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Dh always says that if you forget, it was going to be a lie.


Huh, well he's wrong.  I just had to go back through the right door to remember.  There have been studies showing that memory is often tied to places.  That's why if you forget something while going from one room to another you will usually remember if you go back through the correct door.

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Huh, well he's wrong.  I just had to go back through the right door to remember.  There have been studies showing that memory is often tied to places.  That's why if you forget something while going from one room to another you will usually remember if you go back through the correct door.


My dh is never wrong. His wisdom is just sometimes misplaced.

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I found an easier way to friend people -- I visit my notifications list and click on their user names from there.  It takes less scrolling than going back through these posts.  I'll visit it more during the next few days, so I encourage everyone to like my posts!


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But your previous post said you only had a few hundred posts, and you have posted here quite a lot (much to our enjoyment and edification!), so I just thought you figured out that this rightly is the best thread of them all and concentrated the distillation of your wisdom here, for best effect.  Are you telling me I was in error?  Oh, horror!


You are forgiven.  


It is true, you have all received a fine distillation of my wisdom in these hallowed halls of the Ignore thread. But do not be deceived, Plebeians;  in the vineyard of my wisdom, you have been blessed with only a taste, a mere drop, of the wine.  

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You are forgiven.  


It is true, you have all received a fine distillation of my wisdom in these hallowed halls of the Ignore thread. But do not be deceived, Plebeians;  in the vineyard of my wisdom, you have been blessed with only a taste, a mere drop, of the wine.  


What eloquent speech, from the mouth of a duck.

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You know, I was serious. I'm kind of hurt that you're laughing at my hard work. I mean, really. I just legitimized your trip to Dunkin' Donuts, and you just...laugh.  :crying:


Oh, but you should feel honored!


I was awestruck by your post.  Hysterically Dumbfounded.  I tried forever to think of some kind of witty response worthy of your efforts and couldn't.  


So really, a thousand aaaarghhhhs and a thousand smiley.lol.#5s!!!!!!

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I was busy friending a few people.  Now I really should go to bed and get some sleep, now that my hair is dry (I washed it before bed, which I normally don't do as I hate going to bed with wet hair.).


Nighty-night again!


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I was busy friending a few people.  Now I really should go to bed and get some sleep, now that my hair is dry (I washed it before bed, which I normally don't do as I hate going to bed with wet hair.).


Nighty-night again!


Good night.

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I found an easier way to friend people -- I visit my notifications list and click on their user names from there.  It takes less scrolling than going back through these posts.  I'll visit it more during the next few days, so I encourage everyone to like my posts!



I'm liking EVERYTHING.  Whether I like it or not.  I wanna know what it's like to run out of likes.  

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What will this do?










ETA:  So, if you know the code to type you can get a legit icon, but only if it's registered somewhere, I guess.  We need one for Likes, for when we run out of likes.


It is a poor, poor morning when you come to the forums all groggy-eyed because the cat woke you up by kneading you with her claws out and the first thing you are told is "You have reached your quota of likes for the day."  @!#^&^#^#!$#  I just started my day, darn it!


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PSA on a serious topic:  I just updated my signature (below) with an important video everyone should watch -- another thread reminded me to share this again.  Drowning doesn't look like people expect it to.  Drowning people cannot call for help.  Please watch the video.  After you have done that we can resume the fun.


Thank you.


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I have decided that having a basket full of unmatched socks for a child to dig through to find a pair of matching socks when he tells me he doesn't have any socks is really just a way of working on life skills not an actual laundry fail on my part. 


Not a laundry fail at all!  I don't know of ANYONE who hasn't ended up with missing or mismatched socks at some point.  The lonely sock box is a life necessity.  I told the kids at one point that it was a mini-playground for socks missing their mates, and they took to going through it regularly to play with the socks and match them up so they (the socks) could discuss the fun they had as they went home to bed in the drawer.  Too bad that age/phase didn't last!


Need to declutter your lonely sock collection but feel guilty about just throwing them out?  Longer socks can be filled with baking soda and tied off for placement in shoes to help ward off odor.  You can also make sock puppets, sock monkeys, let kids make their own "mismatched" pairs (a fad that comes and goes quite frequently), and/or use them as "cleaning mitts".  One lady I knew in my youth unraveled worn out socks for stuffing for rag dolls and stuffed animals.  Use them as packing material for fragile items (put glasses or jars inside of socks as added padding).  Or just decide you aren't going to feel guilty about getting rid of stuff no one will use again and just dump them all in the trash.  I finally had to do this latter one, and now my lonely socks are all quickly found and matched with their mates again.


