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Fine by me!


They have a very short attention span for yardwork, I'll warn ya.  Now, creating an archaeological dig in the yard without mama's knowledge? THAT they can focus on for hours.  


I used to do that in our sandbox when I was a kid!!!!

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We did have the infamous beef ribs incident when Rocky grabbed the very big and expensive rack of ribs right off the grill.  I entertained my kids and the neighbors by chasing him around the yard, grabbing them back, hacking off the end he had bitten and putting them back on the grill.  Then I guarded the grill zealously until they were done.  (I think I posted about that before but since it's always a good story I'll tell it again anyway.)


I am getting confused -- I thought Rocky was a rabbit?


If so you NEED a "Beware of rabbit" sign for your fence, complete with picture of him with a rack of ribs in his mouth.  Burglars WILL think twice.

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Come on over.  We can stuff ourselves silly with good chocolate while watching all the ITT kids that have been sent my way to suffer through my benign neglect.  


I'll come, too, please!  And I'll leave my kids behind so I get a chance at the chocolate.

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Fireworks were cancelled due to rain, so for lack of better action we drove dd6 through a torrential rain storm to the emergency room to get stitches on her head.


It was my fault. I asked her to put the rain jar up that the stupid squirrels had knocked down (again) and she slipped on the wet deck and hit her head on the metal sliding door frame.


Now she will have a scar on each side of her forehead, which she is very excited about. (She has this idea that you get to make wishes on scars. And also that everyone has at least one scar because of bellybuttons. Wishes for everyone!)


I'm spent.


So sorry to hear of this, and I hope your DD is okay!  I do like her perspective.  Do we get only one wish per scar, or do we get several?  I have dozens of old bug bite scars on me, so I need to know how to plan my wishing!

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Oh, I love it!!  Great story.  Worth retelling!  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:   



And it reminds me......


Back in the day when Dh and I were still both teaching, I promised a coffee cake to the students in my small 8am section, in celebration of the last day of the semester. Dh had taken one of my coffee cakes to a faculty meeting just the night before, and had returned with three-quarters of it still left, so I decided to forego making a new one and just bring along the leftovers from his bash (it would still be plenty).  


Now, it was December in New England, and it had stormed the day before, so as I walked across campus that morning the air was crisp and the world was encased in ice -- every limb, branch, and leaf.  Beautiful.  


Until I entered the building I taught in. The short stairwell headed down to the lower level was wet.  My boots were slippery.  Up went the coffee cake, down went me.  


Now, the cake landed upside down, on a very clean (clearly just mopped) section of vinyl flooring.  And most of the cake slices (at least half, reallly) were still inside the plastic wrap I'd covered the dish with.  And no one had seen any of this happen.  And I'd promised these starving students some breakfast, and by golly it was also teacher evaluation day, so I did what any self-respecting professional would do... I invoked the 5-second rule.  Scooping up the slices of coffee cake as fast as I could, I rearranged them on the plate, and served them up to 10 delightfully ravenous students (who incidentally also cheerfully gave the cake and their professor rave reviews that day.)


End of story.  But not really, because you see, when I returned home that night and told dh all about it, he absolutely collapsed in laughter.  Tears were streaming.  When he finally calmed down enough to talk, he then shared with me that he had dropped the very same coffee cake upside-down in a snow bank the night before, when he had slipped on a sidewalk on the way to his faculty meeting.  No one had seen him, and the snow was fresh-fallen clean, so he'd invoked the 5-second rule and plunked it down on the dessert table with all the other dishes anyway.  


And that, dear ITT friends, is the story of my Twice-Dropped Coffee Cake.  I'm happy to share the recipe with anyone who wants it.  


:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


Me, please!  I'd like the recipe!  And it has to have that name!


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I am getting confused -- I thought Rocky was a rabbit?


If so you NEED a "Beware of rabbit" sign for your fence, complete with picture of him with a rack of ribs in his mouth.  Burglars WILL think twice.

Rusty is a rabbit.


Rocky is a dog.


I get confused too.  I regularly call the kids by the pet's names.  

