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9 hours ago, Dianthus said:

No one is helping with my Lang Arts post!! I need help! As usual, cannot decide which curriculum.

I like the look of CP more than the look of MCT, and it will be easier to implement.

Why not use Fix It with ATFF? I always use Fix It with my IEW years.

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2 hours ago, Slache said:

I like the look of CP more than the look of MCT, and it will be easier to implement.

Why not use Fix It with ATFF? I always use Fix It with my IEW years.

I bought ATFF for my 4th grader and was planning that with my 4th grader. Though was also considering Easy Grammar. I just remembered doing CP with my dd15 in 4th grade and it worked well. But she was the oldest and I had time. I could go either way with him. I like that CP has diagramming and workpages.  It will be more time consuming for him. But I think i transitioned and did Island in the summer with her before starting CP. I could do that with him. Just grammar island. I think I didn't really do the writing. I've never done as a yr long course. Then I could start CP.

I'm more concerned about ds12. He did ATFF then 2 yrs of S&S, and I think he really needs a change. I've never looked at MCT Voyage. Maybe it would be good for him to change approach. But such an expensive change. I have a copy of CP B&P, which I'm looking through now. He hasn't done copywork in awhile, but of course knows outline form. I wonder if he'll be motivated to do it. I can direct and help but have limited time with school for the big three and the nearly 4 yr old and I'm also working remote and just got a project that will keep me busy through end of yr. Wild and crazy.

I feel like we have been in a slog. I was telling someone how fun it is to start a new yr and get new school books and realized that my ds12 won't be excited to see so much more of the same with IEW.


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45 minutes ago, Dianthus said:

I bought ATFF for my 4th grader and was planning that with my 4th grader. Though was also considering Easy Grammar. I just remembered doing CP with my dd15 in 4th grade and it worked well. But she was the oldest and I had time. I could go either way with him. I like that CP has diagramming and workpages.  It will be more time consuming for him. But I think i transitioned and did Island in the summer with her before starting CP. I could do that with him. Just grammar island. I think I didn't really do the writing. I've never done as a yr long course. Then I could start CP.

I'm more concerned about ds12. He did ATFF then 2 yrs of S&S, and I think he really needs a change. I've never looked at MCT Voyage. Maybe it would be good for him to change approach. But such an expensive change. I have a copy of CP B&P, which I'm looking through now. He hasn't done copywork in awhile, but of course knows outline form. I wonder if he'll be motivated to do it. I can direct and help but have limited time with school for the big three and the nearly 4 yr old and I'm also working remote and just got a project that will keep me busy through end of yr. Wild and crazy.

I feel like we have been in a slog. I was telling someone how fun it is to start a new yr and get new school books and realized that my ds12 won't be excited to see so much more of the same with IEW.


Our breaks from IEW have been NaNoWriMo slowed down for an entire school year, Cover Story, Grammar of Poetry and The One Year Adventure Novel. 

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CP has a week-long lesson. First day presents a literary work then analyzes it, copies portions, outlines and then rewrites from outline.  Big difference is that there is no checklist of inclusions as in IEW. No -ly adverbs, interesting adj or who/which or because clauses. Hmm.

Typed that up a bit ago and just saw your post. I'll have to look into those. Don't know about any of them. Which was best?

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My brain is all swirly.  It's been a Day.  We were at the SS office for a little over 3 hours.  At first the lady couldn't find the paperwork we'd mailed in.  Then she found it and said it hadn't been processed because it was missing a page.  ?  So were they ever going to tell me it was missing a page?  Apparently not.  So I gave her all the pages I had and she said fine and typed in some things and that was it.  
Stopped by file o'chick and got a sandwich and took dd18 directly to urgent care because said her lungs were bubbly.  The doctor agreed and didn't even make her get xrays. 

Got home and helped ds19 with some packing and checked for hours on her prescription calling both the pharmacy and the doctor.  Friends brought over a card and flowers.  Took a family walk.  Ate dinner.

 Finally I went to the pharmacy and they had been ready the whole time.  Apparently my phone number wasn't on the package.  But her NAME and BIRTHDATE were there!! 😡  stupid walgreens.

Had some NY cheesecake and now trying to get some things done before we leave in the morning.  Dd18 has to stay home tomorrow because pneumonia.  She is displeased.

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5 hours ago, Dianthus said:

Big difference is that there is no checklist of inclusions as in IEW.

I don't care. I'm giving my kids a variety of programs with different goals and exposing them to lots and lots of excellent literature and I'm just crossing my fingers that it's good enough. Language Arts is the one subject I am absolutely unqualified to teach and that's the best solution I could come up with.

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5 hours ago, Dianthus said:

Typed that up a bit ago and just saw your post. I'll have to look into those. Don't know about any of them. Which was best?

Cover Story and One Year Adventure Novel are expensive, quality products by the same company. 

