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gifts for young teens


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For our oldest (now 23, oh my goodness!), we followed along with his interests.  At that age, he didn't want kid toys so much as older kid toys.  He loved Make magazine and tools/supplies to build projects, tiny figurines to paint (I think his were Lord of the Rings, as the movies had just come out), intricate models.  Funny t-shirts, think geek type items, funny boxers, pajama pants and slippers.  Books, of course, and magazine subscriptions.  I think that was about the age he asked for his last big Lego kit, too.  Music and movies were good, too.  There was a definite transition period, but we just followed along with his interests.


By 16 or so, he really wanted clothes and other things, and we knew - because he told us.  By that age, there were some DVD sets (TV shows) that he wanted, too.  

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I've given used items as gifts to my children--music and sports equipment, books, lego, dresses for my daughters. We try to cultivate a culture of recycling and reusing; we talk about each item having a history, about the true cost of each item and how they are made. If it is an item my kids truly want, they don't care a bit that it's used.


However, I wouldn't give such an ordinary item as sweat pants as a gift, even new. Unless they were in my child's favorite color, favorite brand, and somehow special in some other way. Otherwise, sweat pants are just bought and given.


Sweat pants aren't really a gift unless you know for sure the recipient will be excited about them, no matter how nicely you wrap it. I feel differently about socks and pajamas--they can be fun, cozy gifts. Sweat pants? Maybe I'm not imagining them right.

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We did clothes, books (interests), dvds (always a hit and still are, esp for ds film guy), weights and workout stuff, and later, things for the car (cleaning kit, battery charger, fix-a-flat can, new mats, etc.--just for the future, as it'll come up on you faster than you think!).

For dd, we will do clothes, earrings, books, nail polish/bath stuff/cologne, new pillow/decorative pillows for her bed, and things specific to her interests, such as arrows (she enjoys backyard archery) and a book of piano songs. Our kids always give us a list.

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Someone once told me my kids like weird gifts. (foot lockers, backpacks, foldable shovels, flint sticks). This is what they asked for so this is what I got them.


If they are interested in something then I get gifts to go along with that interest. Most of the time they point out what they like\want.


Other gifts at that age have been

metal dector ...just prepare to have your yard dug up

camera -- simple point and shot, not expensive one

survival bags

Nerf guns

air soft guns or accessories

workout stuff - weights, bands,mats, etc.


remote control car

board\card games


special food or candy they don't often get

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Haha! My guys got little Lego kits in their stockings til they were about 16. After buying a decade's worth of Lego for Christmas, it was hard to stop!


I think my older kids were 11, 12, 13 when their tastes turned to electronics. It was about then that they also started appreciating clothing as gifts. My youngest is different, she's been around the older ones long enough to have an earlier appreciation for big kid stuff; at 10 she's past toys, still likes games, asks for electronics that I'm not willing to give her yet... She's going to be a challenge this year.

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I thought of something else: Airsoft.  We didn't give any Airsoft or paintball stuff (we don't do gun toys, DH is firm on that one), but DS always asked for/and received it from his bio-mom, to use at her house.  If that's something you're open to, it might work.

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For my boys non-toy gifts included:

comic books (we already have Calvin & Hobbes so we got them Zits or Pearls Before Swine)

Wacom tablet

backpack (asked for)

new chair for computer desk (also asked for)

fun food like Virgil's cream soda

movie or music


I think early teens was about when we transitioned too. Ds's are 19 and 16 this year and have both asked for socks. Granted they want particular socks, not the big pack of Hanes from wally world but still . . . socks. :P

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It all depends on what their current interests and hobbies are, and also, what they might need.  As they get older, we'll usually get them an item of clothing that they really need -- like, new mittens, a new winter jacket, etc.  A new book is always a hit.  And then a hobby-type item or two, depending on what their interests are (and what we could afford, which really varied from year to year).  For example, a new sleeping bag, a knitting kit, a chemistry set.  We did get a couple of our kids guitars over the years.  They were used guitars, but it didn't matter to them at all.  They were so happy to get them!  Once we got our son a sponsorship of a wolf.  It was a particular interest of his at the time, and they would send him monthly updates on "his" wolf!  It was during a time when they were endangered.  Sometimes we'll give a new game, but that's for the whole family.

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