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If you have had flu at your house this season, how long does fever last?

Ali in OR

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Youngest came down with fever last Wednesday evening. We actually saw the doctor Thursday morning because she had a painful neck for two mornings and I wanted to rule out meningitis, which we did. She had full mobility, didn't look too sick but didn't feel great. Painful neck went away and she basically has every symptom on flu symptom lists--fever of 100-102, cough, slight sore throat, aches and pains, low energy. I was expecting the fever to be gone by now but it's still there, 99.9 this morning (and likely to go up as has been the pattern). The doctor said to bring her back if fever was still there in 2-3 days. Wondering if we need to do that today or if we can wait another day if we're near the end of this. What has been the pattern for you if you have had an influenza-like illness in your house this winter?


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One full week. Up to 105 once. He felt find and was ravenous in between fever spikes.


"Liking" this as thanks for the input. Not happy this may last a full week, but this is helpful. Dd got up to 104 the second day, but it's been pretty consistently between 99.9 and 102.something since then. And she is still eating, more at some times than others--overall less than normal.

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4 out of 6 at my house had the flu (type A).  The longest fever was 48 hours, the shortest was 24.  We all had flu mist vaccinations though, and our doctor said that he was seeing the flu mist greatly reduce the severity of the illness.  I think a full week of flu is pretty common.

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Toward the end the fever drops and might spike up later in the day. I hate the flu.   :grouphug:


I'm thinking this is where we're at. The girls had flu mist, I had a flu shot, but this is the first year in a long time (forever?) that we've been hit with significant illnesses. I had 3+ weeks of bronchitis and pneumonia, now this dd has flu or a flu-like illness. Wondering if we got hit by the mutated influenza A. We will always get flu shots to do what we can to avoid this stuff. Bleah.

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Both of my kids had Flu A.  DD had fevers of 102-103 for 3-4 days, then they came down, then more fever on days 6-7 with increased cough.   Pediatrician was concerned about a possible secondary bacterial infection (she's gotten pneumonia once before) so she got antibiotics for that. 


DS had one day of fever at 102, then several days of low grade fevers, then nothing.

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Both of my kids had Flu A.  DD had fevers of 102-103 for 3-4 days, then they came down, then more fever on days 6-7 with increased cough.   Pediatrician was concerned about a possible secondary bacterial infection (she's gotten pneumonia once before) so she got antibiotics for that. 


DS had one day of fever at 102, then several days of low grade fevers, then nothing.


Yeah, cough has definitely increased. When we saw the doctor Thursday (day 2), we mentioned that she was coughing a little. Coughing a lot more now. I had pneumonia 2 weeks ago, so watching closely. At least I know the symptoms. Her cough seems to be dry--not like mine was.


Mostly low grade fever today and she's been a little more active, so we didn't go to the doctor. We'll see how she's doing tonight and tomorrow morning.

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Ds had fever four full days and then 3 more in recovery. No Tamiflu just rest and meds as needed.


Dd ended up in ER when fever was not responding to meds and kept rising. She was put on Tamiflu. Her fever was gone in 2-21/2 days. Full strength took over a week but she's an athlete and it hit her hard.

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Well, fever was 102° when she woke this morning, so we went to the doctor. Pneumonia--O2 at 91%, crackling in lower left lung, didn't do x-ray as doctor said she would prescribe same thing anyway--skip the radiation (but we'll do one if antibiotics don't help). So dd started her z-pack and hopefully will be fever-free tomorrow. Sounds like a lot of this type of thing is going on around here.

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I had the flu recently. My fever lasted about 4 days going up over 103. It was the sickest I've been in a long time. It started two weeks ago tomorrow and I still have the lingering cough.


Everyone I've talked to who's had it says the same thing.

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Well, fever was 102° when she woke this morning, so we went to the doctor. Pneumonia--O2 at 91%, crackling in lower left lung, didn't do x-ray as doctor said she would prescribe same thing anyway--skip the radiation (but we'll do one if antibiotics don't help). So dd started her z-pack and hopefully will be fever-free tomorrow. Sounds like a lot of this type of thing is going on around here.

Sorry your dd is sick.  I finished my z-pac a week ago, but it's amazing to me still how tired I am.  I don't need the inhaler or cough med anymore, but just the fatigue, wow.  

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