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Moms of seniors....

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Thought I could start some sort of 'roll call' for moms of seniors who will be graduating at the end of this school year!!


My oldest is my first to-be graduate, so this will all be new to me!!


She's filled out her first college application and submitted it. Now the wait begins until January 15th, when she's notified of her acceptance (hopefully!!!)


Our homeschool group will have a graduation ceremony, and we already have a 'graduation planning meeting' set for November.


She's also started her 2nd year at the community college this week.


It's so exciting...and nerve-wracking at the same time!!!


I'd love to know who will also be going through the same thing this year!!

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My oldest will be a senior this fall. He starts his first two cc classes next week. He'll be taking 2 courses there, 1 on-line, and 2 at home from me this fall semester.


I was reflecting yesterday on the journey these last few years. I am so thankful that we have been able to homeschool high school. I feel like it's given my son a chance to get a great education while still allowing him time to tinker in his areas of interest.


He's definitely matured a lot these last few years. He's so different than he was going into 9th grade -- more mature, taller!!!!, and much better about doing his work mostly independently. I felt like 9th grade was such a struggle with me providing most of the motivation to keep him going. Now I actually have him telling me to back off. Who would have thunk it!!!!


He'll be working on college applications this fall, and we will hopefully have our first ever high school graduation ceremony with our homeschool group this coming June. My son and one other boy are graduating. Most families in the group send their dc to either public or private high school, so we haven't had too many high school graduates to date. I'm hoping this ceremony will inspire some of the parents of the younger kids to keep going with homeschooling.


What an exciting year! Thanks for starting this thread. I'm looking forward to journeying with you and others this year, and I am so, so thankful for those who have gone before us and are willing to share their experiences.



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My dd is a Senior this year too. Where did the time go?

She went to a private school the last two years and decided she wanted to homeschool her Senior year. I am so glad to have her home this year. It really is a joy to be able to spend more time with her before sho goes off to college.

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Our ds will graduate in May from our oversight academy. They have been a very important part of our homeschooling experience. DS has taken a lot of classes there, they meet once a week as a group and then work on their assignments at home for the other 4 days. It has really been a nice hybrid of the homeschool/private school for us. They have a really nice seniors banquet and graduation ceremony, complete with the caps and gowns. There will probably be about 40 kids graduating.


He has started, just barely, to work on the college apps...he's pulled all the on-line data about what he needs for each school and time lines for when stuff has to be in.


I'm trying to stop worrying about which schools to apply to and how hard to push on additional SAT prep, scholarships and so forth. I really do believe that God has our ds's best interests at heart and will provide for his best....but I have this insatiable urge to get in there and try to make things happen. It is hard for me to back off and realize that we've done our very best and we just need to keep on working hard, but let the process happen....does that make any sense?


I really thought we'd wind up going more along the community college route for many of our high school classes, but we wound up doing them all either at home or through our oversight academy. We just decided that we really wanted the extra freedom to do things on our own time schedule this year, a few last chance family trips and so on that just didn't work out with the cc schedule. I'm glad I'll have a little more time with him that way before he rides off into the sunset so to speak....


I've got to get my act together and get a real job for next year...we'll need it to help pay for college since we didn't manage to put it away in advance....that is the other thing I'm trying not to worry about too much!

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My oldest is a senior this year. This kid is the cause of our homeschooling in the first place, and he has been the challenge all along with his various learning disabilities and other issues. BUT, he is a fantastic kid, is doing really well and knows what he wants to do with his life and how to get there. I'm going to be so proud of both of us at his graduation ceremony, which will be held by the charter umbrella school.


He is going to do the community college/transfer to a 4-year college route, and plans on taking his first cc class in the spring.


Ds number 2 is going to keep me busy for 4 more years (good grief, that means we'll be facing another presidential election cycle during his senior year as well!)

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Another parent of a senior here ....


My daughter has spent a good many hours this summer working up her list of colleges to which to apply. (She started with a list of some 30 colleges that sounded intriguing and has been winnowing them down to a more manageable number.) She visited a couple of colleges this summer while on a family trip. She'll visit a couple more colleges in September; what's nice about these upcoming visits is that she'll actually be able to sit in on a class or two and see the campuses with a full complement of students.


Her classes this year will have staggered starts. A PA Homeschoolers online class starts next week, classes at a resource center start the following week, and community college classes start in late September.


It should prove to be a fascinating year. Good luck to all our children (and to us)!