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PSA:  Do not feed your dog too many rich people foods on July 4th unless you enjoy cutting diarrhea mats off of a dog with significant leg plumage and then washing the dog's booty while it struggles to escape.  Also, the dog will reward your kindness with a roll in the dirt while wet. :huh:


You really had me wondering there for a minute!  I read, "Do not feed your dog too many rich people" and wondered:

  1.   Is Tex's DH rich?  and
  2.   I understand her feeding HIM to the dog, but who else is she mad at?

Then I rescanned the line and saw "Do not feed...rich people foods" and, while I was relieved you weren't feeding them to the dog I did wonder why you wouldn't feed them food.


Then I rescanned and read "unless you enjoy...diarrhea mats" and REALLY wondered what goes on at your house. 


Now I have reread it very carefully, and I am wondering where my brain has gone....

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I have bathed and changed clothing, but I probably need someone to scrub me with bleach.  Ick.


It did occur to me that at least your dog didn't jump into the in-ground swimming pool to wash himself off. 

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I have just informed the family that in 47 minutes (at 11 pm) they had better clear out or I will become major cranky pants.  I'd actually like them to clear out now since I have pain roaring down on me like a freight train but I will leave them to their stupid movie while I slowly do my getting ready for bed stuff.  


I have just one word for this now:  "Pumpkin."  I say this word and my kids know they will NOT get any participation from me at bedtime (they still like our joint routines) if they don't hurry up.  Eldest has also learned, repeatedly, that when Mom is a pumpkin she does NOT see the humor in remarks about her lack of orange.


But I totally get letting them finish their show.  Stellar Moms do such things, even despite their pain.

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You do realize that an hour after you posted this you were posting on the Naugler thread, right? Not that I'm stalking you or anything. I hope you are having sweet dreams by now, woman.


I'm sure it was distraction to take her mind off of her pain so she stood a chance of getting some actual sleep.


The Naugler threads are still running?

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I have just one word for this now:  "Pumpkin."  I say this word and my kids know they will NOT get any participation from me at bedtime (they still like our joint routines) if they don't hurry up.  Eldest has also learned, repeatedly, that when Mom is a pumpkin she does NOT see the humor in remarks about her lack of orange.


But I totally get letting them finish their show.  Stellar Moms do such things, even despite their pain.

I turn into a rutabaga.  It explains the lack of orange.  

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You really had me wondering there for a minute!  I read, "Do not feed your dog too many rich people" and wondered:

  1.   Is Tex's DH rich?  and
  2.   I understand her feeding HIM to the dog, but who else is she mad at?

Then I rescanned the line and saw "Do not feed...rich people foods" and, while I was relieved you weren't feeding them to the dog I did wonder why you wouldn't feed them food.


Then I rescanned and read "unless you enjoy...diarrhea mats" and REALLY wondered what goes on at your house. 


Now I have reread it very carefully, and I am wondering where my brain has gone....

I think we should use Tex's post as a reading comprehension test.  

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Note to self:  You have finished page 195.


Hi, everyone!  Sorry I've been away again for a few days.  Unfortunately it looks like the bulk of July will be the same, so I'll be here sporadically.


I have gotten some more planning of next year done, and now have gotten bogged down on a rabbit trail -- I looked at TEA's (Texas Education Agency, not a tea shop or a teA shop!) website to try to clarify just what the state requires the public schools to teach on certain subjects (like "good citizenship", for instance).  I have a LOT of legislative mumbo-jumbo to wade through, but I am finding some useful information.  All of the repetitive gobbledegook has my eyes crossing, however, so it's taking me a while to wade through.


This all falls in with my current worry/obsession:  What do my kids need to A) graduate well from high school, and B) get into a good course of study in a good college.  My brain has decided I have to have the get-into-college school plan sussed out now, because it will take all 4 years of high school to get everything on that plan done, and I need eldest's 8th grade year (this next year) as "high school prep", in which we get anything done that is needed to set her up for high school.


Right now I think I've crossed the line into overthinking all of this.  Ugh.


I'm hot and sweaty and trying to remember everything I need to, and feeling like I'm forgetting more and more.  Gotta remember DD's birthday.  Did remember my Dad's birthday.  I made appointments for myself, so I must remember them (I did write them on the calendar).  I just need to keep straight which day it is and which week it is so I get to my appointments on time.


Oh, yeah, I need to make an appointment for the kids' yearly physicals....

