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Baby of mine...update


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As the Aunty of 3 NICU micro preemie babies.  We've learned that the NICU is like a dance.  3 steps forward 2 steps back.  My advice to you is sleep when you can, eat when you can and pump when you can.  Show idiots to the door, you can check back in with them when your child is 9 years old. Take extreme joy in every step forward, share it with us!  We want updates and to hear your baby brags!  Don't crumble into despair when backwards steps are taken, know that all babies can do this and with the wonderful staff looking after your baby, he is getting the best chance in the world.  When those backwards steps are taken tell us, we can hold you up in prayer.


My two nieces and nephew all did better when a shirt of Mommy's was placed in the incubator.  With their first NICU baby, my BIL also went and bought a small mp3 and recorded himself and my sister talking and singing to their baby.  The prayed, sang silly songs, read scripture and silly poems to the baby and recorded it.  They then looped it so baby heard them 24 hours a day.  It was so powerful to the baby that when the batteries died on the mp3 player, her little heart beat would go crazy!  At first the nurses couldn't figure out what was happening then one of the nurses realized that the battery was dead, she replaced it and baby instantly started to settle.  The value of your voice is incredible!  


God bless and keep care of your little family.

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