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Tomorrow I have to do laundry (haven't done any in 2 weeks), and actually put it away this time instead of all of us grabbing clothes out of laundry baskets sitting on the table. 

Plus work on classes for Fall since once again (like every single summer for the past 7 years) I'm behind.

I'm primary teacher/counselor for a camp next week since we have a lot of teens doing it, then I"m off a week, two more camps, off a week then classes. 

ETA:  Ugh, laundry booya.

Edited by Wheres Toto
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7 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

I always get thrown off on the boards when I see people talk about school starting this early.   Around here we usually don't start until after Labor Day.  A FEW school districts start the week before Labor Day but I don't think anyone starts any earlier than that.  

We also don't generally get out until mid to late June though.

Except homeschoolers.  They start after Labor Day and finish by Memorial Day.  😉

(no reporting or counting of days or anything required here)

The school I work for actually doesn't start until August 21. But, there's a lot of professional development meetings and just general stuff we do to get ready for the new year, so we go back to work a couple weeks ahead of time.

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9 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Well, I don't want summer to be over, but I have gotten quite lazy without a strict schedule. 

This would normally be me, but my schedule this summer is actually somewhat strict.  I have to go into work by 8:30am and mostly can't leave until 3:30-4pm (although I can run out for lunch most weeks).   But while I'm there, I can do what I want most of the time.  

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57 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

I always get thrown off on the boards when I see people talk about school starting this early.   Around here we usually don't start until after Labor Day.  A FEW school districts start the week before Labor Day but I don't think anyone starts any earlier than that.  

We also don't generally get out until mid to late June though.

Except homeschoolers.  They start after Labor Day and finish by Memorial Day.  😉

(no reporting or counting of days or anything required here)

Schools here start next week and are done the Thursday before Memorial Day.  We have to report attendence to our umbrella school at the end of each semester, but that's their own requirement.  I think other umbrella schools have different policies.

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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!


Housework, grocery shopping….. my life of leisure is over.😩😩😩

But yesterday was a fun day!! The beach was lovely, the elephant seals are gross. We didn’t stay and watch them too long. They don’t do much except lay around in a big pile and sometimes fight with each other. And it was cold. So, we left and came home.

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Morning.   Sitting with my second cup of tea (1/2 green, 1/2 decaf black) but I already have one load of laundry started.  I feel so accomplished.  (Not really, it's already 11:30 here).

I did sleep in until almost 10am, which felt really nice.  I didn't sleep right through but dozed off and on from 7am to 10am.

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Good morning!

It's been fairly quiet this morning.  Took Big Pup on his morning constitutional.  Though before we got out the door, Little Pup took off running to the park.  The girls ran after him and by the time they got there (basically across the street) he was already on his way back home.  We think he was looking for Big Pup at the park and forgot that Big Pup hadn't actually left the house yet 😂

So I got to work on edging the curb.  It takes a long time but it's not hard.  Now taking a break because hot.

Meanwhile dd15 finished our current puzzle - a photo of the New River Gorge bridge, which is the 6th longest single-arch bridge in the world (the longest 5 are all in China).  The girls kayaked under it this summer.


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We've been watching Disney movies in chronological order. The kids have been enjoying calling out similar elements, reused backgrounds, different mediums and cultural references. Today, they figured out the The White Rabbit is the same voice actor as Mr. Smee.

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Good Morning!!!

Green Tea!!



This afternoon the girls want to go back-to-school shopping, so, I guess that’s what we are going to do.

We got a note in the mail yesterday addressed to the “Family with the yappy dog” at our address. It was very long and very Karen-ish. It said they could hear our dog yapping all day for the past 2 weeks (the note was postmarked July 31, we had only had Hazel 5 days, and she’s not outside a lot and never at night). She went on about noise ordinances (we looked them up, our town only has a noise ordinance between 10:00pm and 7:00am, and the gardeners at the condo she lives at are using leaf blowers at 6:30am). And she didn’t even have the cajones to sign her name, but we think we know who it is. DD1’s friend from school lives right behind us and got a similar letter. They have a small dog, and like ours, isn’t outside much. I actually only hear it when I am out in our yard, by the fence we share, doing my devotions. And even then, the dog isn’t annoying. I can hear him, but he’s not “disturbing the peace.”

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4 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!!

Green Tea!!



