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I've had the best sleep of my life this past week, but it's all down to NyQuil. I had a dream for the first time in a year or so.


I really need to quit staying up late thinking that I'll get anything done. It's the only time I get 2 or 3 quiet hours, though. :)

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Re: Insomnia


As an experiment, a few weeks ago I started having about 6oz of steak for lunch every day. Just the steak. And on days that I eat steak for lunch, I don't wake up at 4am. I have not eaten steak the past few days so I am always awake early, but I'll be back to steak lunch today.


(I know steak is expensive. I generally buy packages that are on "manager's special", i.e. expiring, and not expensive cuts, so it ends up being $2-3 per portion. Still an expensive lunch for just me, but these days a night of sleep is worth it.)

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Happy Birthday to Dawn's DD. 


(By the way, I hate parties too.  I hate having so many people at one time.  My dh loves them, so thankfully he helps pull it off.  Hope you're feeling better now too.  With that many people don't bother cleaning too much; they're just going to make a mess anyway.  Just swipe the bathroom and move on.  Grill burgers and dogs, buy potato chips, fruit, veggie tray, and the cake.  Make it easy on yourself!)

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Happy Birthday to Dawn's DD. 


(By the way, I hate parties too.  I hate having so many people at one time.  My dh loves them, so thankfully he helps pull it off.  Hope you're feeling better now too.  With that many people don't bother cleaning too much; they're just going to make a mess anyway.  Just swipe the bathroom and move on.  Grill burgers and dogs, buy potato chips, fruit, veggie tray, and the cake.  Make it easy on yourself!)


Luckily for us, our oldest is as much a homebody as we are and we've never had large parties for birthdays or anything else.


Both of our kids have Summer birthdays which always creates a challenge when trying to invite school chums, and now with home schooling the little one that will be even more pronounced.


It's not that we don't want them to have friends, it's just that we don't do... uhh.. people. We don't do people. :)

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Happy birthday to Dawn's DD!


Thank you Lynn for your thoughts. It never dawned on me to just listen to the CDs. That would be quite gentle. And AO. I love AO. I will probably reference them every year. I also intend to use their Shakespeare and Plutarch plans. Good. frigging. stuffs.


Hi everyone else.


My back hurts but not at all like yesterday. Whew.


The Brach's flavored candy corn is to die for. I've had apple pie and smores.

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Happy Birthday to Dawn's DD.


(By the way, I hate parties too. I hate having so many people at one time. My dh loves them, so thankfully he helps pull it off. Hope you're feeling better now too. With that many people don't bother cleaning too much; they're just going to make a mess anyway. Just swipe the bathroom and move on. Grill burgers and dogs, buy potato chips, fruit, veggie tray, and the cake. Make it easy on yourself!)

Can you believe I am out of likes? Grrrrr.


We didn't find a grill so I am going to order about 5 large pizzas, make a big kettle of chili (for those who don't like pizza), and have cake and ice cream, of course.


As far as cleaning, EVERYONE, has to clean for one hour Saturday morning before band competition. We will all be home until 11am. That is my plan.


I hope it works out. I am NOT looking forward to it as I am still congested and stuffy, and the perfectionist in-laws drive me batty.


I have a plan, and I can not wait for it to be over with.:D

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I think you can glean a lot from reading between the lines about the social and cultural climate of his time, sure. It's still like some future historian researching contemporary 20th century culture via bodice ripping pulp novels. ;-)

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Happy birthday to Dawn's DD!


Thank you Lynn for your thoughts. It never dawned on me to just listen to the CDs. That would be quite gentle. And AO. I love AO. I will probably reference them every year. I also intend to use their Shakespeare and Plutarch plans. Good. frigging. stuffs.


Hi everyone else.


My back hurts but not at all like yesterday. Whew.


The Brach's flavored candy corn is to die for. I've had apple pie and smores.




Thank you, Slache.:)

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That bandolier, while stylish, weighs like 40 pounds. It was made on commission for me by a wonderful woman in Texas who is just the best, but the resin boxes are very, very heavy. I need to mold them and make some hollow ones. :)


I dance like the river too.  



Though that is not the reason I'm quoting you.  I'm quoting you because awesome siggy update.   :lol:





ETA:  HA!  Right reply, but wrong reply tab in my Chrome bar.  Let's see if I can fix this.....

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I have an actual India name. It's a tradition in my family. I think I got it when I was 8. Dances like the river. It's an insult. Most are insults in my family. I'm Cherokee. My grandfather kept us all in tune with our roots and red relatives. Remember my comment about wild animals letting me pet them? He taught me how to do that.




I dance like the river too.  



Though that is not the reason I'm quoting you.  I'm quoting you because awesome siggy update.    :lol:

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I feel like I'm clicking "Like" all over the place, and haven't "run out of likes". Is that really a thing? How many do you get?


I got a couple error messages last night later on that said "There was a problem recording your vote" or some such, but it still seemed to apply anyway?

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I think I am going to take the day off.


I woke up at 4:30am and realize ds20 is not home.:( I check phones for messages, missed calls, etc. NOTHING. He was supposed to be home about 10ish, but here it is almost 5am. So I call the Sherriff's office and he is still at work. He had to work a double shift. He usually calls or texts, but I guess he thought it was too late. Anyway, I had just gotten back to sleep when it was time for Dd16 to get on the bus. I wanted to tell her happy birthday so I got up. And stayed up.


