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Exercise Thread ~ January 11th-17th


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Complete in two minutes? I am 100% certain that not only would I be unable to complete this in two minutes, I would also need medical attention to help me off the floor! Good for you!


I love cycling and my trainer seems focused on that, and is primarily focusing on my legs and back. Hey, fella, my legs are in good shape, because I cycle. How about working on other areas? I'm going to try this...but not in two minutes.

Actually it took me 2 minutes 32 seconds and I used my knees twice. My Sensei told me to do it every other day until I had it and then work to a ladder of 15 in 3 minutes. Upper body is my weakness too. Nothing quite so motivating as a Sensei.

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I walked a total of 95 minutes on the treadmill and did some core and leg stuff at the gym.


I also got my new Fitbit Charge HR in the mail yesterday so I'm having fun playing around with that today. I can see why people love their Fitbits - "fireworks" for 10,000 steps is going to be very motivating for me!

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Upper body strength and core work. I ate an entire sleeve of Oreos yesterday. No regrets.


We stopped at target to look at kettle bells. Man those things are expensive.


Jawbone UPdate: I still love it. The alarm tends to go off even if it's not supposed to, but I'm either up by 6 anyway or so tired I can just fall back asleep so it doesn't bother me, but it is a malfunction. I'll deal with it eventually. I'm starting to care more about my steps and got a jump rope at target. I also got one for John because he's a spaz and it's something he can do indoors.

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Kim, glad to hear you are back running again.  Leg feeling better?


Rieshy, your Sensei sounds like a real softie..NOT


Negin, did you at least sleep?


shukriyya, congrats on the 70 miles!  Does it give you a new statistic for each new goal achieved?


Slache,  Oreos?   Were they double stuff?


JoyofSix, holding out on us, not only can she do many pullups, she's the pushup master!



Today WO, stretch roll.  

I'm back to feeling like I've been hit by a bus.

You know you're getting old when you have to do a warm up and stretch to get ready for your warm up and stretch.






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Abs today...standing, advanced, another 10 min Now to stretch. Legs are tight from yesterday.



Rieshy, what exactly are planks with arm reach?

Oooo I like those core videos!


I've done planks w arm reach in Pilates. Full plank on hands and toes. Extend one arm in front of you, sometimes w lifting the opposite leg (I can't do that well--I wobble :lol:), then switch to the opposite side.

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Abs today...standing, advanced, another 10 min  Now to stretch. Legs are tight from yesterday. 



Rieshy, what exactly are planks with arm reach? 



Well, tried and failed with the multi-quote.  Lucky mamma described it well: "I've done planks w arm reach in Pilates. Full plank on hands and toes. Extend one arm in front of you, sometimes w lifting the opposite leg (I can't do that well--I wobble  :lol:), then switch to the opposite side."  But we don't left the opposing leg in this drill.


I'm going to take a chance and post this morning Before my workout:  I'm planning a 3 mile run.  The mountain climber drill, my stretch and Kata practice, and 100 one handed swings with 16 k and 10 TGU with 12 k.  I hope I didn't just jinx my day:)



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Joyof6, re using your age to determine how many pushups you'll do...!!!! SD is right, exercise ninja.


SD :grouphug: hoping you feel better soon. To answer your question, I don't have any goals beyond getting in my 10,000. It has occurred to me to up the amount of daily goal steps since I'm reaching 10,000 and then some most days of the week. Yesterday, for example, I did more than 15,000 (thank you, adorable pup). The device creates the badge criterion so when they appear they're a fun surprise. The penguin one is pretty darn cute! And the badges are oddly gratifying.


Slache, I got my kettle bell on Amazon for $20. I just bought the one as per the rec for a beginner. Of course I have to actually use it to see results :lol:


As for all the talk of plank with arms reach...!!! I'm still doing a modified plank with my yoga-Pilates video. I'm running with the the big girls here ;)

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I wouldn't know, I've never kicked butt at anything.  :lol:


If anyone here has a treadmill that they like, use regularly and isn't $2,000 could you tell me about it? I know I've said don't get a treadmill, they're evil, but I'm feeling hypocritical today. It is feasible to get a good one for under, say $200?

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Slache, DO NOT buy kettlebells from Target. Those things will rip your hands up.  Try Ader or CAP from Amazon.  And yes, they are expensive.


Snickerdoodle, my hamstring is feeling better.  There is still a little soreness, so I'm taking it easy.  So far, no more than 3 miles, and I'm doing 3min run/1 min walk.