This afternoon the girls want to go back-to-school shopping, so, I guess that’s what we are going to do.

We got a note in the mail yesterday addressed to the “Family with the yappy dog” at our address. It was very long and very Karen-ish. It said they could hear our dog yapping all day for the past 2 weeks (the note was postmarked July 31, we had only had Hazel 5 days, and she’s not outside a lot and never at night). She went on about noise ordinances (we looked them up, our town only has a noise ordinance between 10:00pm and 7:00am, and the gardeners at the condo she lives at are using leaf blowers at 6:30am). And she didn’t even have the cajones to sign her name, but we think we know who it is. DD1’s friend from school lives right behind us and got a similar letter. They have a small dog, and like ours, isn’t outside much. I actually only hear it when I am out in our yard, by the fence we share, doing my devotions. And even then, the dog isn’t annoying. I can hear him, but he’s not “disturbing the peace.”

Dude! I'm sorry. This is ridiculous. 

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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!!

Green Tea!!



This afternoon the girls want to go back-to-school shopping, so, I guess that’s what we are going to do.

We got a note in the mail yesterday addressed to the “Family with the yappy dog” at our address. It was very long and very Karen-ish. It said they could hear our dog yapping all day for the past 2 weeks (the note was postmarked July 31, we had only had Hazel 5 days, and she’s not outside a lot and never at night). She went on about noise ordinances (we looked them up, our town only has a noise ordinance between 10:00pm and 7:00am, and the gardeners at the condo she lives at are using leaf blowers at 6:30am). And she didn’t even have the cajones to sign her name, but we think we know who it is. DD1’s friend from school lives right behind us and got a similar letter. They have a small dog, and like ours, isn’t outside much. I actually only hear it when I am out in our yard, by the fence we share, doing my devotions. And even then, the dog isn’t annoying. I can hear him, but he’s not “disturbing the peace.”

Perhaps you could gift the "offended" person with an envelope filled with ear plugs.

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Good morning!

I've been to church and Sunday School and I'm already getting snarky, lol.  I'm finished with the mowing and edging, I think.  Prolly should get out the blower and blow stuff off the sidewalk.  Or maybe not.

I should make some plans for fall dinners.  Well, I have a plan, I just need to organize it and figure out the cooking schedule.  I used to take a whole weekend to make and freeze a bazillion dinners, but now I do it more gradually.


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I finished a book yesterday - The Secret History by Donna Tartt.  The first half was fairly interesting but it went downhill from there.  The characters just became so boring and they didn't really develop any kind of depth.  They just kept doing stupid crap, probably because they were perpetually drunk or on drugs. I was waiting for something significant or meaningful to happen because a whole lotta stuff went on in the first half - especially this huge shared mystical experience which seemed like it should have been a major part of the story somehow.  Anyhoo.  My next book isn't available from the library yet so I should probably finish the Swedish old lady novel.

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Well, we left poor Hazel in her crate when we went to church. She made a real mess in it. She just doesn't like to be alone. She's a real sweetie when she's around people. Last night she just sat by me as I read my book, happy as a clam.

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Good Evening!

Happy Sunday!

It has been a really busy couple of weeks.  One of my girls had pneumonia, one has mono, others went to camp and a youth retreat.  We had a birthday (dd14), and we have a few more coming up soon.

I'm still really enjoying Spanish church services.  I'm not fluent yet, but my Spanish is pretty decent right now.

I've been trying to do a little bit of school planning.  Most of it is "do what the other did", but I'm trying to fill in some gaps.


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Good morning! It's The Queen's favorite day!

((Junie's dds))

We've finished breakfast (IP oatmeal with blackberries and sausage links) and I am planning to visit AFSA in a bit for some college supplies and other misc. stuff that I can't get at Aldi.  Also must stop at the bank and UPS for an Amazon return.  I heard a report this morning that credit card skimmers (or whatever they're called) were discovered over the weekend in the three Krogers that I shop at.  So I need to check my accounts.

Local schools are back in session today.  Seems so early.  The girls are planning to "start in earnest" today as well.

