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Exercise Thread ~ January 11th-17th


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Happy birthday! Sounds like you have a lovely day planned.



I got up late and decided to squeeze in a quick HIIT. I will say that I love X Burpees and hate Evan Burpees. 


I was reading Shape magazine the other day and read an article about using clothing as motivation. The article says to buy cute and functional  work out clothes. I firmly believe this is a great motivational tool. If your clothes fit properly and the cut and fabric are made for your activity then you will enjoy exercise more. If you look good in the clothes it gives you a boost of confidence and you use that to push yourself. I do not buy regular clothes too often, but I do buy workout gear/clothes on a regular basis. I look for deals at TJMaxx mostly. Nothing makes me impatient to workout more than a new pair of workout shoes or a cute sports bra or workout tights that show off my quads.   :D



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Thursday night- yep, I was right to wait; we did the mountain climber combo at the end of a class full of sparring.  I think I died.  Then another kettle bell class working on cleans, presses and snatches.  All very awkward still for me.


Friday- just the 100 swing challenge all one handed and upping my TGU's to the 16 kilo.  But my kettle bell instructor and sensei and I all got to talking about handstands (which they can rock) the kettle bell guy sent me this link today.  I've not had time to explore it yet. Hand stands.

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But my kettle bell instructor and sensei and I all got to talking about handstands (which they can rock) the kettle bell guy sent me this link today.  I've not had time to explore it yet. Hand stands.


Handstands are for superheros.  There's so much involved in a well done handstand:  wrists, elbows, shoulders, upper body, core, etc....

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Happy Birthday, Lisa!  Your plans sound great.  Enjoy!



Today was a 3 mile run OUTSIDE in the SUNSHINE!! We haven't seen the sun in a while.  It felt so good to get outside.  I also came home and did kettlebell.  It was a progressive squat and renegade row routine, followed by lunges, snatches, and pull-ups.


It's supposed to be sunny again tomorrow (then the rain returns).  My dh and I may try for a hike.  

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I keep thinking I want a pedometer, but I am pretty sure my steps number in the 100s, and that is only because I make myself run up and down the stairs all day for errands.  I have quite a few days when I don't leave the house at all  :blushing:


Yesterday I did 3 miles in 30 mins on the Nordic Track.  Today I did a 45 min Tonique workout with DH. He agreed it is quite a workout and wants to do it again with me.  This was the third or fourth time I have done that DVD, along with getting back on the NT, and today I could feel the difference. The first time I was sucking wind and I felt all shaky (much like dh is right now, lol) but today I was feeling strong, and while I was breathing hard it was a good feeling.  He agrees that 45 mins workout feels comparable to going for a run. That is good for him because when it is SO COLD he needs an indoor exercise and he really doesn't like many. He is a runner by nature, you know how they can be.  It is good for me b/c if he works out with me I am more likely to stick with it. 

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I keep thinking I want a pedometer, but I am pretty sure my steps number in the 100s, and that is only because I make myself run up and down the stairs all day for errands.  I have quite a few days when I don't leave the house at all .


I've been going back and forth on this also. I also have days where I don't leave the house or do much at all. I saw this yesterday, but haven't had the time to read it yet. Too many articles I want to read and too little time!

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I'm not feeling like anything but fuzzy pajamas/Netflix/chocolate for today. My 20 yo moves back to the dorm... Sniff.


So I will get my rear in gear and hit 2 hours of open mat with all my kiddos and enjoy today. If I can beat said 20 yo at grappling it would cheer me up:)

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I've been going back and forth on this also. I also have days where I don't leave the house or do much at all. I saw this yesterday, but haven't had the time to read it yet. Too many articles I want to read and too little time!

If you have a Kindle you can send articles strait to it. I have a button on my browser that sends them and then I when I'm not feeling 100% and want to be lazy I have a bunch of articles to read. I love mine, though I didn't have to pay for it. ;)

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O.k. so maybe not everyone will get this- but I had an incredible open mat and got to grapple with our Jiujitsu coach to the point where I later realized that the sweaty smell I was smelling afterwards at Cosco was not, in fact, my own sweat but his.  All my kids had a great time too:  My 8 yo punched to the point that his hands wore out, my 7 yo invented a couple of new self-defense techniques that one of the wonderful Sensei encouraged him in.  My 20 yo did combo's with me for a long time.  My 18 yo learned the beginning of a bow kata on her new bow staff and my 13 yo got to spar with 4 different black belts in prep. for a competition he's doing in March.


oh and my 100 swings and 3 mile run.


I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend- I'm taking a full-out rest day tomorrow:)

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