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Columbo interviews Obama...

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"Well, listen, anyways, I can't seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be "locked" or "not available'. I'm sure it's just some oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are . . . I . . . I . . . have them written down here somewhere . . . oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.


"Could you help me please find these things, sir?


1. Occidental College records -- Not released

2. Columbia College records -- Not released

3. Columbia Thesis paper -- "not available"

4. Harvard College records -- Not released

5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released

6. Medical records -- Not released

7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- "not available"

8. Law practice client list -- Not released

9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - - Not released

10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released

11. Harvard Law Review articles published -- None

12. University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None

13. Your Record of baptism-- Not released or "not available"

14. Your Illinois State Senate records--"not available"


"Oh hey . . listen! I know you are busy! Is this too much for you now? I mean tell you what. I will come back tomorrow. Give you some time to get these things together, you know? I mean, I know you are busy, so I will just let myself out. I will be back tomorrow. And the day after. . What? Who wants to know these things, you ask? Why


THE PEOPLE want to know."

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"Well, listen, anyways, I can't seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be "locked" or "not available'. I'm sure it's just some oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are . . . I . . . I . . . have them written down here somewhere . . . oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.


"Could you help me please find these things, sir?


1. Occidental College records -- Not released

2. Columbia College records -- Not released

3. Columbia Thesis paper -- "not available"

4. Harvard College records -- Not released

5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released

6. Medical records -- Not released

7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- "not available"

8. Law practice client list -- Not released

9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - - Not released

10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released

11. Harvard Law Review articles published -- None

12. University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None

13. Your Record of baptism-- Not released or "not available"

14. Your Illinois State Senate records--"not available"


"Oh hey . . listen! I know you are busy! Is this too much for you now? I mean tell you what. I will come back tomorrow. Give you some time to get these things together, you know? I mean, I know you are busy, so I will just let myself out. I will be back tomorrow. And the day after. . What? Who wants to know these things, you ask? Why


THE PEOPLE want to know."


I don't get it?? :confused:

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Is someone suggesting . . . like, that Obama was never born???


Just what I was going to say! :lol:


I wonder how long THIS thread could get?! "Didja hear that Obama was never even BORN? What makes him think HE'S qualified to be president? The noive of some people!":lol::lol:

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Just what I was going to say! :lol:


I wonder how long THIS thread could get?! "Didja hear that Obama was never even BORN? What makes him think HE'S qualified to be president? The noive of some people!":lol::lol:


Clearly, he doesn't exist. All the Deomcrats in the country have really been bamboozled this time. Whew!


Thank goodness someone pointed out the way or I'd have voted for someone who isn't really there. :glare:



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it as long as the leftist media hail Obama as their Rock star god. I am just saying, in all fairness, I am not happy about this election on either side. It doesn't really matter now though, we will get what we deserve soon.

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it as long as the leftist media hail Obama as their Rock star god. I am just saying, in all fairness, I am not happy about this election on either side. It doesn't really matter now though, we will get what we deserve soon.


That same leftist media used to love McCain... so what made you change your mind?

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I apologize - I had no idea that this was a "true" theory (that he or someone wd have faked a birth certificate). I just thought that part of the original post was exceptionally funny (in a Theater of the Absurd sort of way), but now that I read your link ... well, I just shake my head. I guess no one COULD have made this up. (Ack - that doesn't sound right! I'm AGREEING with you! I thought the original post was meant to be humorous, and didn't really realize that people are slamming Mr. Obama because of this sort of thing!)



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This is just a joke folks. I don't think it is bad form or needs to be backed up.


I know that Obama is some of y'all's (is that even a word... y'all's? :001_huh:) guy and that is great. I think his response to the info on Palin's daughter showed him to be a gentleman and for that I respect him!


However if he gets in office y'all will have to grow thicker skin cause this type of stuff will be around just like it is around about President Bush. Some folks have questions about who Obama is and that is not going to go away until more is known about him. Hence jokes about his background. Once more is known about him the policital jokes concerning him will change to a different flavor. Just as the jokes about Bush have morphed over the years, based on fallacies or partial truths and so some of the Obama jokes are also based on fallacies and partial truths.


OK running and ducking now......:leaving:

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[However if he gets in office y'all will have to grow thicker skin cause this type of stuff will be around just like it is around about President Bush. Some folks have questions about who Obama is and that is not going to go away until more is known about him. Hence jokes about his background. Once more is known about him the policital jokes concerning him will change to a different flavor. Just as the jokes about Bush have morphed over the years, based on fallacies or partial truths and so some of the Obama jokes are also based on fallacies and partial truths.


OK running and ducking now......:leaving:

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