Trying to convince ds19 to get a haircut before leaving for college next week. 🙄


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I'm finally home.  I wandered around afsa for 2-1/2 hours.  Oy.  My brain was dead by the end but I made myself stop by Kroger for a Big Bag of Popcorn for scouts tonight and then the bank.  I will definitely need another


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Well, first day of work completed. It went well. Talked to a lot of co-workers who I like. Right now I am sitting outside and it is hotter than all blazes, but I decided to sit out here and read so Hazel gets some outside time and doesn’t bark. She hates being alone.

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Good morning!

Yesterday I chopped up an old parmesan rind that I found in the fridge and microwaved the pieces until they got puffy.  The dogs go bananas for them.  I tried to use them for training treats for Little Pup but he was so distracted by their deliciousness that he couldn't make himself walk next to me without jumping.  He sat nicely a couple times.  
I blew the grass off the sidewalk right after breakfast - dd15 is much more skilled with the blower than I am for sure but it's good enough.

Trying to decide what useful thing I can accomplish today out of the 75,000 things that should be done.


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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!


It’s a beautiful morning out in the back yard.  Hazel is trying to make friends with Goldie-cat.  Goldie has clearly established his dominance with a swipe of the paw (didn’t actually connect with the dog, but got the point across) and has determined that Hazel is not a threat, so I think we are doing well.

Busy day today. Meetings this morning, but they are on Zoom, so I think I can get other work done as well. I need to get going on my HR training stuff. You know,  blood born pathogens and s3xual harassment and all that stuff. Bleh!  I’ll probably have that running in the background as I make dinner. it’s the exact same videos every year.

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I have dealt with a laundry basket full of misc. stuff and a couple boxes and determined (based on recent videos) that ds19 does not need an actual formal tux for the university orchestra, just a black suit and bow tie, which he has, and for which I am grateful because he tried on ds29's old tux and it was 4 inches too long all around.  Also I organized some of the college supplies and put some clothes in the dryer.  I think I'll have yogurt and granola for lunch.

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I spent the morning preparing for Tropical Storm Debby, having been advised that we may get a foot of rain between now and Friday night. Might be an educational experience.

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4 hours ago, 73349 said:

I spent the morning preparing for Tropical Storm Debby, having been advised that we may get a foot of rain between now and Friday night. Might be an educational experience.

Stay off treacherous roads.

Don't go swimming in the sea.

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Good morning!

No rain here.  Nor earthquake.  
I went to the Old Time Jam last night.  Lots of fun.  Half of the group was at Clifftop (Appalachian String Band Music Festival in West Virginia) over the weekend.  Once again, I only knew 3 of the tunes - the 2 I suggested and Angeline the Baker.  One tune they played was called "Kicking Up The Devil On A Holiday" 😂  I also learned that there are at least 3 completely different tunes called "Billy in the Lowground".  There's "Billy in the Lowground", "Old Time Billy in the Lowground", and "Billy in the Lowground in A" which is based off of "Billy in the Lowground in C".  I suspect this is the type of knowledge gained when you attend Clifftop, lol.

Also, there were a couple ladies there playing mandolin who might invite me to their jam 🥰

Gotta go to Aldi and then make Kansas City Steak Soup.  The girls are going to the county fair tonight with friends.


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Good Morning!!

Green tea!!

Humph Day!!!

On my laptop early this morning.  Lots to do. Willy Nilly.

Supposed to be hot again today. I've about had it with summer.

We're taking Hazel to the animal shelter today for her surgery. The surgery is tomorrow, but they want us to drop her off today. She's such a sweet little pup.

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Current weather is just drizzle. Flooding rains expected tonight through Friday; we don't plan to leave the house until Monday, unless it's somehow perfectly fine by Friday, in which case DS will go to the final event for his internship. DH is sick. I'm hoping the power stays on.

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On 8/2/2024 at 5:47 PM, KrissiK said:

The school I work for actually doesn't start until August 21. But, there's a lot of professional development meetings and just general stuff we do to get ready for the new year, so we go back to work a couple weeks ahead of time.

Schools here in Houston start Monday! I find this bizarre.

Yep, I'm still alive. I keep peeking in every once in a while to see that y'all are still alive, too.

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11 hours ago, KrissiK said:


We're taking Hazel to the animal shelter today for her surgery. The surgery is tomorrow, but they want us to drop her off today. She's such a sweet little pup.

Dropped her off around 3:30. As DD1 put it, "her whole aura changed. "  We had to wait for a few minutes and she got really quiet and still and her face was so sad. Poor baby.

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