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How are you self educating?

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And what's your purpose in doing so?


I'm studying Greek for myself and Bible study.


Ray's Intellectual Arithmetic to increase my mental math abilities.


Drawing and guitar because I always wanted to.


I'm reconstructing my Spanish abilities for the kids and myself.


I want do go through AOPS Pre-Algebra, Jacob's Algebra and Geometry, several college level Science courses, really learn Latin, improve my English grammar and writing skills, and (drum roll please) read the great books. Like all off them. I have a great appreciation for literature, but I'm dyslexic and only recently really gained the ability to read for long periods of time.


I've just discovered the free Socratica apps and plan to work on the elements, world geography, and the skeletal system.

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I'm reading through the Year 7-12 Ambleside Online lists and use Khan academy for math. I'm trying to get back on level with my German and French, and use DuoLingo for that. I was also learning Irish, but I gave up on that :P


Two reasons for me to do this are:

- To be ahead om my children.

- To give myself the education I never had.

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Slache, just reading your self-ed exhausts me.


Spanish - I'm using DuoLingo, did a foreign language immersion this past winter and am planning another for next winter. I love to travel and don't speak a foreign language, so I want to learn. In a few years, when we switch DD's main foreign language from Spanish to something else (likely French) I will probably switch along with her.


Math - I have AOPS Intro to Algebra sitting on my shelf and mean to actually open it someday soon. I used to love math when I was a kid, so this is purely for fun.


Reading - this summer I plan to go through the 7th-8th grade Mensa reading list. After that, I may do the high school one. The word "literature" leaves a bad taste in my mouth from too many bad English classes in high school, but there is so very much that I haven't read.

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Mainly history - lots and lot of Teaching Company lectures.


French - French films, French conversation group very two weeks. I should work on it more diligently and may get a chance over the summer.




And - not sure whether that counts? - I am learning to crochet and will take a few Salsa classes this summer.


My purpose? Learning is fun.

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I'm reading through the Year 7-12 Ambleside Online lists

Awesome idea! I was thinking of going through The Well Educated Mind.

Slache, just reading your self-ed exhausts me.

I'm hoping to have it done in the next 20 years or so. :lol:

And - not sure whether that counts? - I am learning to crochet and will take a few Salsa classes this summer.

Of course it counts. I'm hoping to take a singing class this summer.
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Over the last year, I took the same Greek and Roman literature class my ds did.  There were times it wasn't what I wanted to be reading (Lucretius, I'm talking about you), but I loved the class.  It was a chance to read and reread and discover authors I'd never read in much quantity before.  I just bought a full version of Ovid's Metamorphosis (in part because I was reminded by a recent trigger warning kerfluffle at Columbia how much I enjoyed Ovid).


I'm doing lots more reading this summer.  I've been reading several books from Adm. James Stavridis' recent interview http://www.themillions.com/2015/04/the-admiral-in-the-library-the-millions-interviews-james-stavridis.html The Circle and Station Eleven were very good.  Wolf Hall and The Orphan Master's Son are next.


I'm reading American History books because I'm putting together a syllabus for next year.  


I'm also watching The Hollow Crown. Yesterday was Richard II, a play I was completely unfamiliar with.  It was very well done.  Henry IV will be next.




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Trying again to work on my calculus review, now that I have a likely actual time that I'll get to start taking classes. I need to remember the stuff in the prereqs to the courses I'm going to take!


I'm also planning to start up a math circle for homeschooled kids in my area this fall, and I'm trying to read up on anything that looks helpful for doing that.

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I'm reviewing my Spanish and Latin skills, revisiting Algebra, and pre- or re-reading DS's lit list for next year. I am so very grateful that DS dropped Greek.


I'm reading labor union history (US) because I like to do so.


I'm researching/writing about economic policies in the US between 1929-2015 and the responses of mainline denominations.


I read naturalist lit to escape.

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I'm reviewing my Spanish and Latin skills, revisiting Algebra, and pre- or re-reading DS's lit list for next year. I am so very grateful that DS dropped Greek.


I'm reading labor union history (US) because I like to do so.


I'm researching/writing about economic policies in the US between 1929-2015 and the responses of mainline denominations.


I read naturalist lit to escape.

I really don't understand how you people pre-read all of your kid's books. Do you just not sleep?
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Still plugging away at the violin.  I'm no longer embarrassed by my playing.  That took about 3 years.


Singing lessons.  Still embarrassed by my singing, but I think that has more to do with other people being critical (people who don't bother to listen) than to my own internal criticisms.


I meant to do some Latin this past year, but that never got off the ground.  And Spanish, but... yeah.  Nothing on that front.  And I meant to learn the accordion.


Watching history documentaries over lunch.  But it's getting harder to find ones that don't just cover the same stuff I already know.


I keep trying edx and coursera and that kind of thing, but I have yet to find a course that moves at the right pace -- not too slow so I finish my lunch before they ever get to anything.


It's hard to fit much else in.  There's this pesky job I have.  Takes up a lot of time.

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Italian - with DuoLingo because we are visiting Italy this summer


Various programming languages through Coursera, EdX, Udacity and Udemy because I was a programmer in my pre-motherhood days and now I teach online classes and I learn so that I can then teach


And then I redeem the time I spend in the car listening to podcasts - this has been the best thing I started doing over the past year. I listen to Planet Money ('cause it's interesting), On the Media ( I have been teaching a Media Literacy class at our co op), This Week in Travel (I love to travel), Every Classroom Matters (well, I teach and this has lots of great ideas), and then various marketing ones (I run my own business)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spanish--it was a consolation prize recently while ill and not able to get out much. I started with an eight dollar book from Amazon plus a couple of dictionaries, and it took off from there.


Purpose: along with "maintain brain cells," which is always in order, my main purpose for now is "read my Bible in Spanish," and it has been a joy to be able to do that sooner than I thought I could. Things strike me during the (necessarily) slower reading that don't always strike me in the same way when I am reading in English. And some verses are "better" in Spanish, because of the greater word order liberty, or some other happy difference.


In the end I was blessed to find a combination of resources that have worked very well together--a free online audio Bible, a Spanish and English Bible translation that work very well together, a dictionary with a grammar survey, etc.


I hadn't meant to blog when I started on this journey, but in the end I put it all down on "paper" at a blog in case it might help anyone else. It's been fun to be on both sides of the teaching desk on this one!





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