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adult braces


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I've been self-conscious of my teeth for as long as I can remember. They really aren't THAT bad, but I just want them perfectly straight. I have one front tooth that's a bit crooked (and it really shows in pictures) and my bottom front teeth are pretty crooked. I don't mind the bottom ones so much, but I just heard recently that your teeth continue to shift as you age and if your teeth are really crooked it could cause issues in the long-run.


For those of you who have gotten braces as an adult, were you happy afterwards? Besides the cost and pain (LOL) are there any negatives? Someone told me years ago that once you start moving your teeth you end up having all sorts of problems. I don't know if that's true or not, but my teeth are pretty healthy and I really don't want that to change.   :)


Any thoughts, tips, suggestions?  Thanks!

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I had braces as a teenager and again in my early thirties.  I hated the process of braces because I had to have lots off additional work done.  I only had two teeth that contacted and I had to have a tongue fence and teeth spurs which were very painful.  I am glad that I went with braces even though it was painful.  My bite has been greatly improved. 

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I had braces on my top teeth when I was ~27yo.  I wish I hadn't done it.  My teeth were really large and the dentist shaved off the sides of several of them so he could rein them in a little with the braces.  I didn't notice anything unusual until I got the braces off.  Because I was grown, my mouth was 'set'.  So with the smaller, reined-in teeth, there was less there to support my lips, which were used to having very large teeth to support them.  So the skin on my top lips has a slight pucker in it where the lip shrank to accommodate the smaller teeth.  Nobody else seems to notice it, but *I* do.  Also, I think it messed up my bite.


You might also ask your dh about it.  My dh told me years later that he would rather I hadn't gotten the braces.  He liked my teeth just how they were. 


And I have had a lot more cavities with my top teeth than I've had with my bottom teeth.  In fact, I have to have some dental work on the top teeth this month.  :sad:


Sorry you had a bad experience.  :(  My DH thinks I'm nuts, but I think that's more because his teeth aren't "picture perfect" and since mine are way nicer than his he doesn't see what my problem is.  :)

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I've known a couple people who have had braces as an adult. They have had all sorts of problems with their teeth due to the shifting. Several root canals, serious headaches. .....



That's what I'm afraid of.  I'm 40 and with the exception of a few cavities as a kid and breaking a back tooth as a kid, my teeth are great.  My dentist always compliments me on how healthy my teeth/gums are.  I don't want straight teeth if it means dental issues.  :)

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I got braces on my lower teeth in my early 30's.  I had really good ortho insurance, so the cost was not an issue. I won't lie, IT HURT. A LOT. But it is so worth it, and I had no other issues other than the pain, and the fact that is took three months longer than it was supposed to. I would encourage anyone to do it. I love how I look in pictures and well maintained teeth say something about a person. I have a cousin who refused to get braces as a kid and is sooo sorry now, but he won't fix the problem. But he goes on about how much he wishes he had straight teeth. If he had just done it at any point, he would be somewhere now. I say, jump in and do it.

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I got mine off last spring and had them in my early 30s.


No serious issues. I have significantly fewer headaches. Without them my teeth were wearing very badly. Having teeth that work properly (I previously had no idea what a properly bite felt like) has been great.


Retention is for life, as I have been told and I have adopted this with gusto. I am not the person who just lets my retainers collect dust. I have one permanently bonded retainer (affixed to the back of my six front lower teeth), a regular lower retainer and an upper night gaurd, both of which I wear every night. Before that, I wore an upper and lower retainer except when eating for 6 months. My teeth have not moved and I think I should be fine if I continue to be good about my retainers.


A nicer looking smile is just a bonus.

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I got braces because of dental issues and have actually found it heaps easier to clean teeth well now they are straight. it is a huge hassle at the time though and took four years all up. I probably wouldn't do it if they are only slightly crooked, nice as it is to have them straight now.


It does change your face too a little.

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I got braces because of dental issues and have actually found it heaps easier to clean teeth well now they are straight. it is a huge hassle at the time though and took four years all up. I probably wouldn't do it if they are only slightly crooked, nice as it is to have them straight now.


It does change your face too a little.

Yes, it is way easier to maintain proper dental hygiene. Before braces, it was simply not possible to fully floss or get at all surfaces with a toothbrush. I had a tooth hidden by another, and one tooth that was like a tripod leg for two others. The space formed by that tripod wasn't flossable. huge bits of food would get trapped there. It was a weird angle for toothpicks. The thing that worked the best was the edge of a credit card.

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I've had braces in my teens. Nobody gave me a retainer back then and they moved a little. In my late thirties I went back to the ortho and he gave him me a removable retainer that initially I had to wear as often as possible. Once the teeth were back in place, I wear it only at night. There is a clear brace option but I don't know how well it's working.


I have had no teeth issues in terms of dental health.

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