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Guest vamary

Graduating ds this year. I have only had him for two years, but what a great time to see him mature. In the past years he has blossomed into a young man! We thought we would do the graduation ceremony at the Richmond Home School Convention, but my niece is getting married and ds said he would rather go to the marriage ceremony. He says that the marriage ceremony only happens once, whereas he plans on graduating college so there will be another ceremony for him. What a guy. Although we would still like to see him graduate... Good luck to all the graduating seniors!!!

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Guest KMugge

I have three sons graduating in the spring and no other children following them at home. I've been homeschooling for 12 years and next year at this time I'll have an empty nest -yikes. I'm a little overwhelmed with all the college apps, tests, scholarships, money, and all not to mention going from a busy household with mega-eating teenage boys to no school and no kids. I need to find a job for myself in the process.

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We're still reeling from sending the oldest off to college, so I'm waiting a few weeks before we start working on apps for him. He's picked a place he wants to go, and we have some other ideas, too, but he has his heart set on one particular place, so it is rather scary. He wants to apply early decision. How early is early decision? Are people really sending in apps now, in Sept.? It sounded like it from this post?


My son is taking 2 (or possibly 3) classes at CC and the rest with me. His gymnastics coach moved farther away, so we have a longer commute each evening and he's deciding whether he can manage that third just-for-fun class. I'm feeling totally overwhelmed at the idea of a 40 minute one-way gym commute on top of the daily 30 (MWF) or 45 (TR) minute commute one way to CC. He still doesn't have his license because each time he gets going practising his driving, he goes away and things happen like his permit expires. That means I do the driving. Which I have to do some of the time anyway because his younger brother has to go in the same direction. I'm hoping it all sort of works out ok in the end, even though I don't really see how at the moment and we're down to only 2 more days before it all starts. I'm definately ostriching. Fortunately, they are nice choices to have, so I'll probably not be too worried over them when I get untired again. These things do have a way of working out if you leave them to the last minute, unlike other sorts of choices.



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We're still reeling from sending the oldest off to college, so I'm waiting a few weeks before we start working on apps for him. He's picked a place he wants to go, and we have some other ideas, too, but he has his heart set on one particular place, so it is rather scary. He wants to apply early decision. How early is early decision? Are people really sending in apps now, in Sept.? It sounded like it from this post?


You can check with the college that would be his first choice school and find out what their early decision deadline is. There are also several kinds of 'early decision'. There's true early decision, which means that, if accepted, he withdraws any other applications and will attend that school. Then there's early action, which is non-binding (that's the one that's offered at my daughter's 1st choice school).


Usually early decision / early action deadlines are in October or November, which means that everything related to the application is due in by that date (transcripts, recommendation letters, transcripts, test scores, etc.)

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Our eldest is graduating this year. She's doing a mix of things this year - one Potter's School course, a We the People government class, an on-line writing class, several classes with me, and is also helping to coach speech & debate this year.


She actually just completed her first college class this summer and did very well. Wow, has she matured nicely over the past several years! :)


She has narrowed her college list to around 7 or 8 possibilities, and is anxious to apply "yesterday". She put pressure on me to produce her transcript (yikes, it's only late August, I told her! :glare:) last week. But on the positive side of things, I was able to do a preliminary/rough draft transcript using Transcript Pro software. Now I just need to fine tune it and figure out what additional information to send with the summary transcript.


I'm not worried about her getting in to the schools, since she's focusing on good schools but not ridiculously selective ones. What I'm already starting to stress about . . . really stress about . . . is paying for college! Anybody else?


What an exciting year! To think that this time next year she'll be in college!!



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I'm not worried about her getting in to the schools, since she's focusing on good schools but not ridiculously selective ones. What I'm already starting to stress about . . . really stress about . . . is paying for college! Anybody else?




This is us, too, except that my son isn't so gung ho about getting the applications done. He has made some progress and is working on a rough draft of his second essay, though. I've got a rough transcript together, but I still need to put in some hours on that. He is probably applying to a mix of 5 - 7 schools, and we are hoping for some scholarships, too.


He starts tomorrow at the cc and is a bit nervous about that. I've been praying for good teachers and a great experience for him there.



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I'm pretty sure you are the one who told me to try not to worry about my older one's slower learning style, that you had one like that who had done fine in CC. Mine got 4.0s in last year's classes! A great relief! We'll see how the chem and the pre-calc go this year. I'm worried about them, but not any more than I was worried about the composition last year, and that worked out fine GRIN. Anyway, what you said was very comforting at the time, a thread of hope to cling to, and I just wanted to say thank you again.


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