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Exercise Thread ~ November 30th-December 6th


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Got in my hill hike and yoga-Pilates video yesterday despite my lack of enthusiasm. Today more of the same minus the lack of enthusiasm :D


ETA It's pouring rain here today. Hill hike should be interesting...



Does anyone have long-term goals they're working (autocorrect wants that to be 'writhing' :lol: ) towards? I'd like to add another two yoga-Pilates sessions to my week and some kettlebell workouts as a way to increase flexibility, range of motion and strength. I'm also starting to feel the need to increase the length of my hill hikes.

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I just got back from our Thansgiving trip.  I did manage some yoga and kettlebell while gone.  Today I did 90 minutes of yoga, which felt so good.


Long term goals.......Mine have all changed since my hamstring injury.  I'm mostly focusing on getting stronger.  I would like to be able to jump up into handstand.  I can do headstand, but not handstand.  I want to be able to front squat my two 12kg bells (so 52# total), and snatch my 16kg bell.  I also want to be able to get back to running.  I'm going to try and run for 10 minutes tomorrow before kettlebell.  I'm hoping it doesn't hurt.  I may even try a 10 minute run tonight. I'm very tired, but I don't know if I will be able to handle the disappointment tomorrow morning if it hurts to run. If I can run, I have a goal of doing a mile a day for the next month.  

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Yesterday was just cleaning house nothing else.


I decided to go through the FB 5 day challenge again. My 3rd time now. That's how much I like it. So today was day 1. The HIIT part was....yeah. I upped my weights because it was lower body strength training and not upper body. For the first time I was able to do dead lifts with a heavy weight. I choose 30lbs. Big difference from 10.  :hurray:   

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I just got back from our Thansgiving trip.  I did manage some yoga and kettlebell while gone.  Today I did 90 minutes of yoga, which felt so good.


Long term goals.......Mine have all changed since my hamstring injury.  I'm mostly focusing on getting stronger.  I would like to be able to jump up into handstand.  I can do headstand, but not handstand.  I want to be able to front squat my two 12kg bells (so 52# total), and snatch my 16kg bell.  I also want to be able to get back to running.  I'm going to try and run for 10 minutes tomorrow before kettlebell.  I'm hoping it doesn't hurt.  I may even try a 10 minute run tonight. I'm very tired, but I don't know if I will be able to handle the disappointment tomorrow morning if it hurts to run. If I can run, I have a goal of doing a mile a day for the next month.  


Take care Kim!  It will heal, especially if you are patient. 


Goals?  My long term goal is to still be running and lifting and fighting in my 70's and to be fit enough to keep earning degrees in MMA.


Mid-term goal is attaining my black belt, and all the fitness that requires.  I also dream of being able to once- at least once- have my jijuitsu mentor tap out.


Short term (By New Year's Day)  10 picture perfect, nose to the ground and hands close to my body, quick and clean pushups.  I want to be 4 weeks into a running schedule out of Run Less Run Faster.  I want to pass my blue senior belt testing.


Immediate goal- cleaning up my diet- Thanksgiving feasting has caused my arthritis to flare which can cause a cascade of ugly if I don't put my big girl panties on and start eating right.

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I did run a mile this morning. I kept it easy, with a pattern of 1 mintue of walking, 3 mintues of running. I could feel it, but it didn't hurt.  I'm unsure if I should proceed with my plan of a mile a day.  It still hurts when I do forward bends, so it's not completely healed, but it could just be built up scar tissue.  I don't know.....


Today was the 1 mile run, 30 minutes, of kettlebell (squat day!), finished off with a tabata of swings and snatches.  I have a goal of at least 15 minutes of restorative yoga tonight. 

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I did run a mile this morning. I kept it easy, with a pattern of 1 mintue of walking, 3 mintues of running. I could feel it, but it didn't hurt.  I'm unsure if I should proceed with my plan of a mile a day.  It still hurts when I do forward bends, so it's not completely healed, but it could just be built up scar tissue.  I don't know.....


Today was the 1 mile run, 30 minutes, of kettlebell (squat day!), finished off with a tabata of swings and snatches.  I have a goal of at least 15 minutes of restorative yoga tonight. 