Yes, you are overthinking.


Let me summarize the TEA site:  blah, blah, blah....do what you want.  Well, that is what it says to homeschoolers, as long as you teach the all-important GOOD CITIZENSHIP..  I put together a list of the average-ish requirements for graduation from a public school and the (forget what they call it) college bound preferred requirements.  There is not a ton of difference, honestly. I showed them to my boys.  There is plenty of room for you to do your own thing.  Also, if you plan CC for your kids, it likely won't much matter.  


You're welcome.  :D

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BTW, everybody please cross your fingers that when I see the ENT he will tell me that in the past 15 years they HAVE come up with a treatment for my tinnitus.  If I could just get rid of the blasted ringing in my earthat I've been plagued with for over 2 decades I think my brain would clear up a bit....


Or not.  Someone please make a funny face at me, okay? 


I am so sorry!  My mother had tinnitus.

You really had me wondering there for a minute!  I read, "Do not feed your dog too many rich people" and wondered:

  1.   Is Tex's DH rich?  and
  2.   I understand her feeding HIM to the dog, but who else is she mad at?

Then I rescanned the line and saw "Do not feed...rich people foods" and, while I was relieved you weren't feeding them to the dog I did wonder why you wouldn't feed them food.


Then I rescanned and read "unless you enjoy...diarrhea mats" and REALLY wondered what goes on at your house. 


Now I have reread it very carefully, and I am wondering where my brain has gone....

I have a lot of issues sticking words in the wrong place for clear meaning.  My posts here are mostly stream of consciousness so now you know what it's like inside my head...all full of rich people being fed to the dog and diarrhea mats (versus yoga mats).


I think we should use Tex's post as a reading comprehension test.  

I think it is on a STARR test somewhere... (Texas public school standardized test)

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I went and got more paint.  I painted.  It did not make me throw up.  I think it will match.  The numbers on the paint can are the same, and the dude promised me.  I will beat him up if he is wrong.  If it works, I am likely done except for very minor touch ups (and the ceiling....).

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Dd6 (holding a bug box, with all the other kidlets crowded around her) -  "Mommy, we need something that looks like blood."


Me - "Why?"


Dd6 - "Cuz we need something to contract (attract?) the flies so that we can capture them!"


Me - "Hmmm....  Well, I'm on my lunch break right now.  No ideas."


Dd4 - "Paint?"


Me - "NO."


Ds7 - "Ketchup?"


Me - "NO."


Dd4 - "Oh, I KNOW! I KNOW!  Guys, how 'bout we take a piece of paper an' write "BLOOD" on it, an' put it inside!"




So that is what they are doing as I type this.  Apparently we have some highly literate flies in our house.  


Reminds me of this:


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Rusty is a rabbit.


Rocky is a dog.


I get confused too.  I regularly call the kids by the pet's names.  


Both names:

  • begin with R
  • end with Y
  • have 5 letters
  • have 2 syllables
  • have R - wide, rounded vowel - two consonants of which the first is roundy and the second is taller and more stick-like -- y


I'd be surprised if you managed to keep the names straight!  And don't we all have pet names for our kids?  Some of us just don't have enough pets to call our kids by just the pet names. 


The other day the cat was yowling (July 4th, when I was NOT going to let her go outside) and I told eldest DD to hush.  DH and the kids weren't even home at the time....

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You really had me wondering there for a minute!  I read, "Do not feed your dog too many rich people" and wondered:

  1.   Is Tex's DH rich?  and
  2.   I understand her feeding HIM to the dog, but who else is she mad at?

Then I rescanned the line and saw "Do not feed...rich people foods" and, while I was relieved you weren't feeding them to the dog I did wonder why you wouldn't feed them food.


Then I rescanned and read "unless you enjoy...diarrhea mats" and REALLY wondered what goes on at your house. 


Now I have reread it very carefully, and I am wondering where my brain has gone....


It was the tinnitis. You are excused.

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Rusty is a rabbit.


Rocky is a dog.


I get confused too.  I regularly call the kids by the pet's names.  


I still think you should put up a Beware of Rabbit sign, and photoshop the ribs into your bunny's mouth for the pic.


