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How I Mess Up Christmas: Take 1


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I'm not good without enough sleep. I'm an absolute zombie if I haven't gotten at least seven hours.


So, I told my boys, both 11, that they could open the gifts that were "from Santa" (they don't believe anymore). These were highly prized Lego gifts that were first on their wish list.


So I thought that they'd open them w/ DH and just play Legos until I got up at 9 a.m. (I actually was hoping I'd be up by 8, but -- okay -- dh wanted TeA for his gift the night before. I was tired.)


Last night, as the boys were falling asleep, they told me that it just didn't feel right to open those gifts and then just walk out of the room as if nothing special was happening. I was so sad for them. DH was there. I thought they'd play. It sounded like it was just "blah." And, in fairness to my kids, DH doesn't make things fun. He's pretty low-key.


But DH did make cinnamon rolls and they were gone by the time I woke up. This sounded lovely to me. It wasn't until bedtime that they complained.


Once I woke up we had plenty of presents to unwrap.


I feel so badly for them.They sounded low telling me about it. I felt/feel like a bad mom.



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You know, it's quite possible that it didn't have anything to do with you.   I remember reaching a point where Christmas didn't seem "magical" anymore and it was disappointing for a few years.  It didn't have to do with not believing in Santa any longer, because it started a few years after that.  I think I was about 11 or 12 but I'm not sure.  I just have a strong memory of "blah" Christmases for a while.  Then, it got to be more fun again.  I wonder if it was just a growing up thing?


In any case, :grouphug: to you.  I know the feeling of messing up!

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Christmas is hard. There's always so much hype and excitement, and it's very rare that the day can live up to those crazy expectations.

You certainly didn't mess up Christmas. Even if there was a bit of a low first thing, it sounds like you all had a lovely day afterwards.

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I agree with others : It's not you, it's them. That's the age my kids started being a bit sad about Xmas.


And also, they weren't telling you you messed up, they were telling you they had missed you. That's nice! It's good to be missed!


And you're doing great because they're able to tell you things at night. Good job mama.


Have fun playing but fwiw, in my house, the anticlimactic feelings often persisted for days and presented as a bit of a small funk...

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I think you are making this more than it is.  I would have told them flat out that the festivities would start at 9 when you get up.  I told my kids 8.  They'd wake me up at 3.  No...I won't go for that.  They waited actually until 8:30.  They wouldn't dream of starting without me.


But anyway, this isn't the end of the world.  And at least now you know what you mean to them.



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