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When do you start a formal grammar program?

Karen in CO

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We started grammar via First Language Lessons in first grade. There is lots of grammar in it, and it was fun. It was the first thing my 1st grader requested to do every single day, and he continued to enjoy it all through 2nd grade. How could a child not like having to run, jump, skip, hop as a means to learn all about ACTION verbs? or when they are learning about prepositions they have to get their favorite stuffed animal to help them learn about 'above the chair', 'on the chair', 'around the chair'........ I could go on and on about FLL but let me just share what I learned: Grammar is fun, and that was something I learned with FLL.


After FLL we went on to R&S 3 cause FLL 3 was not out yet.

Carole, DE

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We started FLL in 1st with our oldest, but decided to wait for second with DD2. For us, the key indicator for starting grammar is mastery of reading. For both of the girls, we have emphasized reading in preK and K grade and to a lesser extent in 1st if needed. This has given them a solid reading foundation. In 1st and 2nd we begin emphasizing math concepts and drill addition math facts and about half of the multiplication facts. That means by 3rd grade we're ready to emphasize the last R, writing. By this time, I feel like they've mastered the basics of handwriting with their copywork and have a solid spelling from about 4 SWO levels. The next logical step to work more on grammar and writing. We use R&S 3 and CW Aesop A for 3rd.



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to do formal grammar until grade 3. Ds8 will do R&S3 next year. This year we just do grammar informally. Talk about nouns, talk about verbs, adjectives, etc. He also does some R&S2 orally. Ds6 didn't like FLL either. Too repetitive for him. We still use it for narrations and some copywork and try to do some of the more "fun" lessons. I think one could wait until grade 3 w/out problems. There is a lot of review each year.

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We also started grammar with FLL in first grade. We did R&S, along with PLL in second and third. We began the more involved Abeka series this year, in fourth. I'm not sure than any one of these is more formal than the next, but I think children can learn the parts of speech and what place they hold in a sentence as young as first grade, certainly.


Now, with regard to writing, I did most of our grammar orally until this year. And I don't ever see the need to make chidren recopy sentences out of a grammar text in order simply to add punctuation to them, correct for capitalization, etc. I've never wasted their time in doing that sort of thing. I simply have them edit the text, as needed. We do other written work for spelling, handwriting, writing, etc. and so I don't want to burden them with extra busy work sort of writing which I feel to be unnecessary. The point is to learn the rules of grammar through practicing those rules.



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When ds was in 1st grade which was the first year we started homeschooling, I didn't use anything. We just focused on putting our thoughts into words and sentences and didn't really get into it. If we were writing something I would point out that we end sentences with periods or questions marks or that some names needed to be capitalized. It wasn't really a "planned" thing. When he started 2nd grade we started Rod and Staff English 2. This year he is in 3rd grade and we are doing Rod and Staff English 3. We love Rod and Staff because is so simple.


Dd is age 6 and in K. I am using Explode the Code with her right now, but plan to start Writing Strands with her and ds soon. When she is in 2nd I will start her on the Rod Staff as I did with ds.

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We used / are using FLL 1&2, last year and this year. It's been a nice gentle introduction and we have both enjoyed it. My dd enjoyed it so much, she requested we do separate grammar next year with CW Aesop, even after I explained we really didn't need it. :rolleyes: We will probably continue to do some kind of grammar program each year through the logic stage years.



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I had posted a question on finding a good grammar fit for my dd who is almost 10. I had lots of replies, and have researched various forms of Grammar. In so doing I came upon Junior Analytical Grammar. If you go to their website (linked) they have some product videos. Look at the one on Junior Grammar. I was really impressed with what Erin Karl had to say concerning "when" kids need to learn grammar. It impressed upon me what my gut said "Get the reading down first..." and for my dd that is coming slowly.


I went through the various grammar programs on my weekly report this week, it's a bit much to slog through, but if you are interested please feel free to take a peak.


Just had a thought I wanted to come back and add. I loved FLL but dd didn't. I wonder if it's not because FLL wasn't clicking but just because she wasn't READY. Hmmm.

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is to use totally fun, passive ways to introduce grammar, such as Grammar Rock and Mad Libs Junior in 1st and 2nd grade. I do think there is a value in introducing basic grammar vocabulary and definitions early on; however, I don't want to burden my dc with extra busywork of workbooks and handwriting until they can read and write comfortably. I plan to focus more on narration/copywork/dictation those first few years.


I have to constantly remind myself that they are young children; I want to spend time reading together, making cookies, and teaching life skills. There will be plenty of time for workbooks later. :rolleyes:

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