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Sorry, I did not explain well.  The basket is not full of loners or mismatches.  The basket is full of every clean sock in the house (except mine, lol).  They must dig through the basket to find two socks that match.  (In other words I did not match up the socks when they came out of the dryer; I just left them all in one basket). 

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I am still here. Just caught up. I love all ya all. Thanks for the laughs and wonderful distraction.


Still needing prayers for dad. The report from the specialist is not good. We are going for a second opinion in the morning. I will try to update more later.

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I am still here. Just caught up. I love all ya all. Thanks for the laughs and wonderful distraction.


Still needing prayers for dad. The report from the specialist is not good. We are going for a second opinion in the morning. I will try to update more later.



So sorry to hear that.  Hugs, and definitely prayers.

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Sorry, I did not explain well.  The basket is not full of loners or mismatches.  The basket is full of every clean sock in the house (except mine, lol).  They must dig through the basket to find two socks that match.  (In other words I did not match up the socks when they came out of the dryer; I just left them all in one basket). 

I think I might need to do this because I can't tell folks' socks apart.  I have taken to having ds12 wear only black Nike socks.  But then he says he cannot find them, and I have to employ my magic powers to find a pair.

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I have spent far too much time reading that thread, and I am amazed at all the loving, kind advice. I now feel I can post almost anything and you all would still love me. :D

I will.  I love everyone but mean people.  Mean people get punched in the throat and cursed at.  ;)

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Sorry, I did not explain well.  The basket is not full of loners or mismatches.  The basket is full of every clean sock in the house (except mine, lol).  They must dig through the basket to find two socks that match.  (In other words I did not match up the socks when they came out of the dryer; I just left them all in one basket). 



I think I might need to do this because I can't tell folks' socks apart.  I have taken to having ds12 wear only black Nike socks.  But then he says he cannot find them, and I have to employ my magic powers to find a pair.


My "system," such as it is:


I have taken to piling DD's clean laundry on the chair from which she writes her novels. She has to fold and put them away to gain access to the chair.  If she pushes them onto the floor, she will die.


I have given up on DH.

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I am still here. Just caught up. I love all ya all. Thanks for the laughs and wonderful distraction.


Still needing prayers for dad. The report from the specialist is not good. We are going for a second opinion in the morning. I will try to update more later.


:grouphug: Hoping for the best for your dad.

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Sorry, I did not explain well. The basket is not full of loners or mismatches. The basket is full of every clean sock in the house (except mine, lol). They must dig through the basket to find two socks that match. (In other words I did not match up the socks when they came out of the dryer; I just left them all in one basket).

I do this too!

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In my opinion mean people usually need punched. My DH has jury duty on Tuesday, and I don't think I could set on a jury. Especially anything involving children. I had a terrible childhood and don't need anything else horrid floating around in my head.:)

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:grouphug: Hoping for the best for your dad.


Thanks to all for the support. It really does not look good at all. My DH took him Wednesday to the big university specialist eye clinic and three different doctors seen him. The consensus is nothing could be done, and he is to go back this coming Wednesday to see if the optic nerve should be lasered (severed) or if eye should be removed. I want him to see the doctor that done the cornea transplant just to make absolutely sure. So we go in the morning. This doctor is closer than the university doctors, but still about 50-60 miles away. And the twins will be coming with us. Fun day:D


We will take lots of good books to read, and maybe there will be a poster of eyeball anatomy.:D

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Thanks to all for the support. It really does not look good at all. My DH took him Wednesday to the big university specialist eye clinic and three different doctors seen him. The consensus is nothing could be done, and he is to go back this coming Wednesday to see if the optic nerve should be lasered (severed) or if eye should be removed. I want him to see the doctor that done the cornea transplant just to make absolutely sure. So we go in the morning. This doctor is closer than the university doctors, but still about 50-60 miles away. And the twins will be coming with us. Fun day:D


We will take lots of good books to read, and maybe there will be a poster of eyeball anatomy. :D

Oh, good grief to all of it.  And yes, the eyeball anatomy is a plus.

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