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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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:grouphug: :grouphug: Jean


Getting ready for another round of blizzard tonight.


Youngest is sick, so I've got her bundled up on the couch with Netflix.


Oldest has the boyfriend here who is porbably stuck til the snow clears, they have a playlist of movies to watch for Valentines Day.


My dear, wonderful, "adopted" son who I've known since he was 12 and has lived with us for the last three years is moving out into his own apartment today.  Words can't describe what a blessing this young man has been to every one of us and I am going to miss him terriby.  Very happy for him, so proud of him.  But I am really going to miss having him here.  He's been a brother and playmate for youngest, a sounding board and brother for oldest, and a huge support and encouragement to me.


If you are in the Northeast, stay warm and safe.


Happy Valentine's everyone





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Lizzie-it's so beautiful reading about your 'adopted' son


Today is an easy day...we've had a hell of a week-first week of everyone recovered from a nasty cold/cough, so we were trying to get back to everything-schooling and chores and classes and coop and gym, kids missed their friends so we scheduled play dates...I'm exhausted!


A few chores that didn't get done over this week will need to get done today-


Windows in living room

Wash couch blankets and dog bedding

Clip dogs nails

Wipe washer and dryer

Vacuum stairs x2

Fold a load of laundry


I'm getting better about getting all the chores done during the week so that I have the weekend to relax...Saturday is my catch up day and I force myself to do nothing on Sunday except prepare for our bible study group to meet here (which means just a quick pick up, check on the bathrooms, ect).


Dinner tonight will be broccoli cheddar soup and spinach salad.

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Tomorrow my oldest is having a birthday party at our house (just 3 friends over)


We need to clean a LOT today.




Dining Room

Living Room


Son's bedroom and bathroom (hopefully he can do this without too much direct supervision.)

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--dd to ballet 11-3

--gym w dh

--pick up some meat for tomorrow at the butcher


--research more options for next year

--dinner and concert (saxophone quintet--excited!) with friends tonight


I'm sure I have a zillion other things to do :)


Wish we'd get some snow this winter :(

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Jean  :(  (((Hugs))))




DH and the two oldest have jump shipped for the weekend.  I'm only a little jealous.


Today is our daughter Hannah's birthday - the one we lost.  She would have been 14 today.  How weird is that exactly?  14.   She would have been fourteen.  

It's so eerie to see other kids who were born preemies and MADE IT.  We had Cate in the NICU two years ago and the nurse and I were talking about Hannah.  And she says, very nonchalantly, "Hm.  How odd.  We really don't lose babies much to that anymore."  What?!  Turns out  necrotizing entercolitis is greatly reduced by........ (wait for it)  ............ feeding babies slower.   That was kind of a kick in the tailfeathers.


So, my weekend is playing boardgames with little, non teen people, which I will quietly admit only here and nowhere else, is NOT my favorite thing to do.

Drink coffee

Take a bath.

Get dressed before lunch time.

Watch the Laying Down the Rails DVDs

Popcorn and Movies tonight.


Distress the frames for my dry erase boards and make them pretty.

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Feel better Jean. It's still really cold and tomorrow isn't supposed to be any better

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes- done

- laundry- not enough for a load yet

- dh's uncle is dropping off 50lbs of chicken, not sure how that's packaged so may have to repackage that- it's frozen solid so I'm not sure what to do with it all

- work on chemistry (didn't take it in high school and it's not required for my ADN but it's going to benefit me to learn it. When I eventually go back for BSN I'm sure I will need to take it then and I would rather have some sort of knowledge to work with)- I've done some

- dinner????- I think we are going out, dd2 will be with someone other than myself or dh for the first time (dmil and dfil will be watching her) dd1 is already at their house.- we went out and dd2 didn't get fussy at inlaws until dh and I were on our way to pick her up (it's close to bedtime for her)

- what ever else I manage to do- we went to Walmart for some groceries

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Heal quickly Jean. Stay warm everyone on the east coast. Hugs kelly.


I did too much yesterday! One of the downfalls to how quickly I heal is that I tend to forget I don't need to take it easy for another few weeks. So I'm feeling a bit drained so my only obligation is feeding and changing this sweet girl. Dh is keeping the other ones downstairs while I sleep/rest.

