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Healthy eating- your biggest challenge?


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I eat too much cheese.  Sometimes I think the only way I will ever get to my ideal weight is to quit dairy.


I love cheese too! I have found that my body is not such a fan so I try to limit it to special occasions, when we have company I love to put out a nice cheese plate!


I think we can still enjoy occasionally and still listen to our bodies.

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Conflicting information. I feel and look good on high protein, low-carb, meaty diet. I watched Forks Over Knives today and learned I'm killing myself with heart disease and cancer. But I have insulin issues--I can't eat a lot of the food FOK says are great. So, lettuce?? Forever?? Idk.


Moxie, you need to listen to your body and take into consideration your health issues. 


If you feel good on a high protein diet, that is a very good sign that it works for your body. You are not killing yourself with heart disease and cancer!  There are many studies that link heart disease to a high sugar/refined carb diet. 


You have to watch your refined carbs to manage blood sugar, a veg/vegan diet is not going to work for everyone. If you found what makes you feel good, stick with it. Look for clean meats and aim for 50% of your plate to be filled with veggies, some cooked some not. 


You are on the right track.

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I get overwhelmed trying to figure out what to eat and then having the time to make it. I love eating unprocessed and I love eating healthy foods, but just the thought of figuring out what to eat and then cooking it.....it makes me not want to eat and so I skip meals and then I overeat at the next meal or grab something simple thats not healthy. Freezer cooking helps me out a lot, but I need to find the time and energy to do it and it also overwhlems me. I make it more difficult than it needs to be though. 




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Moxie, you need to listen to your body and take into consideration your health issues. 


If you feel good on a high protein diet, that is a very good sign that it works for your body. You are not killing yourself with heart disease and cancer!  There are many studies that link heart disease to a high sugar/refined carb diet. 


You have to watch your refined carbs to manage blood sugar, a veg/vegan diet is not going to work for everyone. If you found what makes you feel good, stick with it. Look for clean meats and aim for 50% of your plate to be filled with veggies, some cooked some not. 


You are on the right track.



I just had this conversation with someone today.


I fit the description of having insulin issues and needing low carb, but I feel like garbage on low carb.  It makes far more sense to me to eat whole foods, including real fruit and real vegetables and just a little protein.



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eating for emotional reasons:  boredom, loneliness, sadness


Sue, have you ever looked at Whole 30?


While I do not agree with all of it (extreme limitations and guilt) I do feel that if done with some slight adjustments it can be a very good way of getting a handle on emotional eating and slaying the sugar monster.

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One of the problems with the low carb approach is that some folks translate that as meat heavy and veggie light. Flip that and go heavy veg and light on the meat and you may have good results. 



Thanks, but as I said, I've found a good balance for me: 'I eat at least five fruit/veg a day, adequate protein and whole grains.'  I only told you about my previous problems because you asked.....



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I just had this conversation with someone today.


I fit the description of having insulin issues and needing low carb, but I feel like garbage on low carb.  It makes far more sense to me to eat whole foods, including real fruit and real vegetables and just a little protein.




If you feel like crap on low carb there can be a few reasons.


The first being of course that you are going too low carb. 

Are you counting carbs or are you simply avoiding high carb/refined carb foods? Carbs are important and sometimes when people go low carb they are just a little bit too restrictive. You really have to listen to your body and be willing to make adjustments. 


The secondary factor is you could be feeling poorly due to lack of fat and protein. Especially if you are trying to maintain stable blood sugar. Protein and fat are satiating AND help to regulate BS by slowing the absorption of carbs. They are important elements in managing BS. In your case, carbs should be eaten with protein and/or fat. Apple with almond butter, veggies with yogurt based dip, fruit with some cheese etc

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If you feel like crap on low carb there can be a few reasons.


The first being of course that you are going too low carb. 

Are you counting carbs or are you simply avoiding high carb/refined carb foods? Carbs are important and sometimes when people go low carb they are just a little bit too restrictive. You really have to listen to your body and be willing to make adjustments. 


The secondary factor is you could be feeling poorly due to lack of fat and protein. Especially if you are trying to maintain stable blood sugar. Protein and fat are satiating AND help to regulate BS by slowing the absorption of carbs. They are important elements in managing BS. In your case, carbs should be eaten with protein and/or fat. Apple with almond butter, veggies with yogurt based dip, fruit with some cheese etc



I have done both.  I have counted carbs (fewer than 100 grams per day)  The truth is, I don't really like very much meat.  


However, I am not going to be doing low carb again.  I just have no desire.  I know how it makes me feel and I am not wiling to do it.


I am working with a Functional Medicine doctor right now to figure out the best plan for me.

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