Today was a 3 mile run then kettlebell.  Today's kettlebell was Turkish Get-ups, cleans, deadlifts, and presses, plus some pull-ups.  

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I feel so empowered after my session with the physical trainer :D He says I am much stronger than I thought (past shoulder injury) :party:


Dh told me to sign up for sessions with the trainer, so I will start in February, twice a week, after we return from Florida :)


I am so excited!!

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Slache, DO NOT buy kettlebells from Target. Those things will rip your hands up.  Try Ader or CAP from Amazon.  And yes, they are expensive.


Snickerdoodle, my hamstring is feeling better.  There is still a little soreness, so I'm taking it easy.  So far, no more than 3 miles, and I'm doing 3min run/1 min walk.


Today was a 3 mile run then kettlebell.  Today's kettlebell was Turkish Get-ups, cleans, deadlifts, and presses, plus some pull-ups.  

THANK YOU!! When it comes to fitness equipment I believe in getting good quality stuff. That's why I don't have much. ;)


We don't know if we want them yet, but I'll add your suggestion to my wishlist while we decide.

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I have been forgetting to post.


Earlier this week I did a 30 min nordic track workout and then was supposed to do a 30 mins lower body workout. But, apparently I bough the wrong DVD for myself. I have never done that before, lol. Opened it, put it in and :huh:  just no. It wasn't a nice chaptered workout, it was a crazy high intensity workout.  It took me a bit longer than you might expect to figure that out. I just keep watching and thinking that the thing that I wanted would start in just a moment, lol.  Yea, nope.  I was so disappointed and annoyed with myself that dh told me to just order the right DVD and not worry about it.  It was kind of an expensive DVD and amazon only refunds half of an opened DVD, and then minus shipping, so I might as well keep it. 


And then today I did a 45 min cardio workout with my Tonique DVD.  That is a challenging workout!  I will use my muscle roller tomorrow morning. I know I should do it this evening, but I have to go to bed.

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Negin, have you tried magnesium citrate?  I have found it to be amazing to help with sleep.  I take it along with some melatonin and it really helps.


Natural Calm is the most popular brand, but I have a different kind from my local co-op. It's a powder (I have berry flavour) and you mix it into warm water and drink it before bed. I started with .5 tsp and worked my way up to 1tsp. You can take as much as 2tsp though. At 1.5 tsp I start to get the runs.  But it really does help.  Some people take a small dose during the day to help with anxiety

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I ran and then went to the gym and did the elliptical. Oh and did that ladder thing. It took considerably longer than 2 minutes :laugh:


Ok, just reread what I was supposed to do in the ladder. I stupidly did the whole push up/shoulder touch and not just from push up position. No wonder I was so stinking slow! I thought Reishy's sensei was insane. Tomorrow I'll try doing it correctly ;). Still won't be two minutes.

Edited by joyofsix
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I'm glad I took a rest day yesterday, because I'm feeling a lot better today. I walked 95 minutes on the treadmill and did some arm stuff at the gym.


I'm also thinking it's time to get some new running shoes, as I got a huge blister in the side of my heel. I have new socks and have had these shoes for almost 2 years, so I think it's time for some new ones.

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Well my 3 mile run and ladder from yesterday was jinxed.  But I got everything else in:)


Today- 1/2 of my 100 swing challenge. Learning to do the one handed swings properly has resulted in my bruising the inside of both thighs- I look abused.  Probably my iron's dropped too low but no matter why it made it really hard to do today's kettle bell work. Ouchy.  Then 3 miles on elliptical going hard and stretching.


Tonight: martial arts and then the mountain climber ladder- I'm waiting to do it because I don't want to do it at home if I have to do it in class, my shoulders are already screaming.



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So I thought I post my workouts though simple. It might keep me going. I am going to the Y 3-4 times a week. I want it to be more but my kids keep taking turns getting sick. I am getting on the adaptive motion trainer. I set the resistance to the highest setting and working out for an hour. This gives me 1000 calorie workout. Three weeks in and now my knees are complaining. I thought I would avoid this because it's a low impact exercise. I am rubbing my knees with arnica several times a day to deal with the pain. I feel so accomplished after my workouts so I don't want to change it. A day of rest usually helps. I know once I drop the weight it will get better, but will I make it to that day or will my knees sabotage it all?

