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I am feeling behind with my day and overwhelmed.  So I have to sit here and post to make myself feel better.  :p



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  Time-traveling hugs


We love you, Jeanie!  Even when we are behind and reading your posts days later. 

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Well, sure, if she "needs" to use it that much.  It's no more ridiculous than expecting you to have one just for her visits. 


When she leaves she can take away her "used but still good" oil with her!

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Someone told me that I'm very well organized.  :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


Yeah, I've been told that, too.  Same internal reaction here -- they don't know me very well.  It's easier to organize someone else's space.  It's easy to adopt someone else's filing strategy that creates links between hardcopy files and digital files.  It's a lot harder to start such stuff from scratch in one's own environment.

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My toilet brushes are here, along with dd9's carnivorous plants (birthday present, which I must now keep alive and hidden for 2 weeks - Renai, I need help here), and the card game, Exploding Kittens which I plan to give dd13 for her birthday in December.


*face palm* 


Okay, I just ordered it on Amazon.  I heard cousins laughing uproariously over it on a previous gathering and meant to get it for one or the other DDs' birthdays, but forgot.  It will be in Wednesday.


BTW, among the other "customers who bought this also bought" items was -- drumroll -- the Instant Pot!

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Well, the instructions on my new not-yet-installed dishwasher say I should use some. I never noticed a difference with my old dishwasher, but maybe that's because it was a stupid dishwasher.


ILs have basically the same dishwasher as us, bought in the same year, and they are on well water (so they get lots of deposits).  We use a rinse aid, they don't, and other than time to complete the cycle in the dishwasher I can't really tell much, if any, difference.  They have a few glasses that are starting to get some mineral build-up, but no one is fussed about that.  A rinse aid might slow down the build-up, but I don't think it would eliminate it altogether.

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Good morning.


Yay, for new appliances.


Everyone is still sleeping. Mom will have to get up soon to take her first rounds of meds, or the day will be off.


I'm tired. We will have to build an addition to the house if mom stays here. If we don't build on, she is going to have to go home. Therapists, nurses and aide are not going to come after this month. She is as good as she can be, and nothing for them to do. But I need my house back. She has a news channel on all. day. long. The things they say on there are sickening. I had to tell dd16 to take the twins in her room and listen to loud music the other night because I did not want them to hear the tv. So then if we build, it will be builders, plumbers, electricians and decisions, decisions, decisions all fall. And probably for the rest of the year. It is going to be hard having school in the kitchen (our usual place) with the tv in the living room blaring. The kitchen and living room are next to each other. We could go in my bedroom, but it would be very uncomfortable when they have to write, do math, etc.


When I made this decision to have mom here, you all were right. I should've said no. But I couldn't. I have a problem. I can't say no, and I can't tell people when they are irritating me.


I don't know what to do. Build.....don't build. So many things have been turned off at her house it would be a hassle to get it ready for her to live in. She won't fix her food or get her meds. She would be in the hospital in no time.


That is enough. If y'all read though that you deserve a medal. :D


Have a happy and beautiful day.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



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My head hurts.  Dh just went to the store with a huge list.  It's really my job to do the shopping because he wanted to work on another project, but I just don't feel safe driving.  And I don't know if I could handle the grocery store.  So bright, so loud.   :(


Hooray for understanding and accommodating DHs!  Gentle, quiet :grouphug:  for the rest.

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Experimental makes it so that I can't get good sleep. Sigh. I might give up the experiment. I'm not sure yet though.



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:grouphug: :grouphug:   soothing snuggles, with calming humming of your favorite lullaby

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Did we talk Mazda 3's previously? Anyone have an opinion? DH wants me to test drive a Mazda 3 and a Ford Focus today.


I like my F-150.  Not too many people mess with me now that I drive a nice, tall truck!

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I loved my Subarus.  And I love my Toyota Rav 4. 


My friends in Colorado love their Outbacks.  We have had a good run with Kia vehicles -- great safety, competitive pricing, quite durable vehicles.  But they don't make a pickup truck, so I have switched now.  DH still has his Soul, and will likely get another Kia when DD15 gets to driving age (she will get the Soul).

