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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

God be with you this Memorial Day!

We had a bit more storming over night but nothing as dramatic as yesterday.  We got an email from the leadership training camp that they were moving all the scouts into cabins for the night - hopefully their tents survived the night.

Dd21 and son-in-law came over early to play a complicated strategy game with ds's28&19.  My brain is exhausted just listening to them discuss strategy tokens and space resources.  They brought home made watermelon lemonade 🙂 .  I baked some bacon and have the broccoli salad nearly put together.  Dd15 will need to get started on the shortcakes soon.


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Good Morning!!!



Memorial Day!! What is a greeting for Memorial Day?? May you all have a Thoughtful and Meaningful Memorial Day. That will work.

Woke up early thanks to hot flashes and bad dreams. Whoohoo!! love menopause.

Well, today DD1 and I will be working on desserts for her party. The big huge gigantic party with three of her friends. I am trying to have a good attitude. This week is going to be a little (a lot) crazy. Work, two graduation parties (the big on on Wednesday and the family one on Saturday), actual graduation on Thursday night and the school I work for has graduation on Friday, so I have to be there. 

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Posted (edited)

I had one cup of heavy cream left in the fridge.  Just enough for whipped cream for the strawberry shortcakes.  So I put it in a bowl and grabbed the bin of powdered sugar.  Put a couple spoonfuls in and then looked at it.  Hmmm.  Gave it a taste.  Nope.  It was flour.  Ds28 was being helpful by putting the extra flour into a bin.  So I ran off to Kroger for powdered sugar and heavy cream.  Not bothering with a cart, I grabbed a bag of powdered sugar off the shelf and kept on walking.  An older lady nearby just burst out laughing - I got the feeling she's been there before, lol.

Edited by Susan in TN
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So, I finally came up with a theme for our summer Family Film Festival. Space Movies.

1. 2001: A Space Odessey

2.  The Martian

3. Guardians of the Galaxy

4. Wall-E

5. Interstellar

6. Galaxy Quest

7. Avatar

8. Apollo 13

Some of these I’ve heard of/seen, others I haven’t. We’ve already done all the Star Wars movies, the kids weren’t thrilled with ET. Feel free to weigh-in or add some.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

So, I finally came up with a theme for our summer Family Film Festival. Space Movies.

1. 2001: A Space Odessey

2.  The Martian

3. Guardians of the Galaxy

4. Wall-E

5. Interstellar

6. Galaxy Quest

7. Avatar

8. Apollo 13

Some of these I’ve heard of/seen, others I haven’t. We’ve already done all the Star Wars movies, the kids weren’t thrilled with ET. Feel free to weigh-in or add some.


Santa Claus Conquers the Martians for your "Christmas in July" selection.

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan - widely regarded as the Best Star Trek film, and the only one I've seen in a theater.  With my cousins in Illinois who were older than me and could drive.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!,



School and work!!

Middle DD and Baby have finals today. Oldest DD is going to help set up for the Big Gigantic Graduation Party tomorrow night. I will go there later today. 

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Good morning!

Little Pup ate the (leather) strap from my sandal this morning.  We can't find it anywhere so we are assuming he actually swallowed it. Sigh. Silly puppy.

I need to drop a package off at the post office and tonight is VBS kickoff party.  VBS happens in the park across the street from my house, so that's convenient.  Meanwhile dd15 has a scout planning meeting so one of the boys will have to drop her off for that.


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Mr. Ellie and I have finished two puzzles, both "12 Days of Christmas." But now what? Do I frame them? How on earth do I do that? I bought them eons ago, because I have a loose 12 Days of Christmas decorating theme. But the practicality of mounting them, storing them during the not-Christmas months, and hanging them during Christmas has just proven to be too much.

That is all.

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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!~D is not ready yet. I woke up early and in spite of my best efforts, couldn’t fall back asleep. Too much going on, too stressed. Tonight is the Big, Gigantic Huge Party. I am in charge of the lemonade. I don’t even want to be part of this. 

