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Did your large ovarian cyst go away without surgery?


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Just looking to hear some positive (or not) experiences with treating a large ovarian cyst without surgery. I'm pretty sure that is what I'm dealing with: discomfort on my side where I guess my ovary would be. There's been a twinge for months, but just recently I feel pain now and lots of downward pressure, swelling, heartburn, and sneezing is painful, like ligament pain when you are pregnant. So I am thinking it's big. I had a small one before that went away with BC pills.


My insurance starts 5/1, ans I'll be getting into the Dr. then. How did you treat your large cyst?

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I had a large one that went away with BC pills. They didn't think it would and scheduled me for surgery and started me on the pills. When I went in for my pre-op a few weeks later, it had shrunk significantly so no surgery. Good luck!

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No, and a large, ruptured cyst is a medical emergency. Call to get your appointment with the obgyn so you can be seen as soon as possible after your insurance takes effect, google "ovarian cyst rupure" to familiarize your self with the symptoms, and get to an ER asap if you experience a rupture.


I hope you feel better very soon!

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Mine ruptured.  I felt something pop in the middle of the night just as I was drifting off to sleep.  It was intense and woke me back up, but then the pain faded so I went to sleep.  I woke up, went in to work, and started having intense pain. I had just gone back to school for nursing and had a job as a hospital CNA.  The charge nurse said I looked peaked and when I said I was having some pain on my lower right side she assumed it was appendicitis and sent me to the ER.  By the time they did an ultrasound the cavity in my abdomen was the size of a grapefruit, and it was more than 12 hours later, so it was probably signifigantly bigger than that. Oddly I hadn't gained weight and didn't have an extended abdomen at all.  Anyway I had no signs of complications except a fever, so they gave me a prescription for antibiotics, the pill, a huge bottle of vicodin, and I went on medical leave from work.  The fluid apparently inflames anywhere it touches for long internally, so the pain would move based on if I was laying down (up into my shoulders) or upright (down into my pelvis).  I think it was a good six weeks before I felt normally again.  It was extremely painful.

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The largest one that I have had was blood filled and it burst.  It felt like something was twisting inside of me and I was curled up on the floor and vomiting.  I went to the ER and was told that it was a stomach bug but I knew it wasn't.  The doctor said that the only other thing it could possibly be was a large ovarian cyst that was twisting.  He sent me home and told me to schedule an ultrasound for the next day.  It was the end of a holiday weekend and the ultrasound results were sent to my regular doctor instead of the ER doctor.  The ultrasound tech could not tell me results but did tell me that she thought that I should be admitted but that was all she could say.  That evening, I was back at the ER and someone finally decided to look at my ultrasound results.   My cyst had burst and blood had pooled in my abdomen.  They could tell from the color of the blood that the burst has occurred over 24 hours earlier so they could not do surgery.  My body was already starting to absorb the blood and they felt like more harm would be done if surgery was attempted.  I was told that an ultrasound and surgery should have been done when I first went to the ER but the doctor did not think that I looked like I was in enough pain and they were short staffed.  I had an extremely painful recovery- worse than any surgical recovery I have ever had.  I was on antibiotics, anti-nausea medicine, and pain killers.  I had to wait for my body to gradually absorb and dispel of the blood which made me very sick.  I had several additional ultrasounds to monitor the absorption and, after 3 weeks, 90% was absorbed.  I really wish that the ER doctor would have taken me seriously and done what needed to be done.  The next year, I had a partial hysterectomy and they removed the scar tissue from the large burst cyst as well as some smaller ones.  I still have my ovaries and still get cysts.  I can tell the difference between minor cysts and major cysts since I have had them so many times.  Generally, if they make me sore they are minor but if they are painful than they are major.  If you feel pain, you really should get it checked out right away.  If you have nausea, spike a fever, have extreme cramping,  sharp pain, or a twisting feeling than go it right away.  Ibuprofen and heat should help if it is just discomfort.  Good luck!

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I have had many cysts and only one surgically removed.  It was only removed because I was already in surgery for a diagnostic laparoscopy at the time they found it.  They can be quite painful and if I start to have a lot of pain my GYN keeps a close eye on them. They have always, so far, resolved on their own.

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Goodness, just reading this makes me hurt.  :(


None of my cysts have dissolved nicely, that I know of.  They've all ruptured, and it's been agonizing.  I've had multiple cysts.  Never fun.


OP, definitely go on and schedule your appt for the first day your insurance takes effect.  And if the pain becomes intense, please go to the ER.   :grouphug:

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Yikes. I have an ovarian cyst. But it doesn't hurt all the time. When it does hurt, the only thing that really touches the pain is Percocet. Advil does nothing. It tends to come and go, definitely worse when I'm on my feet. Anyone else's pain do that?


(I have been to the doctor twice about this. First time resulted in an MRI, which determined it was a cyst that was about 3 cm. That's when I got the Percocet. Second time got me an ultrasound to see if it had grow since the pain hadn't gone away. I'm calling the doctor on Monday, since it's been well over a week since the ultrasound, and I still haven't heard back.)

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