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East Coast - what's your weather like? Are you adjusting plans?

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Here in Central VA, we're getting rain - heavy at times. We REALLY need it! Dd is hoping for thunder/lightning/high winds in the morning so she doesn't have to do her XC run!


We're planning on eating popcorn and watching Fiddler on the Roof tomorrow. I originally hoped for a family hike tomorrow, but that won't be happening!


So, how is Hanna impacting you?

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Hanna passed here this morning/early afternoon. Even though she was nearly 100 miles off of our east coast (and we're about 45 miles inland) we had storms and wind and rain all day. Stay safe and dry everyone!


They say the center will pass 60 miles east of DC. Since we're just a little west of DC, my dh thinks we won't get anything.



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In DC you're not getting anything now? I heard a report, but it could be wrong of course, that heaviest rains for us in VA would be west of 29. I really am hoping for loads of rain. The kids are hoping for power outage. The LOVE it when we lose power. Unfortunately we lose water and therefore our potties! I DON'T like that!

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Rain started here about two hours ago and we're under a flash flood warning. I don't expect anything at all major this far west, but I suspect that my son's flag football game tomorrow morning will be rescheduled. (Which is just as well, because I just found out we're to bring snacks and I got nothin'. Saves me an early morning run to the store!)


Stay safe and dry, everybody!

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DD just told me that my rain gauge is full - it was empty at this time yesterday! Soccer was canceled by 4 yesterday. I'll go run or bike later after the rain leaves. It looks like that may take another 2 hours.


DH and oldest dd are both going to the NC State football game tonight, separately. We have friends who get season tickets and the wife can't go. State is playing dh's alma mater so he was invited. Then dd has friends going to the game who invited her along. The game is still on, though the gopack site says to really think about tailgating. But then again it's supposed to be clear skies by game time.


Middle dd is going to help a friend break in her new bed. This is just because the storm will be a non-issue. So ds and I will get dinner, prob pizza, and rent a movie.

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Last night dh and I decided to walk, and midway through the sky opened and the rain poured on us. It was just an outer band though.

This morning dawned beautiful with the most amazing color. We dicded to walk again and at the beginning it was very humid(ie tropical) but the skys were clear and the winds light. After 3.2 miles the sky were getting darker and the wind had really picked up.

Now 2 hours later the winds are very brisk, and the sky is quite dark. We are under a tornado watch and dh is getting ready to leave for work(I am surprised he has stayed home this long) I need to tape the back sliding glass door as it always trys to blow in during storms(it faces the ocean) If we go outside at the moment we can hear the ocean. Often in the past during storms we will actually get sea spray off the ocean (you know the white foamy stuff)

Interesting the mansion that we can see from our back door(they are on the water) set up a huge tent on the lawn a few days ago. Looks to be for a wedding. By huge I mean HUGE can probably hold hundreds of people. They still have it up, and it will be interesting to see if is withstands the storm.

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It's really dark and raining heavily here now (we're outside Fredericksburg).


The satellite internet has conked out, but we still have power!! Wow, dial up is slow!! :lol:


But..so far, it's not too windy. That'll help keep the electricity going!


We were supposed to go to my SIL's house, but we called them and told them we weren't going out in this weather.

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We live on a barrier island off of New Jersey. Everyone here parks on the street in front of their house, except during flooding. Then people move their cars to higher ground, which for us is our back yard. Our back yard was elevated by putting in fill. The only thing is that the only way to get to our back yard is an access road which we can only get to by going way down to a side street, which floods quickly and easily at just ordinary high tides, so we have to move our cars well in advance. We moved them yesterday afternoon. The last flooding that we had, the front of our house was knee high with the sides streets waist high. People were riding kayaks in the street and it happened during the tourist season and lots of tourists got their cars flooded up above the steering wheels. Also during the last storm, our back yard did get some water up around our cars tires, so we were a little nervous but it didn't get any higher there, but oh the front yard!


My nephew and his wife were having a barbque for their dd's 2nd birthday and to introduce everyone to their brand new baby. They have postponed it until Sunday.


We did get some heavy rain last night, but are supposed to get the brunt of it this afternoon

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In DC you're not getting anything now? I heard a report, but it could be wrong of course, that heaviest rains for us in VA would be west of 29. I really am hoping for loads of rain. The kids are hoping for power outage. The LOVE it when we lose power. Unfortunately we lose water and therefore our potties! I DON'T like that!


Well, we sure are getting rain *now*, lol!


Um ... I *think* we're just west of 29. I know we're east of 28. Ah, who knows. I'm still geography-challenged here :)

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We have tickets to Les Mis at Wolf Trap this afternoon--yes, an outdoor amphitheatre. Sigh.... We sure can pick 'em! But I just check their website and per usual, the show will go on. I hope the kids and babysitter will be alright....:001_huh:


Did you get lawn seats?


I came *so close* to getting lawn seats for today.

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