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Getting Your Kids Involved in Volunteering

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How do teach you kids and get them involved in volunteering? This is something I feel is important to teach my kiddos but I'm kind of at a loss for ideas of what we could do with young kids. I would love to hear what you and your kids have done, what has worked, what hasn't etc. I am open to ideas that you did just as a family or ideas that we may be able to implement with our homeschool group.



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We've volunteered at the animal shelter--great experience. They have jobs ranging from simple, just petting the cats on the days the shelter is closed to the public or walking the dogs, to more complicated positions helping with publicity or taking pictures for Petfinder.com.


We've also volunteered at the community garden. They are very good at finding jobs that even young children can help with, and typically folks involved in a food bank garden are very interested in creating life-long volunteers, so they are committed to making it a positive experience.


Visiting a assisted living facility is fun, and it's a great group activity. The people love to play and talk with the children.



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How do teach you kids and get them involved in volunteering? This is something I feel is important to teach my kiddos but I'm kind of at a loss for ideas of what we could do with young kids. I would love to hear what you and your kids have done, what has worked, what hasn't etc. I am open to ideas that you did just as a family or ideas that we may be able to implement with our homeschool group.




We like the local food bank and library.

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My kids are almost 6 and 7 and tomorrow we start helping with childcare at a local MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) group. It's 2x a month for a few hours and it's something that they can really participate in. They get to be "big" and help the other smaller kids, we talk about how it's a mission and a chance to help the moms and kids, etc. I think you start early and often!

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Two of our children have special needs and they play baseball with the Little League Challengers, and my oldest son also plays basketball for the Special Olympics.


Both organizations are always looking for volunteers and my 17yo and 8yo are 'buddies', which means that, during a baseball game, they make sure that the children aren't injured by the ball, help them hit the ball, help them manuever their way around the bases (some can walk, some can't), and of course they cheer loudly! :D


My husband's been the assistant coach of the baseball team for several years now, so it's very much a 'family thing'.

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How do teach you kids and get them involved in volunteering? This is something I feel is important to teach my kiddos but I'm kind of at a loss for ideas of what we could do with young kids. I would love to hear what you and your kids have done, what has worked, what hasn't etc. I am open to ideas that you did just as a family or ideas that we may be able to implement with our homeschool group.




I'm sorry! I didn't read that your kids were young. My suggestions won't work.

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I volunteer as does my husband, so it is just a natural way of life. We have never told dd she had to volunteer, but have always approached it as, "I'm doing this today, you wanna come?" Even if all she does is bring a book and read while I work, that's something. She also is involved in activities that lead her toward helping with fundraising.


Dd7 has helps and/or performs at fundraisers, helps with activities and/or performs at retirement homes, packs food at the food bank, has gone to register voters and pass out campaign info, does baking for bake sales, helps set up for lunch at shelters, participates in toy drives and adopt a family programs, has picked up trash... and lots more.

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We do a lot of community service activities through our 4-H group - food drives, collecting used eyeglasses, Operation Christmas Child, sending items to a sponsored child through World Vision, etc.


As a family, we recently began maintaining the butterfly & bee garden at the children's museum. It's something all the kids can help with - pulling weeds, raking, tidying up, etc.

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I volunteer as does my husband, so it is just a natural way of life.


This was the same at my place, growing up. Mum was always involved with brownies, and dad with the fire brigade. I've done far more actual volunteering than either of my siblings, but that community involvement value has show up in their lives in other ways. My sister had a string of office jobs, but was happiest in the one where she worked for a disability support organisation. My brother goes to protest rallies :)


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We have a family "cause" (education.) Everyone in the family volunteers in this area in some capacity. Dh is on the board of a community group for people with disabilities, dc volunteer in the schools as "peer mentors" for autistic children, and I work in the homeschool arena (as well as supporting dh's school.) We find it easier to focus our resources this way.


I also started a homeschool service group for this coming year, a dream I've had for a few years. (I'll PM you the list of projects.) Each month, we will "sample" a different area of community volunteering. I was the 1992 "Volunteer Teen of the Year" back home, so I take community work very seriously. :) They'll also have opportunities through 4-H and Boy Scouts.


Dh and I also model community involvement with our wallet. Our dc know that we have a little less, because some of our money goes to support causes. They get to help make decisions about where we give, too.

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Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Even the ideas that are for older kids are good because they help get the ideas flowing and may be adaptable for younger kids.



I also started a homeschool service group for this coming year, a dream I've had for a few years. (I'll PM you the list of projects.) Each month, we will "sample" a different area of community volunteering. I was the 1992 "Volunteer Teen of the Year" back home, so I take community work very seriously. :) They'll also have opportunities through 4-H and Boy Scouts.


Angela, I would love to have a copy of the list. Thanks for offering!



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