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Bones, anyone?

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Booth and Brennan, that is. Any Bones fans? I was CRUSHED at the end of the last season when Zac went all wack. Totally felt like that was an implausible plot development. Plus, I loved the relationship between Zac and Hodgins, Kings of the Lab.


But David Boreanaz is returning. Ergo, so am I. ;)

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I am so there. This has to be the season whent hey finally officially hook up. I love it. with only 2 out of 4 kids home I can get the littles to bed easily enough and watch it in peace, woo hoo


I dunno. I think that execs have come to realize that the chemistry often fizzles and the viewers lose interest when the characters actually get together. (What does that SAY about us as viewers?!) Last season gave us the mistletoe kiss--I expect something along those lines this year, but not The Hookup. Maybe for the series finale.... But those are definitely two beautiful people. Whew!

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I love Bones. I liked David Boreanez back in his Angel days and wanted to watch the show just for that reason, then I watched it and liked it for its own sake.

We do still have small kids so we only watch it on DVD. (No tivo here and we don't do the VCR thing anymore). I love watching shows on DVD, but... that means that any show we like we are always a year behind on.

I decided I want to read Kathy Reichs books also, one's waiting for me at the library as we speak.

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Yes, my family loves Bones. I too was disappointed with last season. I read an interview where the actor (Zac) was sort of blindsided with the information too. I was sad to see him go, I wanted it to be Sweets. :D


I would have preferred it been Sweets also but he would have been too obvious.


Hodgins would have also been too obvious...I am bummed that it was Zack, but you could see in his personality how he could have gotten sucked into something so warped. Especially with the issues he had coming back from Iraq.


I will have to find it and watch online.....don't ruin it for me...I will avoid any conversations until I can watch it.....:lol:

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