With my torn calf I had to do quite a bit of deep tissue (painful) massage to help it heal and keep the fascia supple.  One of the ways my PT showed me was massaging my injury site with a tennis ball. 

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Whew, finally getting back to normal. I ran and kettle bell. Here's a question for you guys, my Achilles doesn't hurt to run or walk but if I touch it...youch! I can't figure it out. I think I'll take some Motrin and use some ice. Just weird. All you injured ones take care.Long term goals? I don't want to be a frail old lady. They seem like a strong wind might topple them. I'm hoping for spry ;)



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Weights, push ups, core work.



My long term goals are to lose the rest of my spare fat, be flexible, run for pleasure, and not be broken when I'm old. A big reason for my taking my health seriously was the contrast between my 52 year old mother in law who couldn't climb a set of stair and my 57 year old boss who worked her behind off every day 6 days a week for 10 hours.



Goals I've already reached include being able to play and keep up with my children, no longer resemble a manatee, have my face instead of that fat person face, lose 100 pounds, touch my toes, run a 5K, and sleep well at night.

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Whew, finally getting back to normal. I ran and kettle bell. Here's a question for you guys, my Achilles doesn't hurt to run or walk but if I touch it...youch! I can't figure it out. I think I'll take some Motrin and use some ice. Just weird. All you injured ones take care.Long term goals? I don't want to be a frail old lady. They seem like a strong wind might topple them. I'm hoping for spry ;)


Phone post so I can't multi-quote but yes! to not being frail as one ages. My fitness goals in my twenties and thirties were much more outcome oriented whereas now they are process oriented.

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With my torn calf I had to do quite a bit of deep tissue (painful) massage to help it heal and keep the fascia supple.  One of the ways my PT showed me was massaging my injury site with a tennis ball. 



I've tried using a baseball, and the theracane, but the injury is very deep and hard to get.  It's where the hamstring meets the glute.  If me little 1 mile a day run ends up hurting, I'm heading to the PT.  I didn't go before because we had so many other expenses to deal with, but this time I will go. 



I did do 30 minutes of yoga last night, then this morning was a 60 minute vinyasa flow.  I plan on my 1 mile run and a bit of kettlebell tonight after dinner.  

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I've tried using a baseball, and the theracane, but the injury is very deep and hard to get.  It's where the hamstring meets the glute.

Ischial tuberosity?      Ă¢â„¢Â© Ă¢â„¢Â« Ă¢â„¢Âª Butt is on fire!  Ă¢â„¢Â« Ă¢â„¢Âª Ă¢â„¢ÂªÂ Â Â Â  I did not go to the PT,  which I probably should have, so I am telling you to go.  I have done a lot of things to help this injury along but it has been a long road, mainly because now that the injury is healed more or less, I still need to work on the things that I think caused it in the first place and to work on strength and flexibility through all ranges of motion at the hip.   Pls, let me know what the PT says, though.  I'd be very interested. 


I took a nice walk and cut down a tree. 

OK  Slache Bunyan.


I just did an hour long hill hike in the pouring rain. Came back thoroughly soaked and invigorated :D


I don't understand you people.  :p   Was it muddy?   Did you take the kids?    Was it freezing cold rain?  If yes, what jacket did you use?




OK, I am sore as heck from Monday. 


Today, WO, stretch, roll.

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Darn it! My shoulder is very tender again. Apparently, didn't baby it enough yesterday. Hate it when I do that. I need to remind myself body weight only for my arm work until I feel no soreness at all in my shoulder. Want to know what hurts the most? Doing side plank. Kills my shoulder. 


Today was day 3 and this workout makes me sweat. A lot. I don't find it as hard as day 1 but it makes me sweat more. Weird. My shoes were actually squeaking and losing grip a bit from the sweat on my mat and floor. Pretty picture I paint, I know. :thumbup:  

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I don't understand you people. :p Was it muddy? Did you take the kids? Was it freezing cold rain? If yes, what jacket did you use?



It was chilly but not unpleasant. Muddy hmm, if the dog were with me then yes, it was muddy, otherwise no ;) In terms of gear I've been wearing ds's rain pants and rain jacket over my regular stuff. This keeps me mostly dry, dry enough anyway. He doesn't come with me, obviously. More rain today.
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Slache, maybe you are at the point where pre and post WO nutrition is key in for making gains in your WOs.

