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Still waiting for college news? Check in Here

Jen in NY

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We're still waiting, and I have a feeling we'll be waiting a solid month at least before hearing definitively from 'the safety.'


We can't be alone, are we?


She applied to 6 schools (the College Board would approve..... ). She has been invited to apply to a couple of honors colleges, for a Presidential Scholarship (invited for interview this weekend *biting nails*), and got what looks to me like a 'likely letter' from my 1st choice. So I am pretty sure she's getting in somewhere, lol. 


Anyone want to commiserate?


*insert pacing emoticon*



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We are waiting and waiting and waiting.


DS does have three acceptances so we know he will be going somewhere.  Maybe.  Even with the merit aid he has received thus far, all three schools are beyond our ability to finance.  The FAFSA wasn't encouraging at all.  I have been sick the last two weeks with worry and anxiety. 


He has an interview on Sat for a Presidential (full ride) at a state uni.  They only offer a handful of scholarships and interview hundreds of candidates.


He is still waiting on one rolling admissions.  It's been 6 weeks with no word and I am losing hope on that one.  Everyone else claims to have heard within 3-4 weeks.


The other schools have notification dates ranging from Feb 13-April 1.  It will be a long wait here.



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On acceptance here...I posted about it in the acceptances thread.  Not my top choice for a few reasons, but we will live with it of course if nothing else happens.  Ds's favorite has a second round of ED with a Jan. 15 deadline, and they agreed to include his second quarter grades (by far the best since sophomore year) even though the school released them 2 days late, AND his guidance counselor must personally send them.  They should have gone yesterday or today. 


There are two reaches, extremely unlikely IMO, two RD schools that he has at least some chance of getting into and a local school with a 2\1 deadline that he still has not completed the application for. 


So we are hoping for the ED school! 

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We're waiting here too.  Ds has been awarded a 4-year, type-1 ROTC scholarship that will cover all of his tuition wherever he ends up going, but he really wants to go to VA Tech, and he hasn't heard from them yet (most likely the end of March/beginning of April).   With his scores and classes, I wouldn't worry about admission--except that we live in Northern VA, and I have heard that VT does not admit everyone who is qualified from this area, because then they wouldn't have very much diversity from across the state in their student body.  So we'll see.


We're also waiting to hear from the Air Force Academy.  Ds has a Presidential nomination (from Dh's service), plus nominations from our Representative as well as one of our Senators, but I know people with 3 nominations who have not been offered appointments.  So we're anxiously waiting there too. Appointments can go out any time until the report date of June 25, so we could potentially be on pins and needles for awhile!


I think USAFA would be Ds's first choice.  He's already been accepted at VMI as well as Cedarville, my alma mater, but those are not really where he's hoping to go.  Good thing we have plenty of other things going on to distract us . . .



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Waiting here!  Son isn't bothered by it at all but I do feel a creeping anxiety further complicated by wondering how the financials will all work out. :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:


He has been accepted to our state flagship with full tuition though so that is a good feeling.   :001_smile: He would attend happily and do very well there, but his preference would be a different type of experience (smaller).


I feel a bit frozen and unwilling to make any other plans, spring and summer travel plans in particular, in case he needs to schedule visits.  

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Waiting here!  Son isn't bothered by it at all but I do feel a creeping anxiety further complicated by wondering how the financials will all work out. :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:



I feel a bit frozen and unwilling to make any other plans, spring and summer travel plans in particular, in case he needs to schedule visits.  


I can relate on all points.


Not knowing or being able to make plans is driving me batty.

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This is us. I'm driving DD crazy. We did hear from JMU, a top choice, so yay! And she did here from MD, not accepted. Bummed, but not very. So she really wants to hear from UD, but we haven't gotten word yet. Uh. Waiting is not wonderful.

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Waiting. Actually, none of the colleges even have all her documentation == she is having problems getting the forms from College A to College B.  The problem mayy be that College A is not sending them; the problem may be that College B is not receiving them. Yikes!


<Tapping foot on floor loudly!>

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