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I took tap a looooonnnnngggg time ago.  And I think I better get back to doing yoga and more walking before this class starts.   in 2 1/2 weeks.  

I've gotten out of the habit since I need to be here an hour earlier during camps and I have enough trouble getting up earlier enough for yoga during the year.   I just can't seem to do it even earlier.  Plus we have a table set up in our living room (the only place I can do yoga) to hold the blueprints for the addition.  

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We are having a couple days of gorgeous weather.  Nice temps in the 60s/70s, nice and sunny.  Just beautiful "fall" weather.   Unfortunately it's also the weather and time of year when my allergies are at their worst.   I had to remind dh that he can't open windows in our bedroom this time of year.  

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On 8/21/2024 at 9:14 AM, Susan in TN said:

I've started doing some exercises to strengthen my knees and help them (and hips) be more flexible.  No results so far after 1 day, lol. 

What kind of exercises are you doing?  I need to strengthen my knees and work on flexibility.

I get pains in my legs, down the sides and in front of thighs when I stand up after sitting.   It seems to be some weakness (working on it) but also a pinched nerve that crosses the hip and goes down side of legs.  So besides losing weight and exercising more (which is what I'm told for everything and I am working on it), stretching the hips is supposed to be good for it too.

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48 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

What kind of exercises are you doing?  I need to strengthen my knees and work on flexibility.

I get pains in my legs, down the sides and in front of thighs when I stand up after sitting.   It seems to be some weakness (working on it) but also a pinched nerve that crosses the hip and goes down side of legs.  So besides losing weight and exercising more (which is what I'm told for everything and I am working on it), stretching the hips is supposed to be good for it too.

I'm doing a few exercises that I found by some guy they call "the knees over toes guy".  Nothing I am doing actually puts my knees over my toes, though, lol.  Walking backwards (ideally pulling a low weight but I don't have that), toe raises (for shin strength), raised foot lunge (put one foot on a step and lunge forward as far as is comfortable with back leg straight), and a thing where I stand on one foot on something low (right now a thick book), lean forward slightly, and touch the heel of the other foot on the floor.





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Good afternoon!

Happy Thursday!

Woke up in a ton of pain.  I think it was the change in the weather.  I felt like I had just spent a few hours swimming -- my shoulders and back (shoulder blades) were extremely sore.  I took a long, long, long hot shower and that helped a lot.

Then I had physical therapy, which helped too (even though it was a tough workout today).

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Good morning!

I drove the van to the shop early in hopes that they could get to it today but there was a big lineup.  I am amazed at the guys who manage to maneuver all those vehicles parked in a jumbled line in front of the shop and get them "elsewhere".  It's like reverse tetris.   Alas, Nick probably can't get to it until Monday.  The guy at the front desk said it sounds like maybe the battery.  I will be thrilled if that's all it is.

Ds29 was my shuttle service and so we've now had breakfast and I'm getting ready to go to Aldi and the bank.  The girls are doing their hair, lol, and getting ready for a backpacking trip and have plans to do their school lessons.  They may need some extra prodding in that direction.

oops.  Forgot to post this.


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I'm back from all the places.  Toward the end of Aldi shopping I became super exhausted but I pressed on and went to the bank and then Kroger.  I probably need more water.  
My grocery list included 2 bags of lemons and I can't figure out why I specified 2.

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Good morning. 

No green tea, yet. Slept late. Still in bed.

DH and Baby are hiking, muddle DD and I are going to the Big City in a couple hours to take Hazel to obedience school. That pup is growing like crazy. Tonight we have to go to Baby's first football game. She's a cheerleader not a player.

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Good morning!

Last night the girls tried to go to a football game - they had friends playing in the marching bands of both teams - but when they got there discovered that you have to buy tickets ahead of time online.  So they said hi to a couple friends and watched the bands march in and then came home.

I got the lawn mowed and edged and took Big Pup for a walk.  Now I'm just sitting a minute before blowing grass off the sidewalks.

The girls left for backpacking earlier.  They'll be back tomorrow afternoon.  Both of them are going on Philmont treks next summer - younger dd with her troop and older dd with her crew.


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Good Afternoon!

Happy Saturday!

Dh is grilling burgers and I'm going to make some coleslaw.

Dd20 is getting ready to go back to college.  Dd18 is already at her school.  She's going to school for the very first time. :)




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Good Morning!!!

Black tea this time. I ran out of green tea and forgot to buy it at the AFSA.



I think this is the last day of our unusually mild weather. Gonna ramp back up to 100 degrees next week.

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22 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

Last night the girls tried to go to a football game - they had friends playing in the marching bands of both teams - but when they got there discovered that you have to buy tickets ahead of time online.  So they said hi to a couple friends and watched the bands march in and then came home.

Usually this only happens around here during the playoffs. During the regular season we can buy tickets at the gate.

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Good afternoon!

Went to early service (installed 2 new elders and 2 new deacons) and Sunday school (which today was more of a church financial report plus "here are a few things we are thinking about").  Then I went to brunch with a new old friend (I knew her years ago and she recently moved back to the area).

The girls are on their way home from backpacking.  They texted me at 9:30 to let me know they were already off the trail and heading back, which means the crew was just flying through those 4 miles of hilly, technical trail.  Young whippersnappers.  
I could use a nap.  Or...


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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Also, it is National Dog Day!  Cheers to all the Puppies!

We are busy with Things of the Day.  This afternoon the girls start back to their music lessons and youth choir.  And scouts after.


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Good morning!

Another hot day today.  Imma take Junie on a fun adventure trip to Aldi and also pick up dd18's pneumonia/bronchitis medicine and hopefully get some fiddle tunes written out in alto clef for dd15 (viola).  Orchestra dress rehearsal tonight.

Don't y'all worry about a thing.  I'll hold down the fort here until you all get back.


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I'm here. I haven't been able to do my usual morning check-in. I've been starting work early. Yesterday I visited 4 families in the far reaches of the County. It was a lot of driving and emotionally draining.

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Good morning!  It's Friyay!

Today I will try to get all the Porch Music transcribed on Musescore into viola clef for dd15 and a friend who may also bring her viola.  Then I want to go over the music with ds29 and get the guest bed set up for Additional Guest.


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Back from the AFSA.  Not many people there tonight. Sitting outside, trying to get Hazel to go potty. It's a warm evening.  The girls are at the football game. I am so glad they can take themselves now.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!


September 1. we made it. it’s supposed to be in the 100’s all week, but somehow, just knowing it is September gives me hope. 

Church. I have to work in Children’s Church today. That’s always a chaotic nightmare. Thank goodness I only do it twice a year.

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