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In need of spelling help

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For my rising third grader. She's been using CLE Language Arts and overall it's a good fit. She needs more help with spelling than it provides, though.


She really does like workbooks. Any ideas? She does have some mild special needs but is a strong reader.



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For my rising third grader. She's been using CLE Language Arts and overall it's a good fit. She needs more help with spelling than it provides, though.


She really does like workbooks. Any ideas? She does have some mild special needs but is a strong reader.




Not a workbook, but if she has special needs, you might check out All About Spelling. That really helped my struggling spellers. 

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We use Spelling Workout workbooks alongside CLE, and plan to go back and forth to AAS to teach rules. AAS was the first curriculum I bought and it's good for a foundation, then I use the other stuff for the practice. My son does not come naturally to spelling AT ALL so he needs all of this. He is an above average reader though. I'm considering getting Spelling Power as that seems the most similar to how I remember being taught how to spell and I have always done quite well with spelling.

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The spelling links in my siggie were done for my stuggling speller.  Grade 2 Essentials in Spelling is the starting point for both cursive and spelling. If your child doesn't know all of the phonograms yet, I recommend pairing it with Happy Phonics, but it's a complete spelling program by itself.

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