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Mostly independent grammar for 3rd grader


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We are currently doing FLL3.  We aren't that far along.  :tongue_smilie:  We like it, but I don't have the time for how teacher intensive it is.  It isn't getting done.  I'd like to find something he can do mostly independently.  I've looked briefly at both R&S and CLE, which come well recommended.  However, both programs also include writing and CLE includes spelling it looks like.  We do other things for both of those.  (WWE and letter writing and R&S spelling).  I don't want to replace all the LA we are using, just the grammar.  Suggestions?

Thanks!  :)

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My 3rd grader is doing Hake Grammar & Writing 4 independently.  The writing is separate from the grammar text (it's all contained in the Student Workbook, I believe) and we don't do it.

ETA:  I just looked at the ages of your kids.  Honestly, he'll be fine if you drop grammar for now (speaking from experience here :) ).

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Leaving the writing out of R&S is easy. There are not that many lessons. It is also cheap enough that you can feel guilt free about doing so. It can be done independently but you will get more out of the program by working the lessons with him. takes 15 mins, tops.


Hake is great, too. It is also easy to leave the writing out.


Really, any of the ones listed so far are easy to modify for your needs. {OK, CLE might be a bit trickier.}

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Climbing to Good English might work. It is more than just grammar, but I also use R&S spelling and WWE alongside it and I don't feel it's too much. The writing lessons are really useful, like learning about paragraphs and topic sentences and such. My 3rd grader does it mostly independently.

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Have you considered EIW? We're using it for 2nd grade so I can't speak of it for the higher grades, but...it's getting done and since it's on DVD, low teacher intensive. Do I think it's the greatest program in the world? Probably not. But it's what we need for this stage of the game. It's very schooly, but it gets done every.single.day and I admit, I love the break from talking!

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We are using R&S right now for 3rd grade and it is mostly independent.  It is easy to skip the writing lessons.  We will be switching to CLE for 4th grade only because I feel like we need a spiral curriculum versus mastery.  CLE can also be adapted to only use the grammar.  In the beginning we will be skipping the spelling.  Like R&S it too is inexpensive enough that I don't mind skipping portions we won't be using.  

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Easy Grammar doesn't get much more open and go. Ten to fifteen minutes a day, written directly to the student, even self correcting if you get the teacher's guide and cover the preceding page (providing your student is not tempted to look). The only part that needed me was memorizing the few lists: Prepositions, auxiliary verbs, and a few adverbs.


Ds loved it because it was really spelled out, really quick, and easy to understand each little piece so he felt successful.


You can do tests if you want, but you do not have to. If you like the program it runs up through twelfth grade.

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I agree with Ellie..... Just hold off for now.


Add in some Brian P. Cleary books....... Dearly, Nearly, Insincerely: what is an adverb?, A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink: what is a noun?, etc. There are quite a bit in the series! You could spend each week on a different book and practice the definition of that part of speech. Just an idea! http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_14?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=brian+p+cleary&sprefix=Brian+p+cleary%2Caps%2C1355


We like FLL audio cd with definitions and poems on it!


Essentials in Writing would give you grammar and writing. Mr.Stephens is helpful in helping decide which level to start.

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I agree about considering holding off...BUT I got the Easy Grammar teaching guide for grades 3-4 for cheap at a used bookstore. Just this week started ds on it. I cover up the teacher's page with paper clips and a card stock sheet and have him do the worksheet beside it. It is written to the student so well, I expect to spend 5 minutes or less going over and reviewing the lessons with him. I also plan for him to check his own answers next year and come to me for anything he missed or didn't understand. I am fine if he doesn't get much done the rest of this year or if we don't finish it before the end of grade 4.

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I also plan for him to check his own answers next year and come to me for anything he missed or didn't understand. I am fine if he doesn't get much done the rest of this year or if we don't finish it before the end of grade 4.


Oh, I'd really encourage you *not* to do that. I cannot tell you how many people allowed their children to check their own work, only to find out weeks--or months--later that they had actually been getting most things incorrect, such that they had to start over from the beginning, even though they said they were doing fine. 

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My son checked his own answers quite easily and effectively with a program as simple as Easy Grammar. There is very little that you can find obscure or misunderstand with the program. We do not do it for math or science, too much to interpret. However, with Easy Grammar you either underlined the noun or you didn't. You either crossed out the prepositional phrase or you didn't. If you are worried about it, you have tests every so often built in. The tests are pulled directly from the assignment pages. There is no way for the student to have never seen the material. There is no way for the material to be new or trip the student up.


The program is designed to build in baby steps. There is NO way for the student to move on if they do not get the step before. It is very black and white if the student is understanding. In this way it makes it even easier to let the student self check. If Mom pops in for half a moment once a week, she will know without a fraction of a doubt if the student understands.

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My son checked his own answers quite easily and effectively with a program as simple as Easy Grammar. There is very little that you can find obscure or misunderstand with the program. We do not do it for math or science, too much to interpret. However, with Easy Grammar you either underlined the noun or you didn't. You either crossed out the prepositional phrase or you didn't. If you are worried about it, you have tests every so often built in. The tests are pulled directly from the assignment pages. There is no way for the student to have never seen the material. There is no way for the material to be new or trip the student up.


The program is designed to build in baby steps. There is NO way for the student to move on if they do not get the step before. It is very black and white if the student is understanding. In this way it makes it even easier to let the student self check. If Mom pops in for half a moment once a week, she will know without a fraction of a doubt if the student understands.


And I agree with you...but I still know of many, many people who let their children check their own work, and the children assured their parents that they were doing fine, but they were not.

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Oh, I'd really encourage you *not* to do that. I cannot tell you how many people allowed their children to check their own work, only to find out weeks--or months--later that they had actually been getting most things incorrect, such that they had to start over from the beginning, even though they said they were doing fine.

Thank you for warning me about this. I will take your advice.

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My son checked his own answers quite easily and effectively with a program as simple as Easy Grammar. There is very little that you can find obscure or misunderstand with the program. We do not do it for math or science, too much to interpret. However, with Easy Grammar you either underlined the noun or you didn't. You either crossed out the prepositional phrase or you didn't. If you are worried about it, you have tests every so often built in. The tests are pulled directly from the assignment pages. There is no way for the student to have never seen the material. There is no way for the material to be new or trip the student up.


The program is designed to build in baby steps. There is NO way for the student to move on if they do not get the step before. It is very black and white if the student is understanding. In this way it makes it even easier to let the student self check. If Mom pops in for half a moment once a week, she will know without a fraction of a doubt if the student understands.

Read this after I replied to Ellie's post. What is stated above is what I had pictured happening with him checking his own work using the Easy Grammar. The program seems deceptively simple, yet it seems thorough. Regardless, as a newer home educator, I will do my best to stay on top of knowing he comprehends the material before moving on.

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Read this after I replied to Ellie's post. What is stated above is what I had pictured happening with him checking his own work using the Easy Grammar. The program seems deceptively simple, yet it seems thorough. Regardless, as a newer home educator, I will do my best to stay on top of knowing he comprehends the material before moving on.


It does seem simple, doesn't it? And it is. EG is my all-time favorite. :-)


It isn't simple to some, though. I had a conversation with a *parent* once about why "Fred, put the dishes away" had a comma, and "Fred put the dishes away" did not. She could NOT grasp the concept of a noun of direct address. She wanted to know if there was anything easier than EG. I didn't know what to say. :blink: Maybe if EG included diagramming she would have gotten it; IDK.

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