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I actually find this quite scary......


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but this is the only place, in real life and online, that I get the TRUTH about homeschooling. 


I don't know whether it is diversity, number or intelligence of the members here :) but this place is unique. 


Inspired by the "No school in two years" thread. And yes, there may be other truthful homeschoolers out there.... I am only speaking of my experience :)

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I found this to be the one place I did not get pat answers about any questions. Especially on the academic boards, when I ask a question I receive a thought out reply. People ask questions to clarify and offer suggestions. That really stood out to me when I started posting here and is one of the reasons I've stayed. 

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I think this the only place I know where homeschoolers tell other homeschoolers to consider public school if things aren't working. 




And I think that's a good thing.


We need to be concerned about finding the educational option that is best for our individual children and family, not the one that's most ideologically pure.

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When I homeschooled, I was on another HS forum for a time. Whenever any member shared her concerns about not doing an adequate job of educating her children, other members would come down hard on anyone who didn't rehash the usual "it'll all work out fine, take as much time off as you need—even several years, it doesn't matter what you do at home as long as you don't sacrifice your children on the altar of government school (seriously—that is practically a word for word quote)" responses validating the homeschooler in question. 

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When I homeschooled, I was on another HS forum for a time. Whenever any member shared her concerns about not doing an adequate job of educating her children, other members would come down hard on anyone who didn't rehash the usual "it'll all work out fine, take as much time off as you need—even several years, it doesn't matter what you do at home as long as you don't sacrifice your children on the altar of government school (seriously—that is practically a word for word quote)" responses validating the homeschooler in question. 


yes, sounds familiar. Sadly, these types of responses are genuinely well meaning but not always helpful. 

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It's not just homeschooling... I like the fact that there's a diversity of opinion and folks willing to share that diversity with pretty much any topic that comes up.  Our individual experience and expertises - when shared - are a gold mine for anyone caring to read or ask things.


I'm retired from homeschooling and only keep in touch with school now via my job at the local public high school (and what my boys experience in college), but I stick around for the camaraderie and occasional advice.  It's rare when I don't learn anything new from the Hive in any given week.


I appreciate that - and I love hearing what Hive kids are doing (not just educationally).


I don't particularly care for forums where everyone toes a specific line rarely straying.  I haven't stuck with those.

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but this is the only place, in real life and online, that I get the TRUTH about homeschooling. 


I don't know whether it is diversity, number or intelligence of the members here :) but this place is unique. 


Inspired by the "No school in two years" thread. And yes, there may be other truthful homeschoolers out there.... I am only speaking of my experience :)


I'm not sure I follow. What's so scary?



It's not just homeschooling... I like the fact that there's a diversity of opinion and folks willing to share that diversity with pretty much any topic that comes up.


Not that they're always welcomed by the asker (thinking specifically about questions including religious belief ;)).





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I'm not sure I follow. What's so scary?


I read it as it was scary that IRL everyone professes that homeschooling is the only way and it's better than other alternatives, no matter what, and this forum is the only place where "the truth" is spoken.


I may be wrong, though. I do hear a LOT of that in my own circles, so I could very well be reading into the post. 

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It's not just homeschooling... I like the fact that there's a diversity of opinion and folks willing to share that diversity with pretty much any topic that comes up.  Our individual experience and expertises - when shared - are a gold mine for anyone caring to read or ask things.


I'm retired from homeschooling and only keep in touch with school now via my job at the local public high school (and what my boys experience in college), but I stick around for the camaraderie and occasional advice.  It's rare when I don't learn anything new from the Hive in any given week.


I appreciate that - and I love hearing what Hive kids are doing (not just educationally).


I don't particularly care for forums where everyone toes a specific line rarely straying.  I haven't stuck with those.


:iagree: In two months I am graduating my youngest and will no longer be homeschooling but I do plan to hang around.


I absolutely love all the nuggets I learn from the people on the boards on many, many different topics, but I also have bits to share to help those who are still on the journey.

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When I homeschooled, I was on another HS forum for a time. Whenever any member shared her concerns about not doing an adequate job of educating her children, other members would come down hard on anyone who didn't rehash the usual "it'll all work out fine, take as much time off as you need—even several years, it doesn't matter what you do at home as long as you don't sacrifice your children on the altar of government school (seriously—that is practically a word for word quote)" responses validating the homeschooler in question. 

I heard this far to often as a homeschooler....and believed it too deeply. I wish I'd found WTM earlier.


I'm also a retired homeschooler...I hang around this board because there is no where else where I can find such thoughtful and outrageous and informed people to chat with. I learn something new every week.

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Not that they're always welcomed by the asker (thinking specifically about questions including religious belief ;)).


Well, no one insists we actually have to believe/follow/try any and all advice suggested.  There can be quite a bit that is merely informative as to how others believe/act.  It's still worthy for understanding our world and the people in it.


There are a few topics I opt not to read or post on as I know there will be too much bashing for my preferences.  I suspect others do the same.  I wish there were less bashing TBH.


There are occasional questions I don't even ask as I feel I can predict the response.  Ideally I'd like a real, reasoned conversation, but I doubt it would happen.  For those I just work to figure out the answers myself or ignore the questions.  ;)


I think that's true of life pretty much everywhere, but it's the extremes of it all - not everyday life.  Most things fit under the bell curve and it's a wide/vast space.

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I agree.  And not just about homeschooling, but lots of topics.  I don't post much at all here, but I read lots.  I have learned so much here like sides of issues I'd never heard before (or at least the thought processes behind them).  One would think that wouldn't be the case, because I have a relatively diverse social circle.  But I think so many people (in my real life) have their "side" and either don't know how to express their opinions very well, or either just have no idea why they take the stance they do.  

In regards to homeschooling, I definitely think there is more willingness to step on peoples' toes and speak the truth here than in real life.  Some of it may be the nature of the internet, but that's not the only reason because I know lots of other forums/groups and even with the anonymity there, there still isn't the same depth of dialog that happens here. 

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