Grammar of Poetry is not a full year. I don't think we're using it to its full potential so I can't say a lot, but I do like it.

NaNoWriMo was free except printing the notebook and was a wonderful year. His book is called Kensington Blade, a traditional "didn't know I was part superhero from another realm" story that he's actually rewriting this year, 4 years later with One Year Adventure Novel. 

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Good Morning!!!

Green Tea!!

Friday Eve!!

Work for some, school for others.

The little girls (not so little anymore) had a decent first day yesterday. Oldest DD hates college. It is a definite adjustment. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better for her to go away and get involved in the whole dorm thing. She’s lonely, though most of her friends stayed in the area. It just takes effort now to see them. And she has a professor who thinks it’s more important to advance his ideology than to teach actual biology. 

I like early morning noises. Cars off in the distance, but the near sounds are mourning doves cooing and hummingbirds chirping and other little birds twittering.

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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!


School and work!!!

Wow, it’s been a while since anyone has posted. I was the last one who posted and that was yesterday. Heloooooo!! Is anyone there???


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Good morning!


I forgot to post yesterday.  We scrambled to get last minute things packed and then took off for the University.  Got ds19 moved in and his room set up and we had lunch and dinner on campus and then came home.

I went to Aldi this morning and am now waiting for a window guy to come and try to set up an appointment for an estimate.  Dd18 said he stopped by yesterday while I was gone and said he's come back today.  I probably won't answer the door.  Not in the mood.  Because dd18 (aka Pneumonia Girl) is in tears because she wants to drop out of Marine Biology because she doesn't have any friends in the class. I am trying very hard not to roll my eyes at her.

I expect I am going to need a whole lotta


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Went to dd21's convocation service.  It was lovely as always, and though I generally have a bit of ptsd and feelings of general dread and anxiety at the service, it was much less than usual so that was a relief.  Afterwards I bought myself some ice cream which I will eat soon while watching Firefly.  So shiny.

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Good morning!

There is a proper thunderstorm happening outside, but should be moving away soon.  I have to bring the girls to the scout meet-up for their overnight canoeing trip in a half hour.  We weren't sure if dd18 would be able to go because the paperwork for adult scout leadership had to go through but apparently it all got sorted.  Plus Pneumonia Girl - she is feeling good now though, so I said she could go.

I have a church thing this afternoon making care packages for college students but otherwise I am planning to laze around all day.


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Good Morning!!

No Green Tea yet.  I’m still in bed, awake, but I just didn’t want to get up. Lilly-cat wandered in demanding running water from the sink, so I did that, grabbed the iPad and got back into bed. 

It is Saturday. Hazel’s first day of Puppy School at PetSmart. So middle DD and I will do that. Cleaning and other Saturday activities will be done as well.

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We are back from puppy school.  Hazel got an “A” and she was the most well-behaved puppy in her class. Of three.  The other puppies were good, too, actually. But Hazel was the best. And we got her some more toys.

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OK so I went to the church to make care packages for college students and mostly we sat and gabbed and you would not believe it but one of the ladies has been on the same windjammer boat (twice!) that the boys and I were on last year.  So we nerded out over that so much.  Then we got on to Gee's Bend quilting and the Alabama Folk School and we nerded over that as well.  It took all of 10 minutes to put the packages together and 2 hours to gab.  Plus there was cheesecake.  So all-in-all a very successful afternoon.

Then I got home and made KrissiK's Famous Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup and it is delicious.

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8 hours ago, KrissiK said:

We are back from puppy school.  Hazel got an “A” and she was the most well-behaved puppy in her class. Of three.  The other puppies were good, too, actually. But Hazel was the best. And we got her some more toys.

What kind of puppy is Hazel? I suppose I have missed a lot.

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9 hours ago, Dianthus said:

What kind of puppy is Hazel? I suppose I have missed a lot.

Here is her First Day of School picture. When we got her from the shelter she was very skinny and malnourished.  Her legs were long and spindly and you could see every bone. They said she was a chihuahua mix. We've had her for 3weeks now and she's put on considerable weight and is much better proportioned.  We're thinking some kind of rott-dobie-shepherd mix.


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DD was sure she saw Hazel’s twin there at PetSmart yesterday. it is possible. The shelter we got her from is local and there were 4 pups in the litter. I wish we would have approached the people. I am just getting used to this “Dog Culture”. Everyone at PetSmart had their dogs and people were just coming up to us and ooohing and aaahing over Hazel and I was totally fine with it, but it’s a little different. 🤣 It probably would have been appropriate for us to have approached those people.

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

DD was sure she saw Hazel’s twin there at PetSmart yesterday. it is possible. The shelter we got her from is local and there were 4 pups in the litter. I wish we would have approached the people. I am just getting used to this “Dog Culture”. Everyone at PetSmart had their dogs and people were just coming up to us and ooohing and aaahing over Hazel and I was totally fine with it, but it’s a little different. 🤣 It probably would have been appropriate for us to have approached those people.