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Can you just take a day of rest, Jean? Or several?


Heading off to a seminar until 4 p.m. this afternoon. Then cooking dinner and vegging out.

LOL - I haven't showered in days.  Peeuw.  I hope to be able to stand long enough today to do so.  That will be my big strenuous activity for the day.  


I haven't put any to-do things on here because just feeding myself and getting clean clothes on (I've done that much) has taken all my energy.  

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Dh has taken over ferrying dd to all her activities today.  Ds will walk to work.  Someone will pick him up at 10 pm or 11 pm or whenever it is he gets off (I'm so surprised they have him scheduled so late.)


I actually slept much of the morning.  That is, until Rocky decided that the one thing that would really make me better was a 55 pound lap dog.  

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(Shhhhhhhhhhh it's been snowing for more than an hour. I don't want it to stop!)

It stopped!! I felt very disoriented when I woke up and there was snow on the ground. I slept through the hour or so of snow but the amount it snowed in that small time seemed like too much so I though I had slept longer.

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Happy Valentine's Day, all!


Dd had softball very early this morning

Dh, dd, and I took my mom flowers

Went to a very nice lunch/early dinner

Stopped and bought dd her softball gear on the way home

Sitting here with an iced coffee right now, because...wait for it...


It's still 89 degrees right now!   :lol:   Sorry, snow people.  Not gloating, just sweltering.  

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Still no shower.  I have been sleeping almost all day.  I got up about 15 minutes ago to put the pre-marinated chicken that dh brought on a grill pan and to flip it over half way through cooking.  My heart is beating out of my chest like I've been doing strenuous exercise.  Don't worry.  That is the extent of my industry today.

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Jean   :(  (((Hugs))))




DH and the two oldest have jump shipped for the weekend.  I'm only a little jealous.


Today is our daughter Hannah's birthday - the one we lost.  She would have been 14 today.  How weird is that exactly?  14.   She would have been fourteen.  

It's so eerie to see other kids who were born preemies and MADE IT.  We had Cate in the NICU two years ago and the nurse and I were talking about Hannah.  And she says, very nonchalantly, "Hm.  How odd.  We really don't lose babies much to that anymore."  What?!  Turns out  necrotizing entercolitis is greatly reduced by........ (wait for it)  ............ feeding babies slower.   That was kind of a kick in the tailfeathers.


So, my weekend is playing boardgames with little, non teen people, which I will quietly admit only here and nowhere else, is NOT my favorite thing to do.

Drink coffee

Take a bath.

Get dressed before lunch time.

Watch the Laying Down the Rails DVDs

Popcorn and Movies tonight.


Distress the frames for my dry erase boards and make them pretty.


:grouphug:  This was a hard day for you. Especially when it appears that there is no an answer that was not available 14 years ago. Hugs. :grouphug:

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Jean   :(  (((Hugs))))




DH and the two oldest have jump shipped for the weekend.  I'm only a little jealous.


Today is our daughter Hannah's birthday - the one we lost.  She would have been 14 today.  How weird is that exactly?  14.   She would have been fourteen.  

It's so eerie to see other kids who were born preemies and MADE IT.  We had Cate in the NICU two years ago and the nurse and I were talking about Hannah.  And she says, very nonchalantly, "Hm.  How odd.  We really don't lose babies much to that anymore."  What?!  Turns out  necrotizing entercolitis is greatly reduced by........ (wait for it)  ............ feeding babies slower.   That was kind of a kick in the tailfeathers.


So, my weekend is playing boardgames with little, non teen people, which I will quietly admit only here and nowhere else, is NOT my favorite thing to do.

Drink coffee

Take a bath.

Get dressed before lunch time.

Watch the Laying Down the Rails DVDs

Popcorn and Movies tonight.


Distress the frames for my dry erase boards and make them pretty.


Kelly :grouphug: :grouphug:

"Anniversaries" can be really hard.


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Halfway through yesterday my middle son go into trouble.  He is normally my most compliant child, but we got an email saying he hadn't been doing his homework for 3 weeks in coop and was on probation of some kind.


So......most of my main floor is clean right now......courtesy of my middle child!   :hurray:   He has more to go this am to finish the job.

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