Today is the last day of finals/ school for the two youngers. I have work and then I will get off early and get to the party venue and figure out how this lemonade thing is going to work.

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7 hours ago, Ellie said:

Mr. Ellie and I have finished two puzzles, both "12 Days of Christmas." But now what? Do I frame them? How on earth do I do that? I bought them eons ago, because I have a loose 12 Days of Christmas decorating theme. But the practicality of mounting them, storing them during the not-Christmas months, and hanging them during Christmas has just proven to be too much.

That is all.

Just put them away and say, “Well, that was fun,” and don’t worry about it.

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Good morning!

I'm not sure what to do with puzzles.  You could glue the puzzle to a backing board and then store it behind a shelf until Christmas?  Since we are inevitably missing pieces by the time we are done with a puzzle, I usually throw them away.  Otherwise I might give it to a friend.

I never made it to the post office yesterday so maybe today before my dentist appointment.  Tonight is the official start of VBS.  

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13 hours ago, Ellie said:

Mr. Ellie and I have finished two puzzles, both "12 Days of Christmas." But now what? Do I frame them? How on earth do I do that? I bought them eons ago, because I have a loose 12 Days of Christmas decorating theme. But the practicality of mounting them, storing them during the not-Christmas months, and hanging them during Christmas has just proven to be too much.

That is all.


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2 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:


Math people -

How can I demonstrate why the product of two negative numbers equals a positive number? I know this is the rule, but not why.

I'm pretty sure you need a time travel machine for that.

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2 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:


Math people -

How can I demonstrate why the product of two negative numbers equals a positive number? I know this is the rule, but not why.

I have never understood this. 


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:


Math people -

How can I demonstrate why the product of two negative numbers equals a positive number? I know this is the rule, but not why.



I found this answer that is surprisingly helpful. Thank you, Baby Steven!

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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:


I found this answer that is surprisingly helpful. Thank you, Baby Steven!

But why are they walking backwards? 

I believe this is the only thing about math that I do not comprehend. I only went to Algebra 2, so there's a lot I don't know, but the one thing that I'm supposed to understand, but don't. Negative six times negative six should be negative thirty six. Anything else is backwards. 

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I want to write a short mystery about two evil villians who turns out to be time traveling Einstein and Da Vinci. They were born modern day but when they get caught they go back to the times we know them from to escape.

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2 hours ago, Slache said:

And the grammar in that last post is why I don't actually write books, just make up stories. 

Grammar is over rated.  (Apparently.  Judging by the books I've been reading lately.  Don't tell Ellie!)

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I went to the dentist.  No cavities.  They tried to sell me a fluoride treatment and cancer screening for $50.  They said it would take 3-5 minutes.  I declined.  They also want me to get invisalign braces.  I declined that also.

VBS was crazy but good.  I have the orange group (mostly 2nd graders).  I made up a cheer over which they were surprisingly enthusiastic.  My main job is to keep my group together and lead them from one activity station to the next.  I got to carry a big flag.

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I watched a few videos on multiplying negative numbers and discussed it with my yuppie, private school husband and we have come to the conclusion that when you multiply two negative numbers you get a negative number.

I hope this helps.

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Posted (edited)

Multiplying by a negative is a hop to the opposite side of the 0 on the number line. If you're at a negative, and you hop again, you're on the positive part.


I got rear-ended by a motorcyclist yesterday, and the dude drove off 😯 before we could exchange information--but not before I saw his work name tag from a place right down the street from there, so the police officer I talked with will likely be able to identify him today. I have an appointment at the auto shop this morning. I'm very thankful we weren't hurt.

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1 minute ago, Slache said:


It's like a reflection.

Or think of it this way: If I started from zero, and I wanted to hop six left [because the first number is -6] *the opposite of six* times [because the second term, by which I'm multiplying, is -6], I would be hopping right six times, and land at positive 36.

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Just now, 73349 said:

It's like a reflection.

