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I can't do this. If I have something like that I do it all.the.time. and get nothing else done. I've been *really* bad lately with the hive. AND IT'S JUST A WEBSITE! It became a habit between my foot injury and my tooth back to back, now it's just a bad habit. Minecraft would be terrible for me.


Yes. And I forgot to mention swords. Nerf swords. They were like $13 each at Target. I recommend.


Yes, the hive has become an addiction, thus me getting behind on homework. I'm pretty bad at addicting stuff. I may need to take a break for a while. I've done it before, but it lasted so long, I got caught up in life and when I got back, things had changed, and friends had died. I missed most of the ponderings of another friend that eventually became atheist. Other friends had left, and I missed what had happened. I hate that. I probably need to let this become like fb and just check in every month or so.


My family is too violent for Nerf swords. It's dh's fault.

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Yes, the hive has become an addiction, thus me getting behind on homework. I'm pretty bad at addicting stuff. I may need to take a break for a while. I've done it before, but it lasted so long, I got caught up in life and when I got back, things had changed, and friends had died. I missed most of the ponderings of another friend that eventually became atheist. Other friends had left, and I missed what had happened. I hate that. I probably need to let this become like fb and just check in every month or so.


My family is too violent for Nerf swords. It's dh's fault.


According to pop psychology which is always right *cough* it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. If you take a break make it 3 weeks. It always works well for me. ;)

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Never got into Alias.  Always thought the commercials looked okay, but I just never actually watched a show.  Weird, huh?  And Fringe was one which I would watch off and on, and only when I could squeeze it in.  


I don't watch that much TV anymore, either, really.


DS and I having been watching Merlin on Netflix lately, which is the extent of my TV viewing these days, really.  DS watching Stampy videos doesn't count.


DD13 is quite miffed that there will be no more new Merlin episodes.  I found the show irritating at first because they played so loose with the legend, but I cam around in the end.  That really was a well done show.  Quite entertaining.

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I did this with three kids.  My dh ran a small business out of our home, but he is not the stay at home dad type so I gave him a bit of school to do with the kids and split the child care and the schooling between my dad, a friend, and a paid caregiver, with me doing some schooling when I got home.  I flexed my hours, working 7 am - 3 pm.  Dh was only responsible for dropping the kids at my dad's house two days a week and being with them Fridays from noon until I got home at 3:30.  The rest of the childcare was covered by my dad, the friend who took them to co op and the paid caregiver who came to our house two days a week.


I want my freaking medal now because that was hard.  Then I moved to part-time and worked two ten hour days in a row.  With travel I was gone 11 hours a day.


I think I probably left a piece of my heart behind during that time period.


Best woman alive medal coming your way.  It's made of chocolate.

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Fake Steak Bake (aka Beautiful Blissful Benevolent Bubbly Bean Bread.  Or something like that.)


one red onion

olive oil

2 cans of kidney beans, drained and rinsed

2 eggs

2 cups of shredded cheese (we usually use cheddar)

1 cup of breadcrumbs

1 tablespoon of tomato sauce, tomato paste, or ketchup… whatever you've got.



Preheat oven to 350 F.  Saute onion in oil until tender.  Meanwhile, throw everything else in a bowl, roll up your sleeves, and mash with your (clean) hands to break down the beans a bit.  Mix in onion, then press into a loaf pan and bake for 45-50 minutes.  Let rest for 5 minutes before serving.  Easy Peasy.  


We like home fries on the side with this meal.  And broccoli.  


Thanks!  Looks yummy!


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I can't do this. If I have something like that I do it all.the.time. and get nothing else done. I've been *really* bad lately with the hive. AND IT'S JUST A WEBSITE! It became a habit between my foot injury and my tooth back to back, now it's just a bad habit. Minecraft would be terrible for me.


Yes. And I forgot to mention swords. Nerf swords. They were like $13 each at Target. I recommend.



Yes, the hive has become an addiction, thus me getting behind on homework. I'm pretty bad at addicting stuff. I may need to take a break for a while. I've done it before, but it lasted so long, I got caught up in life and when I got back, things had changed, and friends had died. I missed most of the ponderings of another friend that eventually became atheist. Other friends had left, and I missed what had happened. I hate that. I probably need to let this become like fb and just check in every month or so.


My family is too violent for Nerf swords. It's dh's fault.