Yes, people always like to talk about their dogs.

I'm really grouchy about dogs lately because so many people in our rural area have their dogs off leash. But I was looking at puppy pictures and thinking of getting one again, but not yet. Will wait 2 more yrs.

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Good afternoon!

Yes it is true that people will love for you to come over and ask all about their dogs.

I played for services this morning so left home at a quarter to seven and got back around 12:30. Meanwhile ds29 took care of Pups and picked up the girls when they got back from their canoeing/camping trip.

I'm not sure what I will do the rest of the day.


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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I have my list and I'm checking it twice.  First up is laundry.  Then lesson cubbies while the girls take science tests.  Today is dd21's last first day of classes.  (Unless she pursues a master's degree at some point.)  


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Good Morning!

Happy Monday!

Summer is coming to an end soon, but we're not restarting school until after Labor Day.

We had a crazy summer with a lot of travelling, drama camp, a youth retreat... Just a lot going on, so we couldn't do school through the summer like we usually do.

I've also been spending a lot of time working on improving my health.  Eating more produce, walking, aerobic videos, physical therapy, lifting weights.  I'm not super good at most of it, but baby steps to improve my health. :)

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3 hours ago, Slache said:

High school? No. Sorry. 

Oh, was searching forum and saw it in your gameplan and thought your oldest was older than mine. I'm just going to buy the super package from rainbow. I'm really tired of trying and losing all these ebay auctions

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7 hours ago, Dianthus said:

Oh, was searching forum and saw it in your gameplan and thought your oldest was older than mine. I'm just going to buy the super package from rainbow. I'm really tired of trying and losing all these ebay auctions

He's in 8th. That's my plan. I think I'm going to do Barean Builders though. But always just buy the big science packages. Buy once, cry once.

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Usually Matt leaves for work before the kids are up. On these days Tally likes to try to go with him. He'll be walking her and while they're down there she'll casually walk to the car instead of the door, when he leaves she'll act like she's supposed to go and drag her leash, twice she's just trotted out the door leashless like it's a normal thing for her.

When the kids are up and he leaves they all line up for a hug by the door and she figured that out quickly and now does the same. I think the Jetsons dog does that, but she actually stands on her hind legs and wraps her paws around him. Well today, she didn't let go and just walked on her hind legs with him to the door like he wouldn't notice and just take her to work.

She is a goof. My favorite part is how every attempt is just nonchalant, as if she goes every day and this is no different. 

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Good morning!

I've done a couple things and looked through dd15's essay on The Scarlet Letter.  I never read The Scarlet Letter in school.  Tonight dd18 is going to a newly created "club" called SMURFS which stands for something having to do with recreational ultimate frisbee. Hopefully I can make it to the Old Time jam tonight.


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I spent some quality time with TennCare and healthcare.gov this afternoon due to discovering that I have, for some mysterious reason, suddenly qualified for medicaid.  I doubt that anything will be resolved quickly with minimal expense.  
Also we got a letter stating that dd18's insurance would cover the doctor's appointment at Urgent Care but not the medicines that that particular doctor prescribed.  I just have no idea.

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Good morning!

I had a dream that a large man popped up from behind my nightstand and started putting thumbtacks in the wall.  😡  Then I got foot cramps.  I need to drink more water.

I've started doing some exercises to strengthen my knees and help them (and hips) be more flexible.  No results so far after 1 day, lol. 
I made progress on things yesterday, which mainly consisted of moving boxes around, but it's something at least.  
Old Time Jam was nice last night - a smaller group than usual and I was the only female until the director got there.  We played a several tunes by "Fiddlin' Arthur Smith" due to a national graveside monument being erected in his honor in early September.  I will be on my way back from Knoxville that morning, but hope I can get home in time to jam at the ceremony.


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Good Morning!! It is still morning here on the West Coast.

I am having lunch. Leftover 7-layer taco dip from our staff meeting Monday.

Humph Day!!

It is the first day of school for my school. It’s actually going fairly smoothly. No real complaints. And it’s only me and Hazel here at home.

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Good morning!

The girls left for tutorial a bit ago.  I have to go in for lunchtime gagaball monitoring and then if there's time, a trip to Aldi.  Dd18 has a Pneumonia Girl followup appointment with her PCP after tutorial and I'm not sure if I can get a shopping trip in before that appointment.  Orchestra rehearsal tonight.


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I went to my first family reunion in 12 years last weekend.  It was nice to see everyone but doesn't feel like their are real connections when you see people so rarely.   I'm not sure how to help that with people so scattered.  We "talk" on Facebook but that's so limited.

Today is ds's 19th birthday.

When classes start again, I'm taking a tap dance class.  Older dd teaches at her friends dance studio and has a beginner tap class so I'm going to take her class.   Should be fun.

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