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Quick! Someone find out if the rumors are true about Nathan Fillian and Netflix bringing back Firefly!!




You had better not be yanking my chain.  :toetap05:

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:grouphug: To those who need them, or those who just want them. I need a shower before I get hugs.

:hurray: Jean's ds! 

Don't own an instant pot so can't commiserate, brag or offer advice.

Can't help with cars. I drive a Toyota truck.

I have worked, walked dogs, medicated my ancient herd of cats, and authed 3000+ words. I'm kind of dragging. But I'm up to 38,000 on my word count. And I was informed that my beta reader wanted to kill me for only letting her have two chapters to read. So I'd say that I've got those first few chapters in pretty good shape. :D


No, you need more beta testers.  :bigear: :drool5:

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I have never deep fried anything in my life. I do eat deep-fried food on rare occasions but only at restaurants.

I love deep fried food, especially chicken. It's my goal to eat 100% healthy 100% of the time as I tend to fall short of my goals. Owning a deep fryer is a really, really bad idea for someone with no self control. No deep fryer, no TV, no credit card. Otherwise I'd be fat, stupid and homeless.
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Sometimes I wish I liked coffee. I like the smell of it. But not the taste. DH is already up and out to get groceries. And I'm being lazy, but I need to get up and around soon. We are going to try to get to our spot by the waterfall before it gets smoking hot today. 


I like a little coffee with my cream and sugar.  Unfortunately for me, the cream and sugar don't treat me well anymore.

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Back from the waterfall. We went this morning, and was that the right choice! Place filled up with squeakers and their squeaky toys after lunch. But by then we'd soaked in the mineral pool, watched the crazy college kids jumping from the top of the falls into the water, and basically just listened to water and the wind in the sycamore trees. Morning sunlight makes spectacular patterns on falling water when it shines through restless leaves. Just saying. 

I feel nicely refreshed.


I feel a bit more tranquil just reading about it!

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Now that summer is fixing to really heat up it won't rain any more and all the waterfalls will dry up. And I'll have to sit in my dark cave without waterfalls and mourn. :sad:


Come to my ILs house -- MIL has a small fountain on her deck.  Youngest dear nephew (age 3) was told to wash his hands before eating his snack.  Instead of going inside to use a sink he used the fountain and insisted his hands were all clean now.

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I don't need a million dollars even. Maybe just 50K. I just need my walls repainted and this nasty carpet removed and decent flooring put in. Well, now that VBS is over it is my mission in life to get the carpet out of my bedroom and put in laminate. I have just about convinced dh (Mr. Why-pay-someone-else-to-do-it-if-I-can-do-it-myself) to have it installed. Just a little more work on him and then I'm off to the flooring place.


My DH tends to be that way, too, until I once pointed out all of the things we never got done because he was "able to do it himself".  Now when we decide a home repair or something else is important we look at whether he reasonably will have the time to do the project or whether hiring someone to do it might not be worth the expense.

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PSA:  Today is National Ice Cream Day!!


:crying:   I can't have any.  I did Saturday, at DD15's family birthday party, and it did nasty things to my gut.

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One freaked-out-by-a-spider kid.


One barfing kid.


One less-than-thrilled-Mom to have all of this happening at 11:30 at night. 


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  to all of you.  Poor babies.

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Just caught up.


Read Lynn's post and thought, "Oh, that's right. It's swim season now, so she'll be soooo busy."


We now have a history with knowable seasons. :huh:




Must go brave terrifying roads.  Wish me luck...


Good luck!!!!

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Hi JJM! Good to see you, too! Yes, we do have a history with knowable seasons! We have our own little world. Good luck on the terrifying roads. Don't take unnecessary risks!


I misread this as "terrifying toads"....

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I've caught up with chores and school planning for the week. Now I'm ready to go back to bed. Guess I ought to go get that second cup of tea. :laugh:


Good job!  Consider this liked!