I could quit any time.  Or so I tell my kids.   :leaving:


On good health days I'm not on the hive or computer games very much.  On bad health days this is what distracts me from the pain.  There is a reason I'm the second top poster on this board.  

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My dh is also not much for a sahd type. He really needs to be out working. Can't with the hand right now, though. He gets depressed if he's out too long.


School year of spring 2013 and then 2014-15 I was working full time as a teacher, the youngest was at a in-home childcare, and the oldest was at a charter. The oldest became a heathen (ok, not really, but...close), the youngest developed anxiety that only got increasingly worse and started acting out a lot, and the house was almost like the Nauglers but only inside and less dirt (mostly clutter).


This year I've been home, the youngest has settled down, I wasn't too exhausted to listen to my teen talk when she got out of school (a different charter), and I started moving out the clutter while working as an independent contractor and in school. I found that the youngest really needs a firmer hand, a stricter diet (very little if any sugar), food with protein every two hours, and at least 2 hours a day outside. I've been gone 1.5 weeks working and she's already regressed. thankfully, no anxiety. Well, except for a little while ago I went outside to water the garden, and when she didn't see me, was walking around the house calling me and crying.


The fact of the matter is, I need to be home. I get great opportunities, but every time I work them I wind up regretting it. I don't know why we can't be one of those families that make work and school/homeschool work.


You are awesome.  Hang in there.

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But, we're also one of those families teetering on the poverty limit that has debt to pay off. So, God is really going to have to work something out if he wants me home and us debt-free.


I've actually always worked, a lot from home. I had good gigs tutoring (evenings and weekends so dh was home), was even an area coordinator for a company, before the state got the title I waiver. I've worked customer service from home, online tutoring, test scoring (still do this), and this past year co-authored a curriculum. We can pray the curriculum takes off and I get enough royalties to pay off debt. :D


So, have you got a link to the curriculum for sale?  I'd at least like to peek at it!

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Uh yeah, I do, Single mom, no partner, work fulltime, during the day, yeah I do split shift 3 days of the week this year, next year I will be doing fulltime, all day every day, and homeschool all 4 of my kids.  So yeah it can be done, nothing quite to the level I would like, but something has to give, I can only drink so much coffee in the day to keep going.  It is nearly 10pm here, I took morning shift off this morning and we did school work in the morning, I left my house at 1230 to go to work.  I worked from 1-6, my kids all went to another family's house to do a 4H project meeting during that time.  I went and had dinner with them at that house eating the perogies they made at 4H, then we all drove to another house to do a 2nd 4H project meeting tonight (we were 2 meetings behind and have achievement day next week so had to finish them).  Just got home, Now going through the motions getting kids ready for bed, then need to alternate between doing dishes, laundry and studying (because in addition to it all I am also taking college classes).  There is absolute downsides to how much I do right now, but in my case it is either work fulltime and support my family or stay home fulltime and go on welfare.  I prefer to earn my own.  Public school really isn't an option at this time, so we do the best we can do.  ANd no things are not always as clean as they used to be, or as organized, and we do less school per day but do it over more days than we used to, and the list goes on.  


Keep that profile pic.  You deserve it.


Lots of hugs to you, too, swellmomma who has a very appropriate moniker.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I am looking for part time, which is hard. I can always fill in with tutoring and other things. I always have something up my sleeve.  :lol:  Just that stable, part time opportunity is alluding me...


I bet that was hard with your dd. I knew I was missing out while older dd was at the dual language charter school for 7th grade. There were things going on that I was not privy to, and when I thought I knew what was what, found out I didn't know half of what I thought. I still feel bad about not pulling her out of school in the middle of the year. I really could have made it work even though I was teaching full time. Dh was having that problem where youngest dd wanted to just be with me and was hurt about it (she'd also cry when with him, even though both of us worked). Now, he's with her all day and, well, like I said he ain't the sahd type.


When I was working she (younger) developed anxiety so severe she was waking up in the middle of the night with nightmares. She started sleepwalking again, looking for me. Thankfully, she sleeps in our bed, so she never got far. She was becoming extremely clingy, at the age where there is usually more of a healthy separation. She started wanting me to go to the bathroom with her and stay there while she used it. This continued for months. She's gotten a lot better, but she has unequivocally stated she does not want to go to school. 


Dang. Now, I feel like I've traumatized my children.  :crying:


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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So, have you got a link to the curriculum for sale? I'd at least like to peek at it!