I take #shadder beforehand and GNC wheybolic something afterward. I've struggled with chronic exhaustion for the past 7 years so I think something is actually wrong with me, I just don't want to stop. I've been to the doctor about it, had a full panel of blood work 3 times, dropped dairy and gluten, and danced naked in the rain on the harvest moon. I do much better with my diet and a routine, but that routine absolutely involves working out, or it all falls apart. I think I'm just going to pick a new workout routine that doesn't have words like "extreme" or "insane" in the title.



You're a beast!


I know. I've been meaning to shave.

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I've tried using a baseball, and the theracane, but the injury is very deep and hard to get.  It's where the hamstring meets the glute.  If me little 1 mile a day run ends up hurting, I'm heading to the PT.  I didn't go before because we had so many other expenses to deal with, but this time I will go. 



I did do 30 minutes of yoga last night, then this morning was a 60 minute vinyasa flow.  I plan on my 1 mile run and a bit of kettlebell tonight after dinner.  



That makes sense- in therapy the PT used Graston metal tools (think torture implements) to get deep into my calf.  It even left bruises but boy did it work.  Anyway I am impressed by how you keep on working on all the things you can do!  


Last night MA.  Tons of kicking.  Tons of kicking. Followed by Kettle bell.  I cannot believe how quickly kettle bell improves overall strength of your core.

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All you kettlebell users are inspiring me. I've got my eye on a set of 3 on Amazon--5, 10 and 15 lbs (in a pretty purple) which I think would be just right for where I'm at currently fitness-wise. Today the plan is a yoga-pilates session and a long hill hike. But that'll need squeezing in between school lessons, ds's piano lessons and leaving enough daylight time. Back from a shorter hike with the mud-pup already :D

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Yesterday I looked up that FB challenge and did Day 1 and Day 4. This morning I caved and ran n. Yep, one. Whole day of " cross training" and I'm back to running.:blush: I never said I was interesting.


Slache-I get needing to w/o. I'd definitely look for something different to shake things up.

Shoulders and hamstrings, oy! Take care of yourselves.

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I am still mid Nutcracker madness!  They had their first performance on Sunday and that is at a theater out of town, so I was gone for the weekend.


Today I did 4 miles in 40 mins on my nordic track and then I did a 30 mins lower body workout. I haven't been on my NT since last winter, just long enough to forget that I hate it, lol. I'll use it for a while until I remember....

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I was going to do a Joyce Vedral workout again today, but I'm now in the mood for Classical Stretch. I'll probably only have time for one session: Scar Tissue. 


I'm driving myself a bit crazy (as usual :lol: ) trying to come up with a good workout plan. I've learned that for me, muscle eats fat and that I need to strength train regularly in order to see results. My favorite strength training is Joyce Vedral.

My question/problem is that I don't have enough time to do all the workouts that I'd like to do or should be doing - too many workout choices and too little time. How often should I ideally be doing a Joyce workout in order to see the best results? Every other day, a few times a week?

On alternate days, I might do any of the following: rebounding, Leslie Sansone, swimming, a few Classical Stretch routines back-to-back, pilates, yoga, Ellen Barrett ... just to name some.

For a while now, I've had a routine like this, but I've begun doubting myself and wondering if I should do Joyce more often. Should I be doing her workouts every other day?

DAY ONE: Joyce Vedral

DAY TWO: Leslie Sansone

DAY THREE: Swimming

DAY FOUR: Any of my DVDs (Ellen/Denise Austin, etc.)


Any thoughts/input would be greatly appreciated. :)

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I haven't done any Joyce Vedral dvds; does she do heavy weights with low reps, or high reps with lower weight? For me, low rep heavy weight work requires a longer rest period than lighter weights with high reps.


Here's what I would do: Day five would be a rest day, then day six would do Joyce Vedral again, with day seven either a rest or yoga day, whatever your body is telling you to do. I usually adjust according to fatigue and/or miuscle soreness and take rest days as needed.

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I do intense strength work 3 times a week.  This is enough so that I have pretty good recovery and still see gains.     I started at 4 times a week, but then I started having that wiped out feeling all the time. 