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So I thought I post my workouts though simple. It might keep me going. I am going to the Y 3-4 times a week. I want it to be more but my kids keep taking turns getting sick. I am getting on the adaptive motion trainer. I set the resistance to the highest setting and working out for an hour. This gives me 1000 calorie workout. Three weeks in and now my knees are complaining. I thought I would avoid this because it's a low impact exercise. I am rubbing my knees with arnica several times a day to deal with the pain. I feel so accomplished after my workouts so I don't want to change it. A day of rest usually helps. I know once I drop the weight it will get better, but will I make it to that day or will my knees sabotage it all?


You might just need to alternate this work out with another type of workout to avoid a repetitive motion injury.  I have arthritis in both knees and it doesn't keep me from doing anything.

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I'm glad I took a rest day yesterday, because I'm feeling a lot better today. I walked 95 minutes on the treadmill and did some arm stuff at the gym.


I'm also thinking it's time to get some new running shoes, as I got a huge blister in the side of my heel. I have new socks and have had these shoes for almost 2 years, so I think it's time for some new ones.


A friend of mine was so adamant that I needed decent running shoes that she took me out and spent $130 to get me the right running shoes. I thought she was crazy, but she was absolutely right. If you tend to get cheap shoes please be willing to at least look at better ones. I like Brooks, and if you live in Portland check out The Portland Running Company. They're awesome.

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A friend of mine was so adamant that I needed decent running shoes that she took me out and spent $130 to get me the right running shoes. I thought she was crazy, but she was absolutely right. If you tend to get cheap shoes please be willing to at least look at better ones. I like Brooks, and if you live in Portland check out The Portland Running Company. They're awesome.

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Back when I was younger and was training for a half-marathon, I learned this lesson the hard way. You pay either way with running shoes: if you get good ones, they're expensive, but if you get bad ones, you pay through injuries. I have since learned my lesson and will only get running shoes from my local running store. 😀

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Home from gym with dh :) 15 min elliptical to wake up, 5 min rowing machine :eek:, 15 min bike, bosu ball planks, Blogilates core challenge for today, Pilates stretches


How do you navigate that Blogilates site?? It looks like it might have some good material on it but it's a visually overstimulating nightmare :willy_nilly:


Today is often my lowest steps day due to a ton of cross-city back and forth driving to get ds to his classes and me to appts. and errands. And sure enough as the afternoon rounds to a close I've only gotten in 4,000 steps.  Doggie tends to get short shrift on Thursdays, too :( But I'll likely finish the day at around 7,000 once I get ds home and head out for a short, non-demanding hill hike/dog walk.


I've got to get back to my yoga-pilates. And let's not talk about that kettlebell sitting on my desk :leaving:

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How do you navigate that Blogilates site?? It looks like it might have some good material on it but it's a visually overstimulating nightmare :willy_nilly:



I use the free app :lol:


I started following the original beginner's calendar and then switched to following the monthly calendars. (The link to the calendar is sent in a monthly email. She doesn't spam.) I would either click on the workout links in the calendar on the website or search the workout name on the YouTube channel.


Now I just search for the particular workout on the app. The workouts are sorted by type (legs, butt, abs, back, arms, whole body, stretch, HIIT) or by the series (the beach videos etc).


I have my favorites saved so I can just click on those :)

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Negin, have you tried magnesium citrate?  I have found it to be amazing to help with sleep.  I take it along with some melatonin and it really helps.


Natural Calm is the most popular brand, but I have a different kind from my local co-op. It's a powder (I have berry flavour) and you mix it into warm water and drink it before bed. I started with .5 tsp and worked my way up to 1tsp. You can take as much as 2tsp though. At 1.5 tsp I start to get the runs.  But it really does help.  Some people take a small dose during the day to help with anxiety

Thank you so much. I've tried pretty much everything, including magnesium (which I take regularly) and melatonin (which I take a few times a week). I have no problem falling asleep, but on most nights, something will wake me up and then I'm wide awake. I either go back to sleep, in which case I sleep pretty badly for the most part, or I just wake up. Sometimes I love it, since it's my time alone and I get stuff done. Other times, I'm exhausted and walk around like a zombie for the rest of the day. Thank you for thinking of me.

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Negin- I hope you are able to rest. My dh does the same thing. Very frustrating when you know you have things to do and you will be tired.


I seem to have been blessed with good feet and knees so can run in any old thing (usually Nikes from Kohl's on sale) but if you need good shoes you should get them. Aching body parts= disliking working out.


I ended up going to yoga class last night too. Today I'm going out for my birthday( which is Sunday). I plan wine, shopping, a Chris Hemsworth movie for the scenery and Indian buffet. My friends will support me in this endeavor. None of it healthy but I'll worry about that tomorrow.

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