I'm caught up to the start of today and fresh out of likes.  *sigh*  It's tough when I'm away a couple of days.  *sigh*

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I have the weirdest dreams during second sleep. This time some random stranger who is subscribed to me on YouTube asked to be my friend on Fitbit and I found the situation so stressful I cried. :blink:

:grouphug:   there there


You have a YouTube channel?  That would have been nice to know when I was experiencing insomnia.   :toetap05:

It would be too entertaining and keep you up longer.  You need to find a boring channel.


"Freaked-out-by-a-spider" kid survived the night.


"Barfy" kid also survived and seems to be ok this morning.


I am super tired because I couldn't fall asleep right away.  I'll sneak a nap in at some point today.

Yay to the first two.  I hope you get your nap. 


I have never deep fried anything in my life.  I do eat deep-fried food on rare occasions but only at restaurants. 

It's a lot more hassle than it's worth much of the time.

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I'm not even going to try to get ketched up.




My hula class is going well. I have nine new students, only three remaining from before, so 10-12 dancers weekly. They all love me, and they are all working hard to become awesome dancers. How kewl is that?


Planning for a family reunion next year on the Outer Banks.


Trying to keep cool in the hot Texas summer. Ugh.


That is all.






Yay!!  Ellie is back :)  We missed you!


I am so happy to hear that your hula class is going well.  Just needed peeps who appreciate you.

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Can you help me move?


Sure!  We have a small trailer we can tow along, too, and if you have a lot of stuff my FIL has a bigger trailer.  DH made <family name> Movers shirts for us all a few years back after he got a silk-screening kit and other family was going to move, so we can even look like you hired someone for the job!

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I have a blender I use once in a while, a KA mixer I love but just don't have call to use except around holiday time (especially since DH bought be a Whip It), and a food processor I tend to forget about until I have to shred or chop a LOT of stuff and start getting blisters.  At those food volumes I don't mind the clean-up of any of these, since it takes less time and effort and produces less blisters than chopping or shredding everything by hand would have.


I am surprised at how I simply don't use my straight-sided 10" skillets much since I received a couple 12" sloped-sided stir-fry pans.  I will keep my cast iron skillet and the enameled skillet that was my mother's.  I've already donated one 10" skillet with lid.  (DH: "But that goes with our induction hot plate."  Me: "We have other cookware that will work on the induction hot plate."  Note: induction hot plate only gets used once a year, at holiday times, when we simply must have another accessible burner.)  I really should donate the other 10" skillet, though.  (My internal argument that DH will probably also voice:  "It's part of a set."  "We don't have to always keep sets together.  The stock pot of this set is already gone (the side split), so the set is already incomplete.  We don't have to keep ALL of the set when only SOME of the set is useful to us.")


I have been telling eldest dear niece (and my own two DDs) that when the time comes to set up their own kitchens it would be wiser to NOT buy sets of pots and pans or other kitchen gear.  Instead they should get only the pans and lids they actually will use, as they need them.  Ditto with kitchen knives,utensils, and small appliances.  They will likely have SMALL kitchens with very limited space, and invariably sets come with pieces (usually of space-consuming size) they simply will not use. 


I prefer my straight-sided 10" skillet.  I am too messy to use a sloped-sided pan without making a huge mess and half of my dinner ending up elsewhere than in the pan.  No Bueno.  Also, I prefer pans with lids. 


ETA: I agree with everything else. :)

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I Kon Mari'd (in my own special Angi way) last fall. I haven't bought all of our curriculum yet for THIS fall. I cannot figure out why I have to double-stack my bookshelves right now.

Maybe I shouldn't have planned to clean house today.


I have to stop admiring our currently quite decluttered bedroom in my few spare minutes and start clearing up the home school area (where I piled everything we needed to get out from underfoot when the new bed was delivered).  Then I need to start ordering in this fall's curriculum and write out a general plan of attack.


However I must also try a few more things with my just-arrived-this-weekend Jawbone UP Move before calling the company in person to tell them yet again that it's simply not counting all of my steps or my sleep, and I need to make a meal-plan for the week with minimal grocery shopping (because our fridge is FULL of leftovers from this past weekend).


