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Exercise Thread ~ November 2nd-8th


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Slache--We are on P90X3. Just started the third month. It is so hard. I did Insanity but I'm a cardio girl so Insanity was easy compared to this for me--but my partner definitely prefers P90s.


I want to get T25, have you tried it?

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Went to the rock climbing gym for an hour and a half last night. Walked the 1.5km there and back as well just for a little extra.


Anyone use (adjustable) dumbbells in their workouts? I was thinking of picking up a pair so I have something versatile to use at home but would be interested in other's thoughts. (Looking at the Bowflex SelectTech 552 since they're #1 on comparaboo and it's a name I know)

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I haven't been posting, sorry.


Yesterday I went for a 1 hour  walk. Some days I just can't find the gumption to run...but then I complain walking is too slow and boring :lol:


DH left this morning for Charleston, and I have been awake since 4:45 when I took him to the airport. I hope that helps me sleep better tonight while he is gone. I don't sleep well to begin with and when he is gone it is a total mess.

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Love hearing about all the different workouts. Yesterday was supposed to be a day off for me but I ended up doing an hour hike around the lake with our new pup. No steep hills but enough gentle inclines that it felt like a mild workout. Sustained movement for an hour's gotta count for something, right?


I recently bought new running shoes as my Keen sandals weren't keeping my feet warm enough. I love them! I'll use them today on my hill hike. Plus some gentle yoga. And hanging which oddly I'm really feeling in my lower back.

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Time for new shoes, Lisa. :)



Today was more kettlebell.  Lots of lunge variations today, as well as snatch to negative (which is a great exercise) and high pulls.  I also did the "abs of steel". On the DVD, she used a skateboard, but we don't have one, so I did everything on my stability ball.  Every time I use that thing, I'm reminded how weak my core is.  It is so hard to see strength gains in my core. I know it's happening, but it's a slow process.  


I hope to get a short walk in later while my son is at his piano lesson, and I'm also planning on some yin later, targeting my hips.  I did get to so about 20 minutes of yin/restorative last night.  It felt good, but didn't help me calm down before bed as I had hoped. :(  My late night on Monday (we get home 9:45) makes it hard to sleep well.  

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Went to the rock climbing gym for an hour and a half last night. Walked the 1.5km there and back as well just for a little extra.


Anyone use (adjustable) dumbbells in their workouts? I was thinking of picking up a pair so I have something versatile to use at home but would be interested in other's thoughts. (Looking at the Bowflex SelectTech 552 since they're #1 on comparaboo and it's a name I know)


I just got a pair. I love them! However, I got the PowerBlock because it's what Fitness Blender recommends. Since I love them I figured I'd go with their rec. 

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Slache--We are on P90X3. Just started the third month. It is so hard. I did Insanity but I'm a cardio girl so Insanity was easy compared to this for me--but my partner definitely prefers P90s.


I want to get T25, have you tried it?

I've done Cathy Smith, Tae Bo, P90X twice, P90X3, and now Insanity. My husband did a T25 and says it would be a major downgrade. If you're bored I would do a hybrid. Insanity plyo and pure with P90X arms and yoga? Or take a kickboxing class! That would be fun. If P90X3 is hard maybe you should do it again? Muahahaha.


Your poll irritated me. I never realized that I'm sore that often until I really thought about it. So thanks.  :p




Insanity 12/60.

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How is Heidan Yodan?

Is UGHHH for an answer descriptive enough? We ended up doing Thai Combo's last night and never got to Katas. I'm hoping my 12 yo can bring me up to speed today. Unfortunately last night towards the end of class I felt something sinister pull/pop in my left thigh.


I skipped kettle bell and iced it- and am going to take a full rest day and hope, hope, hope that it's just a small pull. It doesn't hurt this morning but I feel a bit different in that leg. Sigh.


This may be TMI but I have noticed that right before my cycles I am more susceptible to torn muscles. Anyone else experience that?

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Skipping my workout today, which frustrates me.  My cold has taken a turn for the worse, and just sweeping the floor is making me overheat and sweat.  My body should not do, "10 minutes of intensity" followed by 30 to 45 minutes of yoga.  I hate being sick.:(  


Reishy, I hope iceing it helps and that it's fine tomorrow. 


I have more injuries when I'm tired, but I haven't noticed it with my cycles.  

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Kim and Reishy  and Snickerdoodle~take care of yourselves.  It is so irritating when our bodies don't read our agenda.


Yesterday I took as a rest day since I was shoeless  :laugh:  I borrowed my dd's sneakers today and ran but I wasn't used to them and tripped.  I bet that looked spectacular to anyone watching.  I now have a skinned knee, a bum hip and a very muddy running outfit. :glare: Dh gets paid on Friday so I'm going to go get some shoes for Pete's sake.  

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I borrowed my dd's sneakers today and ran but I wasn't used to them and tripped.  I bet that looked spectacular to anyone watching.  I now have a skinned knee, a bum hip and a very muddy running outfit.




:grouphug:   That spectacular moment when it flashes through your mind,  "Why am I doing this to myself?"



Skillwork, stretch, roll.  

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I've never posted here, but I do read from time to time to pick up workout tips and ideas. I think it was here that I learned about Fitness Blender on youtube (I think I have Mom-ninja to thank for that).


What I wanted to say was I just start taking a yoga class and, wow, was I sore the next day, each time! And I work out with weights on a regular basis and teach a Cross Fit class for homeschooled teens, so it's not like my muscles never get worked. I have tried yoga before on my own and thought it was boring. But I love doing the class! There are parts of it that are way more challenging for me than Cross Fit. Now I'm hooked! I even bought myself a block so I can practice some of the balance poses on my own at home.

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I skipped Wednesday but today I did Complex Upper and it was crazy. Just crazy. Though I will say this: when I started Beachbody videos, I could not do one push-up and now I can do plyo push-ups. I am VERY proud of myself. Someday, I will do a hand-clap push-up. Maybe when I'm 40.

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Is UGHHH for an answer descriptive enough? We ended up doing Thai Combo's last night and never got to Katas. I'm hoping my 12 yo can bring me up to speed today. Unfortunately last night towards the end of class I felt something sinister pull/pop in my left thigh.


I skipped kettle bell and iced it- and am going to take a full rest day and hope, hope, hope that it's just a small pull. It doesn't hurt this morning but I feel a bit different in that leg. Sigh.


This may be TMI but I have noticed that right before my cycles I am more susceptible to torn muscles. Anyone else experience that?


Thanks for the description. I don't notice pain before my period because I'm in such a pissy mood.


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My shortened hill hike was accompanied by two dogs which makes for a slightly different focus. The one hill we hiked is steep enough for me to feel it though. Later I did a pilates video called 'East into Pilates' available on amazon streaming, free if you're a prime member. I really liked this, a combination of pilates and yoga, gentle but with enough challenge for me to feel it. I'll be adding this to the roster. Also got some hanging in.

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What I wanted to say was I just start taking a yoga class and, wow, was I sore the next day, each time! And I work out with weights on a regular basis and teach a Cross Fit class for homeschooled teens, so it's not like my muscles never get worked. I have tried yoga before on my own and thought it was boring. But I love doing the class! There are parts of it that are way more challenging for me than Cross Fit. Now I'm hooked! I even bought myself a block so I can practice some of the balance poses on my own at home.

Can I ask what type of yoga you're doing? You seem to share my workout styles and I would love to get into yoga, but every time I try I would prefer to have an ingrown toenail removed.







Insanity 15/60 & 100 Push Up Challenge.

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