Of course I mistyped the above, and had to take an extra t off of rabbit.  I guess that would work, if you got a scary picture of Eddie Rabbitt....

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Look for Nooooooo!  (I don't know how many o's there are)

and Nooooooo! Part 2


They made a part 2?  I guess they just couldn't hold it together enough to give this thread some competition.  Which is for the best, because this thread far outranks any other thread out there, for all time.


I love this thread! 

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Yes, you are overthinking.


Let me summarize the TEA site:  blah, blah, blah....do what you want.  Well, that is what it says to homeschoolers, as long as you teach the all-important GOOD CITIZENSHIP..  I put together a list of the average-ish requirements for graduation from a public school and the (forget what they call it) college bound preferred requirements.  There is not a ton of difference, honestly. I showed them to my boys.  There is plenty of room for you to do your own thing.  Also, if you plan CC for your kids, it likely won't much matter.  


You're welcome.   :D


My brain is apparently toast.  All I can pull up for "CC" is "closed captioning".  What does it mean again, please?


I know I can do whatever I want.  I just get a little panicky sometimes over whether it is enough, and then I find myself not stressing over certain things because the kids are working hard enough for long enough already.  Mostly I think I just need to pull out the jargon so I can do a Renai and tag what we already do with TEA's edu-speak.


I also need to take a chill pill and let the kids be kids a bit longer.  Eldest is not quite 14, after all -- I don't have to expect fully mature scholarship from her yet.  I have some years, still, in which to train her, and I'm sure that no matter how lofty the "expectations" are in TEA's wording it will boil down to something a lot more basic in reality.


Thank you for the reality-check.  Renai, have you got a kick-in-the-pants icon?

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Rusty is a rabbit.


Rocky is a dog.


I get confused too.  I regularly call the kids by the pet's names.  

I used to call dh by one of the dog's name all the time. In all fairness, that dog was the only other male in the house. I'd mix them up. Then the second child came, and with two dogs, two kids, daycare children, a husband, and a cat, I just gave up. We went by eye contact and not what actually came out of my mouth.

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They made a part 2?  I guess they just couldn't hold it together enough to give this thread some competition.  Which is for the best, because this thread far outranks any other thread out there, for all time.


I love this thread! 


I made part 2 because I couldn't find the original. But then someone bumped the original and we all moved back over there.

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So sorry to hear of this, and I hope your DD is okay! I do like her perspective. Do we get only one wish per scar, or do we get several? I have dozens of old bug bite scars on me, so I need to know how to plan my wishing!

She is doing fine. Mama generally does not do very well when littles have blood gushing out of their head!


When dd was younger, she could not pronounce "sc", so the scar on her head was a "star", and everyone knows that you can wish on a star! And lo and behold, she has a permanent "star" right on her forehead! Sort of like Harry Potter.


I believe the wishes-to-scar ratio is relatively fluid. I think you can go for it whenever a wish is needed and it is a cloudy night, or daytime, etc.

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I am so sorry!  My mother had tinnitus.

I have a lot of issues sticking words in the wrong place for clear meaning.  My posts here are mostly stream of consciousness so now you know what it's like inside my head...all full of rich people being fed to the dog and diarrhea mats (versus yoga mats).


I think it is on a STARR test somewhere... (Texas public school standardized test)


Thank you (regarding the bulk), and I bet it is (regarding the last, because you are that awesome, obviously).


Even after 20+ years the constant -- and I mean CONSTANT -- ringing will drive me periodically batty.  When I am tired or stressed it grows louder, even to a deafening level that drowns out anything people say to me.  It started with just one tone, but over the years has grown to several.  They are tinny, whiny tones, too, the kind that really grate on one's nerves.


It started about the time I was diagnosed as hypothyroid, so I had hopes that once I got the hypothyroidism under control it would go away.  No luck, so after a few years of that I saw an ENT here to get checked out.  He told me it wasn't caused by any thyroid issue and was instead part of hereditary hearing loss.  He had also checked my hearing and discovered I had some hearing loss already, and that it was worse in the non-tinnitus ear.


