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If you had to decorate a horse for Christmas ....


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How well broke is the horse?  How well broke are the other horses in the parade?


When we have done Christmas parades the kids have used garland of all colors, strings of small bells or a larger bell, even battery operated Christmas lights.  Obviously you need a well broke horse though that will be OK with all of this stuff.  They just bought it at the local Walmart or  Hobby Lobby stores.


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I would ask the riding instructor for ideas as she would know the horses the best. 


We have trail horses which take just about anything you put in front of them but some show horse are more sensitive to things while others are very well broke as they have been exposed to so many different environments.  Horses can act very differently in a different and unfamiliar environment.

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I obviously misread this thread because I showed up here with lots of great ideas on how to decorate a HOUSE.  Reading comprehension fail.


*slowly backing out of the thread now*


I saw the title, read it, and thought, "Silly me. I thought that said decorate a horse...not a house. I need to read more carefully." So, I re-read it and realized it did say a HORSE.


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