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Celebrate with me---The Boy just accepted a job offer!


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He'll be working in an academic setting on (stable for the last 20 years) government contracts. Most employees have been there 15-20 years, and now they're hiring the next generation. Unfortunately he won't ever be able to tell us what he does ;)


Computer science major, cyber security focus. Had a great internship last summer with Cisco.



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Congrats!!!!  It is so amazing when they graduate college and get that job offer.  As my brother said about my oldest recently, "he's actually a productive member of society now".  Feels so good, too, when they can completely pay their own bills.  The final verification that homeschooling works, too!!!!


Good work, Mamma!



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Wow, fantastic! Yay!


My son (also a CS major) had a cyber-security internship last summer, all very hush-hush. He got emails last week from several people asking him to come back this summer, but he wants to do something new. And here I thought it sounded so exciting ... and interesting ... and important. (I'm glad your son is working in this field!) I guess I'll have to trust my son that he knows what's best for him LOL.


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