Over the past 15+ years my hearing has gotten noticeably worse and the tinnitus accumulated more tones, so one of my appointments is to see that same ENT to see if I now need hearing aids and if there are any new possible treatments for tinnitus.  I have heard of one treatment -- basically programmable noise "cancellation", which I do have some hopes for -- but I think it is only for people who have hearing aids.  I think the aids get bluetoothed to an app on the phone or something....  So now I am partially hoping for hearing aids so I can cancel out some of the ringing, or at the very least hear people better.


Sorry that went on so long.  I think I needed to vent.  The ringing is loud again today.

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Thank you (regarding the bulk), and I bet it is (regarding the last, because you are that awesome, obviously).


Even after 20+ years the constant -- and I mean CONSTANT -- ringing will drive me periodically batty.  When I am tired or stressed it grows louder, even to a deafening level that drowns out anything people say to me.  It started with just one tone, but over the years has grown to several.  They are tinny, whiny tones, too, the kind that really grate on one's nerves.


It started about the time I was diagnosed as hypothyroid, so I had hopes that once I got the hypothyroidism under control it would go away.  No luck, so after a few years of that I saw an ENT here to get checked out.  He told me it wasn't caused by any thyroid issue and was instead part of hereditary hearing loss.  He had also checked my hearing and discovered I had some hearing loss already, and that it was worse in the non-tinnitus ear.


Over the past 15+ years my hearing has gotten noticeably worse and the tinnitus accumulated more tones, so one of my appointments is to see that same ENT to see if I now need hearing aids and if there are any new possible treatments for tinnitus.  I have heard of one treatment -- basically programmable noise "cancellation", which I do have some hopes for -- but I think it is only for people who have hearing aids.  I think the aids get bluetoothed to an app on the phone or something....  So now I am partially hoping for hearing aids so I can cancel out some of the ringing, or at the very least hear people better.


Sorry that went on so long.  I think I needed to vent.  The ringing is loud again today.

(((hugs)))  My mother learned to deal with it (because what is the option, really?), but there were times when it really bothered her and she told me.  I knew it was bad when she talked about it.  Hers was likely due to a heart medication.  She also did have some hearing loss.

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Also, I am trying to do Whole30-ish.  The "ish" is because I rebel against all strict programs so I must make myself think that everything is optional.  It's fun to be me.  Also, I am quite lacking in self-control.


DH is in a training class this week.  On Monday they had an exercise where they paired up to ask each other about themselves, then they introduced their partner to the group.  One of the standard questions they were to ask each other was about what kind of car they'd buy if they were to buy today?  DH responded that he wouldn't buy a car today.  He has NO impulse control, so if he goes shopping to see what's available he will end up buying a car, therefore he wouldn't buy a car today.  His partner gleefully included exactly this info when introducing DH, much to DH's delight.

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I used to call dh by one of the dog's name all the time. In all fairness, that dog was the only other male in the house. I'd mix them up. Then the second child came, and with two dogs, two kids, daycare children, a husband, and a cat, I just gave up. We went by eye contact and not what actually came out of my mouth.


Until recently my eldest niece was dating a boy named Luke, which was the name of her uncle's dog.  When the family got together there would be a lot of talk about Luke this and Luke that and a lot of crossed wires as to which Luke was meant.  When she broke up with boyfriend Luke my commiseration extended as far as, "Well, now we can stop confusing the two."  Dear Niece, angry at ex-boyfriend, emphatically agreed.

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CC = community college



I wrote the same thing twice



Community College



With four kids and five pets, odds are bad that I will get anyone's name correct.



She is doing fine. Mama generally does not do very well when littles have blood gushing out of their head!


When dd was younger, she could not pronounce "sc", so the scar on her head was a "star", and everyone knows that you can wish on a star! And lo and behold, she has a permanent "star" right on her forehead! Sort of like Harry Potter.


I believe the wishes-to-scar ratio is relatively fluid. I think you can go for it whenever a wish is needed and it is a cloudy night, or daytime, etc.



(Look, I posted "butt")







There were too many choices







(((hugs)))  My mother learned to deal with it (because what is the option, really?), but there were times when it really bothered her and she told me.  I knew it was bad when she talked about it.  Hers was likely due to a heart medication.  She also did have some hearing loss.

Arghing for all of these because I ran out of likes.

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This is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on

and on and on and on and on and on and on and on....


Because the folks here are that awesome!!!!

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