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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good Morning....


The workers in my house woke me up bumping around at 5 am....ugghhhh  I can never go right back to sleep.   :ph34r:

It's a rainy day...so sleeping in would have been nice.  



  1. quick tidy of the house --vacuum, wipe down bathroom and empty trash
  2. school with ds..we have next week off and I really want to complete all the end of the month stuff by the end of this week
  3. play with Sophia --mom home by 3:15 
  4. decide what to cook for dinner and execute it
  5. take a nap so I can do school this evening 

Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning! It's raining here, too, Tammy. 



Breakfast and lunch for dh

breakfast for the rest of us


To Do:

drop off dd at school

read last of Sherlock with ds


take ds to ortho

pick dd up



make discussion group lesson plans for book club

get together all the stuff for our forensics stations


go to homeschool group moms support meeting (if I have everything done for book club)



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I don't WANT to tackle monday as it's rainy and I didn't sleep well and I am not feeling great... so a quiet day here:


to do:

garbage out

laundry - all washed, 2 more to dry and fold

15 minute tidy up

letter posted on dd's mission blog

something in the crock pot

empty dishwasher

take a nap


If I start feeling better:


start a sewing project


added in:

trip to walmart


post lunch check in - I decided I felt good enough to go on a run.  It wasn't really raining... but halfway through, the drizzle turned into a rain and I was regretting my choice.  But I felt okay.  Then I got my chores done, and headed out to the store.  Now I'm ready for a nap.  That's my plan.  Hope your day is going well!  

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Cold rain here :(


For me:

--school w dd (math, chem, history, AP Human Geography)


--house things, including laundry

--errands: groceries, library

--book cruise for next summer (Alaska w dh, no kids :D)

--plan Thanksgiving menu w dsis

--organize paperwork and notes from elementary science olympiad

--discuss high school SO team w other coach


Have a good day, everyone :party:

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Good morning! We have clear skies and hopefully the temps will get up to above freezing. It was a mean way to start winter here. A week ago, it was 65 in the morning and 15 by night and then it stayed like that (single digits for a few days) for a week. It is nice to see the sun!


We have a regular day here, chores to do, school to do.


To do:

school for all

chores for all

laundry (started)

work in basement

list for thanksgiving


pick up study 

pick up dd1 after class

school stuff

sports stuff (mostly done)

think about new project (finished the quilt yesterday!)

return swimsuit

PM practice/aikido


Have a great day, everyone!


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Good morning everyone!

Raining here too.

Dh taking the day off so except for math which he is going to help with, we are off today!

Enchilada casserole for supper, it was so good when I made it a bit ago, I've been craving it ever since!

Dh and I went out to breakfast with my Mom, which was absolutley awesome.

Got my girls up early to spend some time with my Mom when we got back from breakfast, really special to have everyone home and up and about together.

Eldest and I will be knitting away the day, making Christmas presents, there will be music to listen to and something fun to watch as a family.


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Good Morning....


The workers in my house woke me up bumping around at 5 am....ugghhhh  I can never go right back to sleep.   :ph34r:

It's a rainy day...so sleeping in would have been nice.  



  1. quick tidy of the house --vacuum, wipe down bathroom and empty trash DONE
  2. school with ds..we have next week off and I really want to complete all the end of the month stuff by the end of this week--
  3. play with Sophia --mom home by 3:15 
  4. decide what to cook for dinner and execute it Cleaned out refrigerator and we will be eating up the rest of the yummy leftovers 
  5. take a nap so I can do school this evening I slept for an hour...so that it's --I'll DVR the show I wanted to watch and go to bed early

Have a good day everyone!

Also--cooked a yummy brunch of chocolate chip pancakes, diced up fruit and bacon with a big glass of milk  :drool:


I'm thinking I might start decorating for Christmas inside this week so next weekend we can just enjoy being home together and 

relax a little bit. 


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I am achy, achy, achy today. I'm fairly sure I got into some gluten yesterday.  Anyway. . . it has made me not half as productive as I've been in the last couple of days when I was on achy all over.  


School done with dd

School not quite done with ds but I'm pretty sure I've gotten all I can out of him for the day so I guess we'll say it is done.

Dd at the Y.

dinner done

small grocery shop done for ingredients for the pork roast I'm going to be making soon in the crockpot.  


I do not want to do anything more today but . . . in the spirit of making myself move and get stuff done because it is good for me and my family I need to do the first thing on my pork roast recipe:  Brown the roast.  -- done and I cut grooves in the meat for apple slices.  Now to cut the apples into slices and to get out some bacon.  Frying up some bacon.  Drizzled a bit of honey over the roast and sprinkled on some cinnamon.  Ready to turn it on and let it do it's thing!



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rested a bit in front of the computer.  Now time for my next step-by-step task with the tackle thread to give me strength.


1.  Unload top of dishwasher - done

2.  Unload bottom of dishwasher - done

3.  Load dishwasher top and bottom - done

4.  Put away the pickles which somehow ended up in the sink.  - done

5.  And the frozen chicken which was still totally frozen but put on the kitchen floor inches from a very good dog's nose (for once) - done

6.  Run the dishwasher.  

7.  Wash handwashables.- knives, pans and misc.

8.  Dry wok and cast iron pan on the stove.

9.  Wipe down counters and stove.

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