I'm not familiar with any of those WO videos but I will say that you do work very consistently and you keep it varied and there's something to be said for keeping a WO schedule that you can do over the long term.


One thing that I like to look at even though I do NOT do crossfit, is these athletic levels that this guy created.   I think it's a great tool for determining whether your WOs are keeping you in balance.   For example,  what if I like to run, run, run, but I have no push and pull strength?     Or my personal nemesis,  what if I can push but I suck at pulling exercises?


Anyways, the sun is FINALLY shining!


Today, skillwork, stretch roll, MA.  

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All you kettlebell users are inspiring me. I've got my eye on a set of 3 on Amazon--5, 10 and 15 lbs (in a pretty purple) which I think would be just right for where I'm at currently fitness-wise. Today the plan is a yoga-pilates session and a long hill hike. But that'll need squeezing in between school lessons, ds's piano lessons and leaving enough daylight time. Back from a shorter hike with the mud-pup already :D


I would consider heavier weights.  It's hard to do the swing correctly (thus protecting your back) with just 15 lbs.  I know with the lighter weights when I was first learning I tended to try to use arm strength instead of my core.  My instructor made me do much heavier than I thought I could do and I found it actually easier to get the movements correct- plus you build strength faster and with less reps.  


For the turkish get ups- especially if you are alone, lighter weights don't present the same problem.

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I was going to do a Joyce Vedral workout again today, but I'm now in the mood for Classical Stretch. I'll probably only have time for one session: Scar Tissue. 


I'm driving myself a bit crazy (as usual :lol: ) trying to come up with a good workout plan. I've learned that for me, muscle eats fat and that I need to strength train regularly in order to see results. My favorite strength training is Joyce Vedral.

My question/problem is that I don't have enough time to do all the workouts that I'd like to do or should be doing - too many workout choices and too little time. How often should I ideally be doing a Joyce workout in order to see the best results? Every other day, a few times a week?

On alternate days, I might do any of the following: rebounding, Leslie Sansone, swimming, a few Classical Stretch routines back-to-back, pilates, yoga, Ellen Barrett ... just to name some.

For a while now, I've had a routine like this, but I've begun doubting myself and wondering if I should do Joyce more often. Should I be doing her workouts every other day?

DAY ONE: Joyce Vedral

DAY TWO: Leslie Sansone

DAY THREE: Swimming

DAY FOUR: Any of my DVDs (Ellen/Denise Austin, etc.)


Any thoughts/input would be greatly appreciated. :)


I would definitely bump the strength training to twice a week.  I think heavier weights and less reps would probably be awesome for you to balance the Pilates and yoga and swimming. Plus it doesn't have to take as long- with heavier weights you can crank a workout out.  My Tuesday kettlebell class is only 30 minutes long but we do heavy weights and get it done.  I do traditional weights one other time per week with slightly lighter weights and more reps.


Wednesday- one mile stroll with dh.

Wednesday night- martial arts class with lots of sparring. Then my 13 ds and I were invited to join the advanced class for the night which was all jiujitsu. It was wonderful- it's like playing chess but with your body, and it was balm for the soul after my leg kept spazzing out Tuesday in class and my kicks were absolutely pathetic.

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Last night my shoulder and knee were telling me to ease up. Plus, I fell asleep on the couch before my bed time. Then I overslept this morning. All signs that I needed a break. So this morning I did a short pilates and then stretching. Started to roll but kids and pets took over at that point.

It's battling those German roaches that's doing you in :smilielol5:

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I would consider heavier weights. It's hard to do the swing correctly (thus protecting your back) with just 15 lbs. I know with the lighter weights when I was first learning I tended to try to use arm strength instead of my core. My instructor made me do much heavier than I thought I could do and I found it actually easier to get the movements correct- plus you build strength faster and with less reps.


For the turkish get ups- especially if you are alone, lighter weights don't present the same problem.

Posting from my kindle so I can't multi-quote.


Interesting observation. What weight would you suggest starting with? I've got very little upper body strength but my core strength is relatively good.

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Posting from my kindle so I can't multi-quote.


Interesting observation. What weight would you suggest starting with? I've got very little upper body strength but my core strength is relatively good.