It really is geared to public schools. It is CC based and there is a lesson for learning objective (can be more than one objective for each standard). Schools will be able to customize for students by picking and choosing which lessons they need based on the objectives. I don't see home schoolers using this.


The company I'd the same that put out Little Lincoln curriculum.


Although, I still have plans to write a Spanish curriculum for heritage speakers. Maybe.

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I know how to do this, but I don't want to have to remember to exclude her every time so I just want to have her never see anything.


ETA:  So if I exclude her from one status, it will exclude her from all future statuses?  I will try this.  I'm tired of her using FB to spy on my life and pass judgment.


It sounds like what you might want to do is block her.  This can be done from your profile or from hers.  Once blocked she won't be able to see things you share unless it is publicly shared -- presumably.  I say presumably because I think there's a chance she might see some stuff you share with friends through a friends of friends type of link.


I'm fuzzy on how to do block someone now, though I did do it for one individual who found me pretty quick when I first joined Facebook.  I think this link should help, however:



Good luck.

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I feel very exposed on this thread. I don't normally share this much about myself. 😳


Why? I don't understand the concept of fake names and not disclosing information. I have no secrets. I'm also a nudest, so I suppose it comes naturally.


How do you know it's a fake name? She could be a gentle mommy. 


Does you postal delivery person love you? Always wondered what door-to-door people think when visiting a nudist. 

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I would totally buy that.  Anything with the word wackiness in the title would likely work for my family.

I'll keep an eye out for it. ;)


How do you know it's a fake name? She could be a gentle mommy. 


Does you postal delivery person love you? Always wondered what door-to-door people think when visiting a nudist. 

I'm not thin.

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I'm so tired of the hive and the friggen whole 30 threads! I'm so jealous! I think we might just have to do one. (we not including anybody less that 5 feet tall)


Okay, who are you and what have you done with our Slashie?  SHE wouldn't be tired of us!  We know you aren't her!

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You're excluding me? I thought we were besties.  :crying:


It's not her.  Slashie wouldn't do that to you.  It's some evil weavil masquerading as Slashie.

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I'm so tired of the hive and the friggen whole 30 threads! I'm so jealous! I think we might just have to do one. (we not including anybody less that 5 feet tall)


I don't get the 30 threads reference.  Surely even a so-and-so pretending to be our Slashie knows there are more than 30 threads in our forums?

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Whole 30 is a diet plan - the whole is short for whole foods (as opposed to processed foods) and the 30 stands for 30 days.  The diet is low carb and is supposed to be non-inflammatory.  


Oh, well.  That explains that, at least.  Though if it's a name it should be capitalized, so it is less ambiguous.

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I hate electronic toys. Dh laughs because every time family members give electronics as gifts, I take the batteries out of them. I have lots of toys, but I also had a home daycare. Most of the toys are open-ended (blocks, legos, other building type stuff). 


I sent all the annoying electronic toys to my niece. My brother should have been nicer when we were growing up  :smilielol5:

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Nan appears to be in the last stages.  She doesn't eat and drinks only a tiny bit.  She sleeps most of the day.  This is a good thing for Nan.  I think we are looking at a week or two, but no one can predict these things.  She has just taken such a nosedive with the UTI and coming back from respite.  I guess it's possible that she could rally, but for her sake, I hope not.  She would not want to be here like this.


We processed with the kids and learned their thoughts, feelings, and wishes.  The boys are able to manage it pretty well at their ages, but little dd has some fear and does not want to interact with Nan when she is like this or see her body after she passes.  I can send her to a friend's house when the time comes.  Also, Nan is now in a room with the door closed in bed so no one sees her unless they go into the room. 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I'm sorry.

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I did this with three kids.  My dh ran a small business out of our home, but he is not the stay at home dad type so I gave him a bit of school to do with the kids and split the child care and the schooling between my dad, a friend, and a paid caregiver, with me doing some schooling when I got home.  I flexed my hours, working 7 am - 3 pm.  Dh was only responsible for dropping the kids at my dad's house two days a week and being with them Fridays from noon until I got home at 3:30.  The rest of the childcare was covered by my dad, the friend who took them to co op and the paid caregiver who came to our house two days a week.


I want my freaking medal now because that was hard.  Then I moved to part-time and worked two ten hour days in a row.  With travel I was gone 11 hours a day.


I think I probably left a piece of my heart behind during that time period.