Or think of it this way: If I started from zero, and I wanted to hop six left [because the first number is -6] *the opposite of six* times [because the second term, by which I'm multiplying, is -6], I would be hopping right six times, and land at positive 36.


Thank you! 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Slache said:

I watched a few videos on multiplying negative numbers and discussed it with my yuppie, private school husband and we have come to the conclusion that when you multiply two negative numbers you get a negative number.

I hope this helps.


Watching Baby Steven gave me the direction I needed to really THINK and visualize the actual grouping in multiplying as well as what negative numbers ARE. 


The best explanation I can think of (using a number line) is this:


The opposite of +6 is -6.

And 6 groups of 6 equals 36

This makes sense, right?


Next, -6 groups of 6 equals -36

And 6 groups of -6 equals -36.

This means that the opposite of 6 (-6) groups of -6 equals +36.

This might sound strange, but it helps me to think of zero on a number line as a mirror and negatives as a reflection of their positive counterparts.

Edited by Servant4Christ
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Posted (edited)

Sorry I missed the last 2-3 posts while typing. It takes a while for me to put mathematical thoughts into words that make sense. I'll base how well I understand all this by how well Oldest understands my explanation and possible demonstration later on.

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Good morning!

All that math is making me tired.  Also since I woke up at dark o'clock and couldn't get back to sleep.  Nevertheless.  We're leaving in a half hour to help dd21 and son-in-law move 5 yards to a new apartment.  I cut up a pineapple and watermelon to bring for snacks.  Also a bunch of leftover VBS cupcakes that someone sent home with dd15.

I seem to be having a resurgence of hot flashes.  

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51 minutes ago, Slache said:

but as a motorcyclist, I have questions for the driver.

Don't we all.

I was literally getting him a bandage out of my first aid kit when he took off.

He must've panicked, because a person thinking sensibly would know that between his name tag and the color of his bike, he shouldn't be hard to find. Especially since he had a minor but visible injury.

The officer said he will talk to the motorcyclists at that workplace today and invite the person to fess up and get his insurance involved, or he can go get a warrant to arrest him for fleeing the scene.

Our insurance is covering my rental, so I am not bereft and forlorn while I wait for the repair.

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Good Morning!!!


What day is it???

I’m getting up late. I have no morning or classes and I put in 45-50 hours a week at the beginning of May so, I figure I can start work late today. The Great Big Gigantic party was last night. It went well. It was outside at a friend’s park. There were a lot of people, but the park was pretty big. The weather was perfect.

DD1 has Senior breakfast today and then they have graduation practice. Then graduation tonight.

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14 hours ago, Slache said:

I want to write a short mystery about two evil villians who turns out to be time traveling Einstein and Da Vinci. They were born modern day but when they get caught they go back to the times we know them from to escape.

The thing about Time Travel is that you have to tread lightly, otherwise you get in the weeds with multiple universes and possible outcomes and it gets really ugly. That’s why I tend to stay away from that sort of thing.

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1 hour ago, 73349 said:

It's like a reflection.

Or think of it this way: If I started from zero, and I wanted to hop six left [because the first number is -6] *the opposite of six* times [because the second term, by which I'm multiplying, is -6], I would be hopping right six times, and land at positive 36.

That does make sense to me, although unlike my husband the engineer, I don’t require math to make sense to me. I’m an algorithms sort of girl.

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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

The thing about Time Travel is that you have to tread lightly, otherwise you get in the weeds with multiple universes and possible outcomes and it gets really ugly. That’s why I tend to stay away from that sort of thing.

I would need much more coffee.

2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

That does make sense to me, although unlike my husband the engineer, I don’t require math to make sense to me. I’m an algorithms sort of girl.

I like to understand, but just accepted the aforementioned nonsense to pass. 

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We are home from the Big Little Move.  Got the old apartment all clean and things somewhat put into order in the new apartment.  Aside from the piles and piles of books.  They have fewer bookshelves in this "partially furnished" apartment.

My back is very tired so I'm sitting on the sofa having a mug of leftover soup and some cassava flour pretzels.

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