A lot depends on you and how much you weigh and history of injuries- plus I'm not an instructor.  Here's a link to the brand of bells we use and their instructions on choosing weights.  


All I can say is I have bad knees and a weak right hip but I've got a strong core and am fairly fit- I was started on swings at 26 pounds and had trouble learning forms until I was switched to the 35 lb one.  Now I do between 35 and 70 something pounds for swings depending on the instructor's mood and plan for the class. At the upper end that's more than half my body weight:)   I started with "tinkerbell" weights for turkish-get-ups and now do 12 kilo.  I can do the 16 kilo with my right arm but not with my left because of my pesky hip.  But I'm working on it. 

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Started to roll but kids and pets took over at that point. 


I workout at 5am because I have some undiagnosed mental disorder so my kids aren't an issue, but my dog knows the command "Go to the couch". I use it when I workout, when I break a glass, when company is at the door, when we're eating, when she's bothering the cat... Anyway, it's a great command. You could try it.





Has anyone tried T25? We own it and I'm wondering if there's a lot of push up style stuff. I have nausea issues and don't do too well when my mouth is at the same level as my stomach during cardio. It was a big problem with Insanity for me. I'm considering beginning T25 on Monday. Thanks.

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I workout at 5am because I have some undiagnosed mental disorder so my kids aren't an issue, but my dog knows the command "Go to the couch". I use it when I workout, when I break a glass, when company is at the door, when we're eating, when she's bothering the cat... Anyway, it's a great command. You could try it.



I usually get up at 6:30 to workout so the kids are in bed, but I slept in. My dog listens when I tell him to leave, but my cats don't. If I could take pictures while I'm working out I'd show you guys what my cats do. This morning one of my cats walked over and sprawled out in front of me on my yoga mat, and every time I bent over he swatted my ponytail. If they really pester me I put them in my bedroom. I have a glass french door to my bedroom, and the cats will sit there and stare at me.  :laugh:


Okay, frantically cleaning under beds, moving furniture, and need to start emptying the cabinets to prepare for tomorrow. 

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....   For example,  what if I like to run, run, run, but I have no push and pull strength?     Or my personal nemesis,  what if I can push but I suck at pulling exercises?


Anyways, the sun is FINALLY shining!


Today, skillwork, stretch roll, MA.  

Do I dare say I ran  :laugh: I also did my 50 push ups and I promise to get some kettlebell in soon.

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A lot depends on you and how much you weigh and history of injuries- plus I'm not an instructor.  Here's a link to the brand of bells we use and their instructions on choosing weights.  


All I can say is I have bad knees and a weak right hip but I've got a strong core and am fairly fit- I was started on swings at 26 pounds and had trouble learning forms until I was switched to the 35 lb one.  Now I do between 35 and 70 something pounds for swings depending on the instructor's mood and plan for the class. At the upper end that's more than half my body weight:)   I started with "tinkerbell" weights for turkish-get-ups and now do 12 kilo.  I can do the 16 kilo with my right arm but not with my left because of my pesky hip.  But I'm working on it. 


Well, I'm fairly underweight but don't have a history of sports-injuries though my body is definitely telling me I need to attend to its aging self. The site you linked was informative, thanks. For someone like myself they suggest starting at 18 lbs. Hard to imagine my small muscles being able to deal with that amount but perhaps the way the kettlebell is used allows for this. I can't do a single pull-up and as for consecutive push-ups, it ain't happenin' either. Of course this means I can only improve from here :D This is what the site has to say...


Women who are new to kettlebell training and lifting in general should start with an 18 pound or 8 kilogram kettlebell. This weight is ideal for a woman who is just beginning weight training whether it be in the gym or at home. Remember, you want a kettlebell you can grow with, even if this seems like a lot of weight at first, you will fairly quickly be able to increase your reps through regular use and the workouts you do. Women who use some form of weights but are new to kettlebells should start with a 26 pound or 12 kilogram kettlebell.  For anyone who is going to be using kettlebells, a kettlebell set is great purchase. First because it will allow you to grow with your kettlebells and give you some variety as your strength increases for certain movements, but also because of the heavy discounts which are applied to sets versus individual purchases.


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