On the other hand, I should be (and I am) grateful he was working at the jail and not IN the jail. :D


It is cloudy, overcast and cool. I think it is a good day to curl up on the couch and read fun picture books.


ETA: not that ds 20 does things that he would likely be IN jail, but I have THAT kind of family (my side). #dontask

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Ellie, hope you got some good sleep after that.


Tex, socks and sweatshirt are always a good cure for a wet cold head of hair.  And maybe a cup of Earl Grey.  :-)


Mark, love the painting, especially the tree; it looks protective.


Professor Mom, Good to see you!  LOL at your posts, but out of likes.


Hi Ikslo!


By the way, I ran out of likes a long while back.  I guess I'm going to have to stop liking casually and save them up for the good stuff - like Slache telling Renai she's going to hell for being on her phone during church.   :lol:   Or Susan's suggestion of Chewbacca's head on a spring.   

I would like your post, only I'm out of likes!  

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Dawn I LOVE your plan.  :001_tt1: Ordering pizza totally rocks!  (And I'm so glad DS is safe and sound.)


Slache, I love your siggy update also. 


Mark, I'm half nodding and half offended at your Shakespeare critique.


Okay, I waited until 9:30 and the rain slowed down, so I did week 8 Day 2.  I went further than I needed to, but I paused the app to walk for a couple minutes.  And at the end when the app said my time was up, I was not as far as I should have been, but I walked anyway.  Sort of a one step forward, one step back kind of thing.



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I have likes now!!!!! Yay, wooo hoooo!!!!


Today is older dds birthday!! She is 16 today. She has a full day of school then band practice from 5-8:30. She stays after school so we went see her until 9 or so tonight. However, we are going to call her about 3:30 and sing, "you're my sugar plum, honey bunch, pumpy-umpy-pumpkin........" Or maybe we should make a video. Hmmmm, I will have to think about that. :D


Happy Sweet 16, Openhearted's dd!!  :party:  :party: :party:  :party:  

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I'd flip my hair over this comment, but as the hair on my head is too short, someone might be disturbed.


My son is disturbed by your eye makeup. 


And he is not a sensitive child.  He was a zombie for Halloween as both a four and a five year old, and carried a hatchet around scaring other kids.  But your picture disturbed him he said.

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I feel like I'm clicking "Like" all over the place, and haven't "run out of likes". Is that really a thing? How many do you get?


I got a couple error messages last night later on that said "There was a problem recording your vote" or some such, but it still seemed to apply anyway?

100, within a rolling 24-hour timeframe


Problem recording your vote is usually when you have already liked something and tried again/double clicked/etc.

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My son is disturbed by your eye makeup. 


And he is not a sensitive child.  He was a zombie for Halloween as both a four and a five year old, and carried a hatchet around scaring other kids.  But your picture disturbed him he said.


This makes me happy.

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likety like like like.  (Except the occasional sarcastic comment from Little Miss No H :D ).



Happy birthday, Dawn's dd!    :party:


Mark - love the painting! 


Prof- Missed you!  Great Yale article.



And to those not feeling well:




I must now get back to teaching these adorable little heads-full-of-mush.    Dd got tired of waiting for me to read to her, so she read it to herself.  I guess that counts for something, right??  

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Wife's new work schedule kicks in 5 weeks from today, and for now that means enfeebled MIL looking after little one for 4 hours twice a week, and an extra 3 hours added to my commute on those days. Ugh. This is not a long term solution.


Daytime babysitters... double ugh. I'm not the trusting type especially not after the nonsense that caused us to pull her out of public school.


It's looking more and more like the only solution, whether we like it or not, is to become a one income family. That... is not very realistic. Another ugh for that one.

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Happy Birthday to Dawn's DD.


(By the way, I hate parties too. I hate having so many people at one time. My dh loves them, so thankfully he helps pull it off. Hope you're feeling better now too. With that many people don't bother cleaning too much; they're just going to make a mess anyway. Just swipe the bathroom and move on. Grill burgers and dogs, buy potato chips, fruit, veggie tray, and the cake. Make it easy on yourself!)

Ha, I host a huge thanksgiving every year and used to wash the floors in prep for everyone. Not anymore. Now, I wash them after. People are messy and with all of the work of feeding just under 30 of them, washing the floors twice was just too much work.

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Can you believe I am out of likes? Grrrrr.


We didn't find a grill so I am going to order about 5 large pizzas, make a big kettle of chili (for those who don't like pizza), and have cake and ice cream, of course.


As far as cleaning, EVERYONE, has to clean for one hour Saturday morning before band competition. We will all be home until 11am. That is my plan.


I hope it works out. I am NOT looking forward to it as I am still congested and stuffy, and the perfectionist in-laws drive me batty.


I have a plan, and I can not wait for it to be over with.:D

You can do it sweet girl. Then I prescribe a cup of tea ingested while resting wrapped in a nice blanket on the couch:-)


Happy bday to your dd!

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You can do it sweet girl. Then I prescribe a cup of tea ingested while resting wrapped in a nice blanket on the couch:-)


Happy bday to your dd!

Thank you!:)


I will soon be requiring all the inner strength the ITT peeps can virtually send my way. Because I feel like crap today. I feel like I am getting sick all over again. Maybe it's just lack of sleep. I hope.

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