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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

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Dd gets today off from academics :). We only have chem to finish and to prep for the SAT Math 2 subject test (so loads of practice tests over the next few weeks to get faster).


My day:

--workout w trainer; will either walk to/from or drive and use a cardio machine (really humid right now and my allergies are bad)

--physical therapy this afternoon

--daily things

--Monday-specific tasks

--garden: weed, thin carrots; water; plant cuke seeds, another row of beans, golden zucc, parsley plant; dd plant flowers

--continue weeding perennial beds

--freeze chicken purchased yesterday

--pehaps some shopping with dd (she needs everything, from flipflops to bras, except for tshirts)

--continue working on AP Comparative Government syllabus


It's almost like a summer day for me :party:

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- get stuff ready for sitter- done

- get my school stuff ready- done

- transfer $- done

- shower and all that- done

- talk to sitter (forgot to tell her about diaper bag last time oops)- done

- school- done

- get $- done

- pay sitter for last week- done

- gather up dd1's GS stuff- done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dd1 GS- done

- stop at store to get milk- done

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine-

- my school work-

- anything else I get done- talked to dh about a credit card- approved through CU, we plan on using it for auto bill pay and paying it off every month. It has also has rewards and no fees outside of the apr

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Good morning! Still battling a cold, I hate waking up with a headache. The carpet guys are coming today....and yes, it cost more than anticipated, but at this point, I don't care. I would like to have my house back to normal. Or at least not looking like a storage locker.


To do:

pay carpet guys

refill prescriptions-done

email about weekend-done


school administration

school for all

sports administration-dd1 has a call this morning

PM practice/aikido


Have a great day!

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Mondays are usually my favorite day of the week, but I am feeling super crabby this morning. Grrrrrr!  


to do:

garbage out

tidy up

process kitchen (empty dishwasher, reload, wipe, sweep)

laundry laundry laundry

mow the lawn

grocery list


do paperwork for overseas travel

start making lists for the trip to denmark with dd

haircut for ds

violin lesson 5:30pm

Cafe Rio for dinner

do something happy

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Why do weekends have to go by so quickly?????


I've done everything I have to do today--supper in the crockpot, fresh salad made, house is tidy and vacuumed, Sophia and I are both dressed, laundry is humming along...I just need to iron a few things.


Mostly hanging out with Sophia Grace, making sure school gets done and having dinner ready when everyone gets home this evening.  


Have a good Monday!


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Still feeling sick and just overall in a bad mood. While I'd love to curl up in bed with a good book that isn't possible so I'll just run through my to do list and try to make the best of today.


-laundry folded and away

-put cloth diapers away

- clean downstairs

-clean bathrooms

- dinner done by 5:39

- kung fu for kids

- do exercise DVD

- read for an hour

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Sorry you are still feeling rotten, hjffkj.


For Today:

Done Tidy

Done Music with youngers

Done Morning lessons

Done Emails

Done Tune harp, practice?

Done Dishes

Done Story time

Done Violin lesson

Plant tomatoes if rain quits - nope, maybe tomorrow

Done Family movie (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World) if enough time tonight.


Lunch - macaroni and cheese, apples

Dinner - baked beans, salad

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Ds to work and back

Human care done

Pet care done

Bought a rotisserie chicken for dh's dinner

I weedwhacked a small portion of our front yard until I was in too much pain to continue.  An hour later and I'm still feeling totally wiped out from that.  I have to get enough energy to clean the kitchen and put lunch out.  

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Hi guys.  I am sure you all are missing my nice bullet lists but maybe tomorrow.


I have a client breathing down my neck so I need to get on his project.  I should have done it last week.


Today I did some minor housework and hung out with the Terminix guy for a while.  Hung on here for way too long.  Did a little work.  The kids will be home shortly, and after I take care of some urgent work items, I'll take them to swim team.  After that, I'm not sure.  Probably some more work while the kids do their work, maybe a read-aloud.  I'm just too fascinating over here.  ;)

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Finished part of that client thing, need to finish the rest shortly.


Took the kids to swim and worked while they swam.


Took the kids to the park, since they had finished all their homework early.  I walked while they played.


Around dinner time, one of my kids started complaining of a very bad stomachache.  Oh joy.  I hope it passes quickly.  They have a math test tomorrow.


Did a read aloud, put the kids to bed early.


Now back to work.  I hope I get on a roll tonight.  ;)

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