Too many must-get-to's.  They are all starting to complain and fuss and talk over each other.  We got our trailer back from DBIL, though, so maybe this next weekend we can go paddling.


*sigh*  I have laundry waiting in machines right now, too, but I'm finishing ketchupping before I deign to go upstairs again.

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I prefer my straight-sided 10" skillet.  I am too messy to use a sloped-sided pan without making a huge mess and half of my dinner ending up elsewhere than in the pan.  No Bueno.  Also, I prefer pans with lids. 


ETA: I agree with everything else. :)


I like lids, too.  I have a 12" lid for my 12" fry pans.  I needed the capacity of the 12" pans even more than I thought.  I have found that part of the reason I made a mess with 10" pans was the pan was too small for what I was doing.


ETA:  Kitchen pan booyah!

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CIZE follows a logical progression where moves build on each other. The first week is very boring and the second isn't much better. I just assumed you did the first week. I did BBOD because I wanted to do 21 day fix and I didn't want to pay for it. I didn't mess around much other than that.


Do you remember the name of the video or what Shawn was wearing? I like the one with the tic tac green shorts. It's got some cool hand motions.


Wasn't 21 day fix premium content that you had to pay for? Granted, it was only around 10 bucks, so...


The name of the video is Go For It. We're enjoying BOD. Once I replace the ink in my printer, I'm going to print out the stuff for P90x3 (workout plan, calendar, etc.). I also need to order the bands. I think I'm going to sell the exercise seat I bought from that garage sale a couple of weeks ago. The bands will be more useful.

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I loved my Subarus.  And I love my Toyota Rav 4. 


So, a story from Saturday.    I was test driving the horrible Ford Focus, and the guy they sent out with me on the test drive was the. worst. salesman. ever.  It wasn't the guy with whom my Dh had spoken - he was busy selling a car to another couple - they were signing papers.  So they sent this guy with me.  It took him over half an hour to bring the car around to the front.  Then he proceeded to spend the rest of the test drive complaining about his wife's purchase of a Toyota Rav 4.  Apparently she's an idiot who doesn't listen to him, and was supposed to bring it by the house for him to look at and decide on so that then he could go in and make the deal.  Well, she bought it there at the dealership without his involvement, and now 2 years later there are all these problems, blah, blah, blah.  So I made a big deal about the way the Ford Focus - you know, the one he was supposed to be trying to get me to buy? - hesitates when you step on the gas, and he said that yeah, his Ford does that, too, he doesn't know why.  Then he went back to complaining about the Rav 4 and bad-mouthing his wife and her apparent lack of smarts for buying the car.  I'm sitting there thinking she's probably a really smart woman stuck with a jerk of a husband, but what do I know.  Anyway, the test drive was 95% about him, and 5% about the Ford, all of which had me running to my car the minute the test drive was over.  At the end the "salesman" said, "So, what do you think?"  And I said, "I don't know.  It's up to my husband.  Call him."  And then I hightailed it out of there. ;)

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Oh, and now DH wants me to test drive the 2016 Mitsubishi Lancer.  The one on the lot is red and supposedly he can get a really good deal.   Um, okay.  Imma gonna test drive it, but no promises, m'kay? 


He test drove the Civic and didn't like it. :(  The AC wasn't very good, and he said it shifted funny.  I did notice the AC didn't seem very cold. 

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Well I tried.  But apparently everyone in this dumb world needs me to look up something or to answer something.  I give up for now.  I'll probably try for a nap again after lunch. 


I am not your mother, people!  Oh wait. . . I am. . .   :leaving:



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Ikslo, he didn't like *that* Civic. That doesn't mean you're not getting a Civic.


Renai, BBOD must have changed things because when I had it there was no premium content. They had a limited amount but it was all free.


So while we were unpacked a week after moving, between having to take care of the baby, my issues and 9,000 doctor appointments the house is still not finished. Matt just requested to take Friday off so we can get this crap done and have a decent weekend for once.

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