot.  There is always tomorrow to tackle more stuff!

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The ADD person's guide to getting some stuff done: Round Three


Personal care:

     had dinner


     hand washed the spatulas


     paid medical bills


     Folded and put away one load


    I'm done for today

Pet stuff:

     nagged ds into taking care of the cat food like I had told him to earlier

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