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Reassure me that it's OK to let things "simmer" a bit....


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I'm looking at the schedule for Feb/March/April, and I'm realizing that we probably won't get to where I want to be in Latin, Literature, or Math (basically, the three subjects I teach entirely on my own and therefore have the most flexibility in) between DD's online classes, research, lab stuff, and competitions/exams (four between now and the first week of March!). By the time she gets through the exam pressure, the lab and field research will really be heating up, and that will run pretty solid through the summer, especially once you count the time we're traveling or that she'll be doing camps and summer opportunities (for example, there will probably be a week of piano camp, and her cheer team will be doing cheer camp this summer-it's the first year she's at a high enough level to be required to go).


I really kind of feel like I need to take some of the stuff that I can take off her plate off for awhile, and either accept that it's OK if things roll into next year or into the summer (and I'm honestly not sure about summer. It's starting to look pretty busy, especially given that she'll have two overlapping research projects going).  I've never before been in the position where, in Spring, I'm looking at materials and concerned we won't finish. It's always been the other way around-that usually I'm starting a new level about now!




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Well, my DS is not nearly at your DD's level (nor that of most kids there), but I can tell you we are taking 6 months later this year/early next year to focus exclusively on French. He will do pretty much nothing else but be in France, lol. Everything else will be simmering, one hopes and wishes.

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I have let different stuff go onto the backburner from time to time. Previous years was Chinese, this year is history which we will get done in summer hopefully.

It's fun when after some time of simmering, kids decide to blast through when it's back into the foreground.

There is a season for everything :)

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Have you seen my siggy?  Some stuff will be condensed for the rest of the year, some stuff will be simplified, some stuff will be shifted to next year, some stuff will be dropped. 


Remember everyone keeps saying "enjoy the ride!"  So enjoy the ride!


Ruth in NZ

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Well, my DS is not nearly at your DD's level (nor that of most kids there), but I can tell you we are taking 6 months later this year/early next year to focus exclusively on French. He will do pretty much nothing else but be in France, lol. Everything else will be simmering, one hopes and wishes.


I couldn't possibly be more jealous! :drool5:


ETA:  Dmmetler, I long to be in a place where we can let things simmer!  Enjoy it. :)

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Do what you think is right for your child!

I did some simmimg myself because of my child's involvement with robotics this winter. She does pretty much only math, logic, Japanese and religion as the core subjects, and the rest she is learning as she goes designing/ sketching safety paper doll outfits, creating puzzles, doing some research and writing, working with boys on building a robot, learning how to program and use all big boys tools such as drills, metal cutters etc. She is having a lot of fun, so we keep it this way until the season is over and then she will be working on other things during the summer. I really want her to explore and try new things to be sure she likes what she is planning to do in a future-build robots.

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