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Vulgar, sexist "prank" and the reporter who wouldn't take it anymore...


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What I wonder is if there is an intersection with the people who find this vulgar and all the posters saying that don't have much, if any, problem with swearing in recent threads.

If they'd yelled the scientific terminology at her, it would still be sexual harassment. There are different contexts for vocabulary. The vulgar words used in this context are meant to be even more ugly and intimidating. In other contexts, they don't really bother me. Threats of sexual violence always bother me.

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Gahh. Meanwhile, in just as sexist but less vulgar news, in response to the Austin City council now being majority female, they hired a "woman expert" (yes, a man, and a raging sexist at that), to tell them how to deal with women.


If that guy needs further training, he could watch this: 

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If that guy needs further training, he could watch this: 


OMG - that's perfect!  The scary thing is, that guy really did sound just like a flipped version of that satire.  I was gobsmacked at every.single.word. that came out of his mouth!  And the most brilliant part was, he was delivering this advice to the whole council - including the majority that were women - and somehow it still didn't occur to him that there was anything off about what he was saying!  Like the women were going to nod and say, 'yeah, you're so right - we don't like to read the reports, and we don't understand numbers, and your best bet is to patronize us when we ask questions - you're so insightful!  Thank you for helping the guys on the council understand how to deal with us!"


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What I wonder is if there is an intersection with the people who find this vulgar and all the posters saying that don't have much, if any, problem with swearing in recent threads.


I've BTDT in enough situations where morons like this have been called out to say most of the people standing up for decency are rude, crude folks who generally don't care what anyone else thinks. It takes a certain disdain for civility to turn around and say "that's just not f*ing cool" or stare down folks coming into your local and say "I guaranF*ingtee that's not going to happen tonight", ooh look epinthesis that's a literary device ;)...


I think politeness and morality exist on orthogonal axes and there is no reason to assume they are correlated.

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Gahh. Meanwhile, in just as sexist but less vulgar news, in response to the Austin City council now being majority female, they hired a "woman expert" (yes, a man, and a raging sexist at that), to tell them how to deal with women.


Highlights? We "ask too many questions", partly because we don't prepare ahead of time and we don't like numbers. And, yeah, he learned how to deal with women by being patient with his 11-yo dd's incessant questions. Oh, and we "don't process things at the same way [sic]" But I think we have better grammar!



http://news.yahoo.com/video/training-seminar-women-leaders-austin-124835239-cbs.html (this one has clips of the guy addressing the council if you don't want to watch the whole thing, you can scroll ahead...)


But yeah, feminism is dead 'cause we're all equal now and sexism is no longer a problem 'cause everyone's so enlightened. :glare:

Actually, I'd thought we'd come further than these two stories... I'm rather appalled (understatement).



How is this real life? Have people lost their minds?


It sounds like  Parks and Rec meets The Office. How does that really happen..in real life? That sitcom about the family where one of the kids is a robot sounds completely more believable now.

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Wow.  Perhaps I was happier living under my rock... I'd never heard this and I can't believe it actually happens on a regular basis.  I mean, there are always idiots out there, but... wow. 


I'm glad she called this out.  It's not okay on *any* level.  :ohmy:


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