: insert texasmama getting a well-deserved medal:

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Omg. I did it. I. Read. Every. Post. On. This. Thread.



Good for you!


Quiz time: 

  1.   Who is Queen?
  2. Who is Matriarch?
  3.  Who is Grand Poobah?
  4.   Who is the best newbie to this thread?
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Why, pray tell?


*facepalm*  So you could learn some really interesting Mandarin, for one thing....


And you can really appreciate true gems of wisdom, such as, "...but you TOOK that end, and, well, ya TOOK it.  And I guess that's somethin'."


Bestest space western EVER.

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Well, I must say, it was highly entertaining and quite easy to accomplish while ignoring the schooling of children, cleaning of house, and cooking of meals. 😳 Actually, today I told the kids we were going to play a new game called 'salon'. I was the customer, who had to do important 'work' on her iPad, and they were to rub my feet and neck. They quite liked the game, and kept it going by insisting the ma'am (what they call customers lol) sit down and finish her work while they made dinner. We had salad, avocado, and hard boiled eggs. I'm calling that home EC, and a homeschool win.

I also told them I'd pay them $.10 per weed that they pulled from the garden beds, and they racked up more than $30! 😣 Oops.


Great!  You are earning your way into the Council of Wisdom!  How old are your kids?


I wonder if I could manage to pull that off with my newly-11-year-old and almost-14-year-old....

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POST #1000, then, is dedicated to you (mostly because it's my bedtime).  And here it is…...







PS- sorry about your mullet.   :nopity:


Arghety argh argh argh!  :lol: :lol: :lol:

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cue heebee jeebee dance


SO there I was minding my own business, cleaning out the cesspool that is my boy's bedroom, when I notice one of the huge spiders currently infesting my house crawling down the front of my shirt.  I am extremely phobic of spiders.  Can't scream because dd7 is asleep in the room ajoining the the boys.  Use a dirty to sock to squish it, or so I think, get up from floor and look under sock no spider, look around me, it is now crawling up the back of my leg.  jump up and down and use another sock to brush it off.  Run from bedroom vowing to let them keep it a mess, and go have a shower.  My kids are laughing at me that I needed to shower in the middle of the night because a spider crawled on me.  They just don't get it, those things are nasty.  My heart is still racing and I am starting to feel sick to my stomach due to the surge of cortisol (or could be the adrenaline- dr's aren't sure which one is making me physically ill when I get stressed, but if I get a surge like that I get sick).  *shudder*


Sounds like you needed Rambocat to pop out of your pic and come to your defense!  :grouphug:

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Good for you!


Quiz time: 

  1.   Who is Queen?
  2. Who is Matriarch?
  3.  Who is Grand Poobah?
  4.   Who is the best newbie to this thread?



I know!  I know!


Oh, but am I still a noob?  I have been around for over half the thread now, so I'm not sure.

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Go Texasmama!



Go Nan!!  That's amazing!


(And I ran out of likes just before I got to these.)


Same here, and I agree with all of the above!

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Swellmama, I hear you. I feel like that with roaches. Shudder. I would have taken a shower too. (Don't know how to do the hug icon thingy, so pretend this is a HUG)

I have a friend! 😠Yay! Now, what does that mean? I didn't even know 'friends' were a thing. 😳 Do we get special privileges? Does this mean I can come to the sleepover??? (Insert socially awkward but hopeful icon here) I'll bring cookies! And drinks! And cupcakes! ðŸªðŸ¸ðŸŽ‚


Yes, you get to come to the sleepover. 


For the icons when you are typing your reply there is a smiley on the toolbar above.  Click on that, and it will bring up another toolbar on the bottom, full of different emoticons.  There are pages of them, but the group hug one is on the first page, in the middle.


Also, Renai is great at coming up with other pics when we simply don't have a needed icon.

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I don't remember seeing the princess bride. Definitely haven't seen Firefly. Haven't heard of most of the other shows, except I think dh worked on Revolution...it sounds familiar. I'll ask him when he wakes up. I'm not much of a TV person. I like documentaries. I'm weird.


Then you really should watch Firefly.  It's a documentary of a bunch of misfits, living in another time and space and trying to get by.  It's good.  Really.


ETA to add BOOYAH!!!!  Almost caught up!

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Found the fountain of youth, did he?




And at least time-wise I finally am catching up.  Maybe it's some spill-over from that fountain....

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